Category Archive : Mining

About PARAcoin and minting/staking it in Bitdorado

First the bad news, your each TELOS in addition becoming also one PARA is no more.

Right when, not so long ago, we were happily celebrating our bunch of PARAs coming with the coming of PARA Explorer, it is no more, but the plan has changed.

See why I tend to categorize these as rumor articles since you never know when everything changes until they really are there, which I actually pretty much thought they were with the existence of Explorer, but seems you can’t trust even that yet.

This turn of events was a bit unfortunate. All this time I told people I knew to stick to TELOS since they are about to receive PARAs in addition to their TELOS, but now in a sudden turn in one short announcement, this changed.

Now the good news however is, that you can still get PARAs, and you still need TELOS to get them.

In addition, it is likely that PARAs are going to be making quite a nice Profit Yield, especially now that some of the original plans that bit worried me are gone and replaced with new ones, or at least looks like it, for I am not sure at all what is the plan with PARAs exactly currently, hence also the status of rumor article for this one too, since what I am about to tell you, is very much a guess game, and either might be wrong or could change by tomorrow.

So how to get these precious PARAs?

Well, first of all, you need an account in Bitdorado, for that is the only place where you can currently mint PARAs.

When you have an account in Bitdorado, you also need TELOS, and some other coin, and they both need to be in Coin & Growth pools.

The system is that you pick how many Euros worth of PARAs you want, and each PARA is one EURO. So you could for example pick 10 EUROs worth of TELOS and 10 EUROs worth of XBTX, and it would result in 20 EUROs worth of PARAs, which is 20 PARAs.

And these TELOS and XBTX would then be reduced from your Coin & Growth pools.

Now do notice it is 10 EUROs worth of TELOS and XBTX, which means with the current market price around 2000 XBTX and about the same amount of TELOS, just to get 10 PARA coins, so with the current low price of XBTX, it really is not worth it to use XBTX, but to rather use some other coin to pair with TELOS.
It is always TELOS and some other coin of the same EUR amount, so you can’t avoid using your TELOS for them.

However, that isn’t necessarily that bad, for this is very much a guess from me, but if I understood right, PARAs value at least partially is dependent upon the value of the coins you use to mint them. That they might be somehow attached to them.

So while TELOS might be a bit low, when in the future TELOS however goes higher, so will PARAs value too, so you might not lose any TELOS value by changing them to PARAs, since PARAs value might be attached to TELOS value to quite a high extent.

Now, what else determines PARAs value, or to what is it even used for, I have no clue. I have completely missed that part of the information and I don’t seem to be only one feeling somewhat confused about what PARA is and other things related to it, but seems like everyone else is minting their PARAs same way as I am, with the point that it is coming from Pascal, so its probably worth getting some at beginning to yield the best profits, although, that reminds me, Pascals original pricing for TELOS was 7 Euro cents…

But, when it comes to PARA, there is a high yield. How much profit it yields depends upon how many coins there are. More coins, less profit. How exactly does that work, your guess is as good as mine.

I just know that when I first time checked that PARA staking page in Bitdorado, it showed over 85 000 percent profit yield per year, and now in a very short time (due to minting) it has already dropped to 10 000 percent APY, and will expectedly drop still much more, but I do guess it will even eventually make a quite nice profit even it will still, of course, drop huge amounts from the current one.

However, do notice there is a bit of a trick here in this APY, for it can easily fool you to look like much higher than it is. Or, it is what it is in APY, but monthly APY is totally different thing. For by quick look I was myself too looking that wow, I will 100 x my PARAs in just one month, but actually, Bitdorado calculates APY based upon Cumulative interest. And when you look it through Cumulative interest, the higher the monthly profit, the multiplicatively higher the APY.

So for example, lets take 100 percent profit a month (that is double the amount each month), when we look this cumulatively, we notice it goes: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1 600, 3 200, 6 400, 12 800, 25 600, 51 200, 102 400, 204 800.

By other words, if you have 100 percent yield per month, then the APY (Annual Profit Yield) is 204 800 percent, which is more than at beginning mentioned 85 000 APY.

