Month: November 2021

Transcendence takes over Klimatas (KTS) coin

You might have noticed that one of the Pools in Bitdorado Turkey is Klimatas (KTS) coin.

Well, about two weeks ago this Coin has been taken over by Transcendence, or, to be more precise, by Pascal and BitCoin_Bond_007, meaning in practice it will be part of Transcendence now, although technically perhaps not exactly.

Original Klimatas coin, as the name already suggested, had to do with environmental values, mainly focusing on sustainable development, and concretely they for example had this idea about a Cryptoforest, which meant that through blockchain technology, you were able to plant real trees.

Drawing connections between dots, their whitepaper mentioning it took a year for them to get EU regulations done and their final message to their community after the change in leadership, it gives me a picture that Pascal’s way of preparing for all the future EU regulations first as a foundation have been the right choice since seems like trying to figure out how to get those regulations in place in practice was what pretty much killed Klimatas old leadership. that instead of being able to focus on getting more trees to the world, they had to focus on how to get those regulations in place for those things you make from trees that tend to make people happy when they get and use them.

New Klimatas will likely change its focus a bit. It will still be a do-good coin, but instead of focusing on planting new trees and stuff, Klimatas will likely take its focus more towards kids and young people, this according to a discussion I had with BitCoin_Bond_007.

The integration to the Transcendence world has basically already started even before the takeover since as mentioned at beginning of this news item, you have been able to join Klimatas Pool through Bitdorado Turkey for some time already.

In addition, after Telos upcoming change to full POS, blueboxes won’t be able to run Telos master nodes anymore, since there won’t be any master nodes in Telos anymore, instead, blueboxes are planned to start running Klimatas master nodes. Hence, if you own one of the blueboxes, you are already without doing anything getting yourself involved with Klimatas coin.

And Klimatas (KTS) coin will also be accepted as a payment option when buying a bluebox.

According to BitCoin_Bond_007, There are plans to integrate KTS in the future for even more to the Transcendence ecosystem, but right now this is where it starts from.

Ares Computer not currently selling to Europe, except to Germany.

In a funny twist with German laws and bureaucracy, we are now facing a situation where Ares is not selling to Europe anymore, except for Germany.

So if you reside either in Germany or somewhere else in the world but in Europe, you can still continue buying from Ares Computer normally. But for rest of the Europe, it is a no-go for now.

Based upon Pascal’s comments, this situation is likely going to change sometime at the beginning side of the next year.

Warning – A fake Telos Telegram group

Imitation is the highest form of flattery they say, and now there exists a fake Telos Telegram group by the name of “Teloscoin Official Chat”:

And by looks of it, it looks like they are scamming people’s coins for themselves.

It is good to remember that the real Telos Telegram group doesn’t sound so official actually, but is actually just called Teloscoin aka Transcendence Blockchain.

Votings ended – New Telos Fundamentals set

A week ago votings about some of the Telos fundamentals ended and we now have a full list of Telos version 4 fundamentals that based upon a Twitter comment should come in effect at some point in December.

As far as I can see, voting results stayed, at least seemingly, exactly the same as they were when I wrote the news item about the votings.

This means that while the option of having only 300K collaterals on Master Nodes was a clear winner, that didn’t really matter since another voting result about POS/MN split was that Telos will move to full POS which means that there won’t be any Master Nodes any more, and hence no collateral for them either.