Category Archive : Telos Videos

New Greenbox marketing video released

Yesterday I mentioned that Pascal announced in discord that Telos marketing is about to switch a gear.

And two days ago I told you about a new marketing video released about Alexandria Proof of Storage.

Today I am telling you about another video released, this time about Greenbox.

I guess this is to show that marketing gear have changed.

This Greenbox video is available from Transcendence Blockchain Linkedin Account, which in itself is bit of a news item enough to mention that such a thing exists.

Video in short tells about Greenbox in short form, pointing out you can earn money and Co2 tokens at same time, and that your Co2 tokens can be even publicly seen, which can be enticing to companies wishing to show they have some other green values too than just the color of their money.

By other words, Greenbox saves the earth, makes you the good guy, and is something that any company should get one for themselves unless they are situated in North Korea. For after all, you just compare the satellite image of South and North Korea at evening and you can notice that while others talk and have Earth Hour once a year, North Korea keeps having Earth Hour every day all day long.

Buy plenty of Greenboxes and save the earth while making my Telos value high and me filthy rich. Earth, me, and the future generations thank you.

Transcendence surprise AMA session test

One day Pascal started talking about having an AMA session to get all the questions answered there and having fewer questions in Discord.

Now AMA, for those of you who don’t know what it means, means “Ask Me Anything”. (See how smart and knowledgeable I looked saying that when I first googled it myself a moment ago).

Regarding this, he suddenly without any advance notice asked people to come to a surprise AMA session test to see if it works.

And then he talked close to two hours, after which we have been waiting for an announcement about when the actual AMA session will be.

While waiting for that to happen, you, however, can watch the test AMA session where he answered a lot of questions about many a thing regarding Transcendence and its products and plans.

Transcendence AMA session test from 25th of Feb:

Biki Exchange video interview about Pascal and Telos

Biki Exchange has done a very nice interview video about Pascal regarding Telos.

While the Video starts bit slow (if you are impatient, consider skipping first 4-5 minutes), it is well worth watching since at point it finally starts getting to the point, it tells us even things we didn’t know before like Pascal tells a lot about Hive browser and related, including things not told publically before.

Other things he tells about in this Video are PiggyBank, Cryptomages, Kryptobay, AmiCloud, Bluebox, Access to Quantum Computers, Greenbox,

All in all, you could say that this video works as a very nice second part video for the Introduction to Telos video that we told you about in an earlier article since there is surprisingly little overlapping between these two videos and while the introduction video is mainly concentrating on things already here, this video tells a lot about things coming in near future.

Basically if you want to introduce someone to Telos, I would first show him the previous video, and right after that, this one:

copy-paste link:

New Video from Bitcoin For Beginners: “Under The Radar Crypto Coin With 40+ Use Cases! (Telos Coin Review 2020)”

For a long time I have been longing for a video to introduce people I know to Telos since it is a bit difficult to explain shortly.

As I saw this Bitcoin For Beginners Youtuber, I liked how he was able to explain other coins very well, and as he’s price was reasonable compared to others I asked from, I paid him to make one.

And here is the result, and not bad at all!

Keep spreading this video and show it to your friends to introduce them a bit about Telos. It is quite impossible to tell everything about Telos and lots of use cases are missing due to that, but this will work as a nice way to introduce Telos to people. At least I will be linking this to a couple of friends right away – You do the same.

In case you need an easy to copy-paste link to this video:

Melchionda Networks Top 2 Master nodes list showing Telos

Melchionda Network made a video showing his Top 2 favorite Master Node coins.

TELOSNEWS.COM thinks that showing just the Top 1- Telos, had been enough, but then again, some people prefer putting their money into more than just one project, so why not show them the second option too, which in this case is Polis.

Video shortly describes a bit about Telos, and then shows how to set up a Telos node using their

The video itself is actually pretty good in being a very useful instructional video to show how to set up your own master nodes (with their service), but unfortunately, it is in the German language again. I hope he makes an English version of this too one day.

However, Youtube does have the auto-translate option, which makes you be able to pretty much follow his instructions, especially since video is any way at the same time showing what he is doing. Of course, translation is not perfect however like translation insists on talking about Telescopes all the time.

Telos Video from a year ago

A video that seems to have escaped our attention, and already from a year ago?

This is why we need TELOSNEWS.COM which, had it been around a year ago already, would have told you already in time that there is such a video existing.

Right now it seems most Telos community members are not aware of this video at all.

So here you are, a Telos Video from a year ago which seems to be more relevant today than it was a year ago, as Cryptomages and Bitdorado mentioned in this video are only just about to be released now.

Krypto Friday with Pascal Papara

Well, well, well. It was only in last krypto friday news item that I suggested that you cant make Krypto Friday any better than by having Pascal Papara there, and obviously Krypto Friday understands that reading TELOSNEWS.COM is the best thing in the world to do when dealing with cryptos, and they took a hint and this time, or at least the ad seems to suggest that, Pascal Papara is a co-host in today’s Krypto Friday.

Next step, Pascal Papara show, but until that happens, you can get a sneak peek to it by watching today’s Krypto Friday, starting this time earlier than usual, a bit over ONE hour later already.

But do remember, they still keep talking the German language.

Krypto Friday ep 26 with Pascal Papara as a special quest.

A half regular or a special quest? It doesn’t matter, you cant get Kryptofriday any better than by having Pascal Papara in it.

Yep, it is time – 2 hours later to be more precise – for another quality episode of Kryptofriday, the program that’s only fault is that they tend to talk a bit too much German and much less English in it.

Usually the proportion between German-English language is around 100-0 percent, but luckily Youtubes auto-translate will help those with a lack of German-language skills. Sure, you might end up eating mirror eggs, but rose by any other name, or fried eggs, still taste the same.

Little bird sang, or not so little Pascal told, there would be some spontaneous updates about co-operations, listing stuff, and project status. well worth a look as live I suppose.

Melchionda Networks “Top Profitable Masternodes” – video naturally including Telos

It is always nice to see some quality journalism and Melchionda Network is doing it again with their Top Profitable Masternodes-video, which naturally includes the top profitable node – Telos in their list as well.

Unfortunately, video is once again in German-language only, so most have to rely on auto-translate to find out what he is talking about in that video.

All you need to know is that Telos belongs to top profitable master nodes, now you can still continue being ignorant about german language.