From this you can notice, that your money wont be multiplied by 100, or even by 10 in just one month, but actually, it is going to be less than doubled.

However, even with the 10 000 APY, we are still talking of a monthly number of close to 50 percent, so not so bad. And Actually, even with 1 000 APY, we would still be talking of a number of close to 25 percent monthly interest, which still isn’t bad at all, add to this the potential value rise of PARA, and you might actually get your 10 x multiplication or something in somewhat a short time, Could be, still during this year.

Wanna get to the next newest profit yielding thing? PARA is probably the way to go.

Dashboard Voting about adding a Lottery block

Dashboard has interesting voting going on that will end a week later on the 23rd of September.

The idea is about adding a lottery block each month.

This means that the regular reward would be the current 25 new coins per block, but once a month there would come a block that would yield 300 000 Coins to the one who gets it.

Since this is not actually a Lottery, but a blockchain feature, no Lottery laws apply to this, but only regular mining rules.

There are only two options, “Yes” and “No”, and currently only 2 votes have been cast, both for the “Yes”-option.

Whether you wish to show your support or disagreement to the suggestion, you may do so for the price of 50 Telos per vote.

New Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) mining profitability calculator

Last Friday, discord username Taperj from pool posted a link to XBTX Mining Profitability Calculator that he had himself coded for everyone to use:

This is a very handy tool for everyone thinking of mining XBTX.

Just put all the details there and you can instantly see if you are on the winning or losing side, and how much, or you can also use this to speculate in a way that if the price of XBTX or BTC is this, then how much would I gain if I will mine for a year.

Nice touches are that Network Hashrate, XBTX Price, and BTC price are updated automatically. Only thing missing from this is that it doesn’t give an option to see the profit result in Telos, as in what if you sell XBTX against Telos instead of some inferior coin like Bitcoin.

Even if you are not concretely interested in Mining yourself, you could still use this to check for example the profits of Peertoros XBTX Mining Lifetime packages. However, before you get overly excited, notice that the calculator and Peertoro use different measurement units. Mining calculator uses H/s (Hash per second) while Peertoro uses H/m (Hash per minute), this means that to convert H/m into H/s, you need to divide the H/m number by 60. Therefore for example the lowest powered lifetime package of 6200 H/m, becomes roughly 103 H/s.

MiningPoolStats updated Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) pools list

Username AI in discord tipped that MiningPoolStats have updated their list of Bitcoin Subsidium Pools and now there is much better idea of where all the hash power to Bitcoin Subsidium mining is coming from.

Here is how the stats looked there on the 5th of August this year:

Gaia CryptoPAD announced for sale

I am no expert on Pads, hence I am not even going to try to give you detailed info on whether this is better/worse than Kindle, Ipad, or any of the less than 50 Euro pads from markets.

I can just suppose that this is made to last better than those cheap Pads, and probably also has more power, for since part of the idea is to run Master Node in this, and it should be even suitable for mining – I suppose at the same time, then it can’t be ultimately unpowerful to be able to do so like the cheap market Pads to my knowledge are.

Gaia CryptoPAD has been a long way coming, already mentioned in the Telos discord channel in 2019, and now is finally here in that you can start buying them and deliveries start already roughly a month later, estimation being at the end of this month.

What Gaia CryptoPAD offers compared to other Pads is that it is aimed at Crypto stuff. Hence it will be suitable for running master nodes, as well as all Transcendence stuff, like keeping Dashboard open for 24/7 and even kept beside your bedside turned on to show what is happening in dashboard continuously, which is actually the reason why Dashboard was designed with its Orange color theme since it has been noticed that orange color display doesn’t bother the sleep the same as for example blue colors would.

For the first 100 CryptoPAD orders, there is some special included:

First is the 100k Telos coins that you can use to set up your master node to run with your CryptoPAD.

Another bonus is that first 100 CryptoPADs will also include a random standard card deck for Cryptomages.

