Melchionda Networks Telos Coin interview part 3 – Piggybank 2.0, Tangent TELOS Cards, Greenbox, and a bit more.

Melchionda Networks Telos Coin interview part 3 – Piggybank 2.0, Tangent TELOS Cards, Greenbox, and a bit more.

And part 3 of the interview happened last night, this time they talked about Piggy Bank, Tangent TELOS Cards, Greenbox and after those also mentioned and a bluephone a bit. Video also shows what was known already long before, that even Dev follows TELOSNEWS.COM to keep himself up-to-date on what is happening with his projects.

Now my Germany is really failing me when it comes to the competition they are running there. You can check the rules to attend the competition from first parts video, but as far as I misunderstood, winner was supposed to be told in next video, or in this last video, which it obviously wasn’t since competition is still going and as far as I misunderstood it, it would be announced on next video, which puzzles me greatly since I don’t think they mentioned anything about more videos coming, unless they perhaps mean they are planning to make an English version of the same three-part video, which I saw as a rumor at one point.

So who knows, maybe we will still today see part 1 of English-language version of the same?

Anyway, if you are not speaking German, you can check instructions from this earlier article on how to turn on Youtubes about decedent auto-translator, which didn’t help me figure out when the competition winner will be announced.

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