How much worth is this standard Cryptomages deck is difficult to say since this is the first time I hear it being announced that this standard deck can be bought at all.

Naturally, the idea would be that when you buy CryptoPAD you would eventually make a profit – two different ways this time. If the price of Telos jumps back to 1 cent for example, you would already be on the winning side with the included Telos coins. Although you could argue that for the price of CryptoPAD you could already at current price buy more than 200k Telos Coins, wait for the 1 cent price, sell 100k away, and you would have more than the cost of CryptoPAD in Euros in your hand, and in addition, have the 100K still left for the CryptoPAD, making you be in an even better position than by directly buying CryptoPAD you had been.

But mystery is still if the value of those Cryptomages card deck is worth how much now and in the future, and will they even be available through any other method than through this.

To see more about technical details about the device, check these pictures about it and also the selling pages, notice also the docking deck in the article’s main picture which is optional to buy.

As it is meant to be your Cryptodevice on the go, making all things Crypto possible with it, it even includes a Fingerprint scanner so you could carry it around as your wallet that includes both your coins and all the NFT stuff, like Cryptomages NFT cards, and even if you would lose it or someone steals it, they couldn’t access your valuables that simple yet.

Or, you could also use it as your Point-of-Sale device which would accept both Crypto and FIAT payments, so when compared that at least here you need to pay several tens of euros a month from a card reader machine, and this is just a one-time payment, it could well be worth as an alternative or additional device to your card readers for your business, especially to prepare for the Crypto payments future.

The price of Gaia CryptoPAD depends upon where you buy it from. Roughly price is somewhat shy of 1 000 Euros when taxes are included in the price. If ordering to outside of the EU, you could get it even as low as only 750 Euros the cheapest version when taxes are not included. The optional Docking station will cost roughly 100 Euros more with taxes included.

Currently there should be three places where you can order them from, although one of the places I couldn’t confirm to be actually selling them.

Halal Solutions sells Gaia CryptoPAD for 899 and 999 Euros (with dock), probably excluding Taxes and from Halal Solutions you can only buy with FIAT money.

To buy with Crypto Currencies, you can turn towards, which is selling Gaia CryptoPAD for 755,46 and 839,50 Euros (with dock), excluding taxes.

The third place to buy, probably for Germans only would be, but at least when I checked its shop, I couldn’t find Gaia CryptoPAD from there, so what is the price, or is it even available, I cant confirm, I can just say that Halal Solutions sale page mentions Peerschweinchen as one of the places to buy Gaia CryptoPAD with Cryptocurrencies.

Zpool mining platform added Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) as one of the minable coins is a mining pool where you can mine over 150 different coins currently, and that is not the only catch, but they have this auto mining feature where idea is that they keep automatically on your behalf switching between these over 150 coins based upon which one is most profitable to mine at any time, which is one way to try to guarantee your mining profits are maximum.

Of course we know that is not true anymore since now they have added Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) to the list of minable coins and whenever they switch away from mining Bitcoin Subsidium, you lose. After all, 1 Bitcoin Subsidium today, is 10 000 Bitcoins tomorrow.

But, luckily they do have an option where you can ask your mining profits to be paid in Bitcoin Subsidium, even if you are mining some other coin, so perhaps it will yield you the max profits after all since maybe some insignificant coin like Bitcoin will temporarily gain more than Bitcoin Subsidium, but it will then be used to buy Bitcoin Subsidium with its current price, yielding you more than with mining. After all, everyone’s wanting their piece of new XBTX and hence are mining Bitcoin Subsidium, so while the price might be best, competition might however be so fierce you get only a tiny bit of XBTX, and hence mining something else to get XBTX might result in best result.

Telos halving happened.

Teloscoin was basically expected to have a halving around Mid July, however, no one bothered to actually check it and to everyone’s surprise, halving actually happened two days ago already.

Why did this happen, I have no clue. I can only guess that either guy who coded the block height at which halving would happen did a miscalculation, or blocks are forming about 10 percent faster than they should.

Regardless, from now on each Telos block contains only 25 new Telos coins which are split as 7.5 to Staking and 17.5 to Masternodes.

To the moon!
– and beyond!

Virtual Piggybanks available from

When you put Piggybank to a cloud and get a Remote Desktop Access to it, what do you get?

Well, I admit I at first missed it myself since I was just looking that you are getting a Piggybank on a cloud with a remote access, which is exactly what it is, but what I missed at the start was that there is actually a more familiar name to this kind of access called Virtual Computer or Cloud Computer or Remote Access Computer or…

And when I realized that, I understood what a great deal here is on offer for Telos users.

For only roughly 100 Euros with the current Telos price, you are getting a lifetime Cloud Computer access. This is dirt cheap. Or I would actually argue more expensive than any other deal, for, after all, next day you could have sold those 35k Telos for 35K Euros. So you decide if it’s dirt cheap or extortion. Is it 100 euro bargain or 35K Euros of lost profit.

A couple of years ago I was myself looking at getting a Remote Access Virtual Computer since I was having difficulty getting connected to some specific websites, and on holiday vacation we noticed the vacation place had an excellent connection to those websites, so I started looking at getting Virtual computer from that precise location, and I did find they were for rent, but the price was much more than the one-time payment of 100 euros, for it was much more than that each year.

If you are asking from me, this a real killer deal for anyone already owning one of the Telos products that lower the price to 35K Telos in case you are looking for a Remote Virtual Computer access. I would have jumped to a deal like this couple of years ago had one like this been available.

In addition to this Virtual Computer, you could use this simpler way too. For one thing you could do is to simply use this as a wallet for different coins.

The good thing about this is that what I have learned when using my own Windows machine as a wallet, sometimes something might cause some unexpected behavior, for example, my Antivirus decided to automatically erase my wallet.dat file, since it decided it was a suspicious file (I guess it figured Telos price was suspiciously lower than it should be). Well, good thing I had a backup, except it deleted that one too. But luckily I had also one file named differently than wallet.dat, and that one my antivirus didn’t recognize.

Anyway, that is just an example of what could happen, and one way to likely prevent something like that is to use Virtual Piggybank as your wallet machine.

And as long as you don’t use it for anything else but as a wallet, you are likely going to be able to avoid all the hackers getting into your computer to steal your wallet.dat files, etc.

So it can be pretty good solution from security point of view as well.

Not to mention that part of the service is that every 30 days there will be a backup done of your virtual piggybank, so even if something nasty would happen, you wouldn’t lose more than 30 days of stuff done (although I still recommend you make backups for yourself manually too, especially since the newest auto backup will replace the previous one always)

The next possibility, which is also interesting from a cost point of view, is that you can actually use this to mine some coins the same way you can use the previous Piggybanks that were sent to you.

This means that basically you could buy this already just in case you happen to ever need a virtual computer, and while waiting for that, simply use it for mining, and at point you finally need a virtual computer, you might have actually made more money back than you ever used to buy it.

All in all, a very interesting product for many different needs, even at start it doesn’t seem like much. Just another piggybank until you realize it isn’t.

Now do notice couple of things however.

First of all. Sad thing is, if you do use this as your wallets, it, unfortunately, works the same as with your home computers in that you do need to update the wallets yourself. ARES will simply provide you with Piggybank and access to it, but other than that, for security reasons, they won’t be able to touch your virtual machine, so you have to touch it yourself, including updating your wallets.

But at least Virtual Piggybank does come preinstalled with XBTX and TELOS wallets, so the first time installation is saved from you.

Also, the Operating system is Ubuntu 20, which might be good or bad, depending on your taste. I would myself have preferred AEROS.

But other than that. What a great deal!

The pricing starts from 35K or 150K Telos. Idea is, if you don’t own any Telos product suitable for discount (Piggybank, Bluebox) then the price is 150K Telos.

If you do however own Bluebox or Piggybank, then the price is only 35K Telos (dirt cheap, except of course you are losing huge profits that you would have got by selling those Telos a week later).

There are currently three different options. Piggybank S, M, and L, S giving the least and L naturally the most.

S is 35K/150K and includes 2.6 GB Ram and 60 GB Hard Disk space and 1 Virtual Core,

While L version is 80k/250K and offers 8GB Ram and 250 Gb Hard Disk Space and 2 Virtual Cores.

35K is actually not even the cheapest price, but there are some other discounts available too, like if you are a Bitdorado Premium Member. But you can find more details about those from Virtual PiggyBanks order page, where you should anyway have hurried up already at halfway this article. article “The Transcendence Project Introduces a Highly Efficient VIM3-based Crypto Miner, More in Store”

a Third one have already joined in lifting up their medias quality by releasing Telos VIM3-board article, actually about a week ago already.

About the previous two you can read about from here, and here.

Basically this is more of the same as the previous two, but refreshingly, each place has its own unique version of the story, and this third one is actually best of all the three, probably thanks to our dear Mod Tybiboune giving some last minute final touches to the article to make it slightly better than it originally wasn’t.

Anyway, if you like to learn as much as you can about the Special Edition VIM3-board, this one is well worth a read again.

One more Teloscoin fork still coming in 2020

Pascal have announced we are going to be getting one more Telos fork by end of this year still. Why exactly haven’t been told, but my guess is because there seems to be one exploit in current fork that have been taken advantage of.

You might want me to tell you what it is, but actually I am not technical enough to know it exactly. Hence I don’t even try, besides, less people know about it the better.

Now due to this fork going to be done, it also gives us a chance to change some of the Telos fundamentals, and Pascal is already suggesting changing Masternode Tiers from current 100k/300k/1M/3M/10M to 30k/100K/300K/1M/3M.

Due to this fork happening so soon in future, it is unlikely that there will come actual voting about any of the changes this time, but Pascal have informed people to come and talk to Community Discord Channel about changes if they wish to suggest something or give their opinion about possible changes.

Cryptocompare article “Teloscoin Founder Launches Optimized CPU Mining Product” have took a notch up on quality of their articles by releasing an article about Teloscoin.

Sadly it seems it takes a sponsored article to make them finally write something worth writing about, but regardless, they finally did it, they wrote something worth reading.

The article mainly tells about VIM3 boards, which all the good news medias have of course already reported about a long time ago, but it also gives some brief mentions of other Telos things, so well worth a read.

Vim3 based custom board for mining from

Someone threw a good idea, Pascal catched it, and only a couple of days later the land of Telos has a new product for people to throw their easy or hard-earned money at.

CPU mining is its own thing, and just like with your grandfathers Bitcoin ASIC Miners, it is always a question of Power Efficiency as in Power vs Energy consumption. However, unlike in Great Grandfathers Bitcoin machines, modern day CPU coins dont aim at getting Super Computer worth of power with a dedicated Nuclear Powerplant, but it is rather a quest for minimum Energy consumption with Maximum calculation power output.

For this Raspberry Pis and the rest have always been in miners interest, and while they are making more powerful versions of these little power horses, price tends to get up a bit too.

One of the more interesting ones currently in the market is the Vim3 board, but the cost is around 150 Euros, hence making them being a bit on the expensive side of things for miners with alternatives.

However, Pascal is now going to be putting a special order of customized Vim3 boards specifically aimed at miners by stripping down all the unnecessary stuff for miners, and leaving mainly the stuff needed, and as it happens to be, this drops the price quite much, actually, all the way to make it less than 100 Euros a board already, and if more orders come, the price might drop even more.

And yes, that is the nice part, he is not ordering just for himself, but he gives a chance for anyone else to join the order too, and this way the price could drop even more if enough buyers show up.

Currently he is offering 6 different options:

Early Bird, Miner Edition, Miner XBTX Edition, Miner Teloscoin Edition, Miner NHS Edition, and Cluster Editions.

Since there is lot of confusion on discord about this offer, I like to point out first that there is only one version of the board. So regardless which Edition you buy, you will always end up getting the same customized vim3 board, and regardless of the version you buy, you will be able to do exactly same with any edition, with possibly one exception.

The first four options, Early Bird, Miner Edition, XBTX and TELOSCOIN editions are very much one and same thing, with only difference being the method of pay.

If you buy XBTX edition, you will pay with XBTX.

If you buy TELOSCOIN edition, you will pay with Teloscoin.

You buy Miner edition or early bird edition, and you will pay with something else than XBTX/TELOS, as example, with Euros.

Especially with basic Miner Edition and Early Bird edition, only difference is the price. Early Bird edition, as name suggests, is meant for those who order first, and at some point Early Bird editions will run out of stock.

By other words. You have no reason to buy regular Mining edition as long as Early Bird edition exists, unless you simply want to pay more.

With XBTX and Teloscoin editions, there is also additional perk. For these editions include a T-shirt of your choice, from Telos/XBTX T-shirts.

Therefore if you think whether to buy regular Miner Edition or XBTX/Teloscoin edition, choice is obviously XBTX/Teloscoin since price is same, yet you get T-Shirt on top. There is absolutely no reason to buy regular miner edition unless you for some reason dont want to touch XBTX/Teloscoin at all but just want to buy the machine and miss the T-Shirt.

In addition, Teloscoin Edition brings even more benefit.

First of all, you will get 3 percent discount when paying with Teloscoin, this means that except for the Early Bird and cluster options, Teloscoin Edition is the cheapest.

And better than 3 percent discount on price, is the option to have Colocation for free.

For those who dont know what colocation means, it means that you wont receive the machine home, but it will instead stay at offices ran by them, and they will even pay the electricity.

By other words, you dont lose any space and on top of that the board operates for free.

You can have colocation for other editions too but it will cost 50 Euros per board for them.

To put it in other way, Teloscoin edition is the nobrainer option from these editions since it is cheapest and on top offers even free colocation option, which is actually even more saving in sense that for every other edition, on top of the price you either pay colocation price or delivery to your home price. With Teloscoin edition you can save those by picking the free colocation. And even if you for some odd reason would at some point come to conclusion that colocation is not really for you, you can at that point ask them to send it to your home and pay the delivery price that you would have otherwise had to pay already before.

So no losses but only benefits from Teloscoin edition.

In addition to these 4 before mentioned editions, there are also 2 others.

First is the NHS edition.

NHS is Pascals NoHumanS, which I am not entirely sure what exactly it means in this case since as far as I know only Pascal owns any of them and hence I dont think it means the method of payment like with the other editions, but the price is around 10k Euros, and unfortunately, I am not able to tell any more about it, except it probably has to do with Pascals bot trading system where no humans are supposed to be involved, but only AI. But why the high price etc. no clue.

Second is the Cluster Editions.

Cluster edition means that you are buying at least 100 of these boards and they all work together. This is also why this option has a bit of extra price since it will take some work to set up and needs some equipment etc. to connect them all together. However, what makes this very appealing option is the colocation option, which is actually the only option for non-Germans, taking no space from you, and on top of that, Blueboxing will even pay for the electricity, meaning that theoretically you will one day be on the winning side just because of not needing to pay the electricity.

You could also choose to pay for example 100 or 200 VIM3 boards at once and get even more discount on the price. For example, buying 200 boards at once would drop the price by about another 10 percent compared to the early bird edition price.

For those interested in more technical details, including what have been left out of the board to make it cheaper, can check more from

From here

and here

also worth a read is this one here

And as a last thing, Pascal have said in discord that he is planning and hoping to make the order to the factory by end of this month, so you might not have even 2 weeks to make your order.
And what comes to ordering, when paying with cryptos, when you have finished your order you will receive automessage to confirm your order. After this you will have to wait until you will receive the actual invoice which will also tell you how many coins of your chosen cryptocurrency you are supposed to pay.

Notice however that if you are not using the free colocation option, then the delivery/colocation payment will be done on second step at order fulfilment part when boards actually arrive at instead of at order time.

Now hurry up if you want to get this great miner deal!