Month: March 2020

New Telos Fundamentals (voting is over)

Voting is over and we now have new Telos Fundamentals in place for next July’s mandatory fork, which will take place since some Fundamentals did change.

Votings decided Following:

  • Masternode/Staking split will stay the same
  • Rewards will decrease from 100 to 50 per block
  • Collateral was voted to change from current 5-tier system of 1k/3k/10k/30k/100k to 100k/300k/1kk/3kk/10kk (and just in case you didn’t know kk = Million, meaning biggest coming tier is 10 Million Telos)

These changes won’t come to effect until July when the Mandatory fork is done.

Voting itself was more lively than previous years voting.

Masternode/Staking Split was most of the time fight between keeping as it is (90/10) and 80/20 split, until in last days 10/90 split came and pushed itself to number one for a while, and then “keep it as it is” option started pushing itself with somewhat clear neck to becoming a winner.

The collateral change was for a long time in close to draw with two options until in last days the winning option took a long neck to the previous two and stayed unchallenged.

Change of Rewards was the closest call of them all. Right from the beginning clearly the favor was amongst either keep it as it is (100 per block) or reduce it to 50.
But while on last day, and not just last day, but last hour there were still couple of votes more on “keep it as it is”-option, it was only in last minutes that “reduce to 50” option finally got a couple of votes more than the “keep it as it is”. And yes, it was literally a matter of minutes, less than 5 minutes I think, as I was following it on last minutes.

The voting was so tight that even as I am writing this, there still seems to be dropping some votes there.

However, as far as I looked, at the moment the voting ended, situation was 48 votes for “reduce to 50 per block”, and 45 for “keep it as it is”, and a similar situation is even now in favor of “reduce to 50 per block”, still with few votes difference.

Anyway, as far as I have understood, game was over at 48-45 situation already, and all the votes cast after that don’t matter, but it is as it is.

For future reference, I also just in case took a screenshot of each voting result, although not exactly at the right time, but a bit after when I realized it might be necessary.

Reminder and update: Telos fundamentals votings about to end!

Tomorrow already, first voting regarding Telos fundamentals to be changed at Mandatory July fork will be ending.

To see more details about these votings, you can read from previous article in TELOSNEWS.COM.

While the first ones voting ends tomorrow, the other two votings will be ending three days later, so if you plan on voting on any of the changes, it is about time to do so, or you will be too late.

The current situation with votings is following:

Change of Stake and MN Split for TELOS 2.1.x, which is the one ending tomorrow, currently looks like it is going to be ending to be changed from 90/10 split to 80/20 split.

This option has 22 votes, which is a somewhat good difference compared to the next two options of: Keep things the same (14 votes) and 90/10 to 10/90 (10 votes).

However, since the difference is less than 10 votes, who knows what will still happen.

Change Collateral Split of Tiered Nodes is much more interesting right now, for it was only day or two ago when the situation was still very even, but today as I just moment ago checked, the situation has changed as ” Change to 100K/ 300K / 1KK / 3KK / 10KK  ” have suddenly got itself up to 34 votes

The next two favored options go quite close to each other with ” Keep them. ” having 9 votes, and ” Change to 1K/ 100K / 1KK/ 3KK / 10KK ” having 7 votes.

Personally I would have preferred votes to go to the 1k – 10kk version rather than the 100k – 10kk version, since I think it is good to have an option for 1k nodes in case you just want to have a node for whatever reason.

Anyway, I think this fight is still ongoing, as when people notice this one option has become so popular suddenly, other camps might rise to a fight too. By other words, I don’t think the decision on this one is done yet, despite the huge gap.

Change Rewards

On this one, it currently looks like mainly two options are going to fight together with ” Keep them at 100 per block ” being currently the more popular one with 20 votes, while ” Reduce them to 50 per block” have gained 12 votes so far.

The rest of the options don’t currently seem to have gained much interest at all, so when 50 per block guys wake up, perhaps they going to be putting some more votes still if they are interested enough in getting that option selected, otherwise, it seems it will be the same old same old with this one.

Okay, time to go and vote, no point in complaining a week later if you had a chance to vote today.

Alejandro Finol Article: “Teloscoin increasingly strengthens its market, general updates.”

In his previous article Alejandro Finol made some predictions regarding Telos.

At the moment he was writing, price of Telos was taking a dive, He, however, predicted that it could go as low as, but not lower than 100 SAT, and he was exactly spot on with that. It went to exactly 100 SAT after which it climbed up again.

He also predicted that there was a good chance for the price to go 2 x in just some weeks time, and that actually happened already too when Telos hit above 0.02 USD price a couple of days ago before being now down again a bit.

He is now advising that in his opinion Telos is an excellent investment and it should be bought now until the price goes higher.

When someone in the past has predicted correctly, it is usually worth listening to what he is predicting today.

To know his current prediction of the Telos future, you can read it from one of the sources below:


NOTICE: Bluebox Dashboard currently not connected to Bluebox.

If you are one of those who keep following their Blueboxes through Bluebox Dashboard at, be aware that right now Blueboxes are not connected to Bluebox Dashboard, which means that Bluebox Dashboard is not showing the info about your earnings that it normally would.

The reason for this is the ongoing update to multicoin support. By other words, if your Bluebox Dashboard isn’t showing your income, you can jump and say Hooray, since that means you are now getting in addition to XBTX also some Telos with your Blueboxes.

Yes, that is right, from now on your Blueboxes will be POWing XBTX at the same time as they are running a Telos master node, meaning you will be getting both XBTX and Telos to yourself.

Notice also that due to Blueboxes and Bluebox Dashboard not being connected currently, it also means that if you update your wallet address in Bluebox Dashboard, this also will have no effect.

If you need to change your wallet address, you will have to send a ticket telling you want to change your wallet address, and to what wallet address you want to change it into.

To cut it short. Don’t follow your Bluebox earnings from Bluebox Dashboard, but follow them by looking at them directly from your wallet.

And when will this update be complete and dashboard working again, have at this point not been publicly told yet, but might take a while since according to Pascals talks there is going to be even more updating in the plan which will give people better control over their Blueboxes and what they are doing.

Lucky Seven biweekly Tuesday Article “AML-NOW announced sale of AML token”

Lucky Seven seems to have changed his pace from weekly Monday articles to biweekly Tuesday articles, and last week Tuesday was no exception on this, but another article, this time about the announcement from AML-Now about AML token sale, was written and released by him.

To learn a bit about that, you can read it from one of the below sources:


And like last week, thanks to Mod Tybiboune, in Russian too:

Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) fundamentals changing in the future.

On the 29th of Feb Pascal made one of his more informative messages that raises more questions than it gives answers.

This Announcement was regarding XBTX where he informed that XBTX is going to be changed from POW only coin to POS/MN/POW hybrid with 40/40/20 share accordingly.

And this is not all. Minimum staking amount required would be 100 000 XBTX and when it comes to nodes it was bit unclear that was the idea that there are regular nodes and elite nodes, or did he mean that there will only be those elite nodes, which he calls them elite nodes because they will require 1 Million XBTX to set up and there can only be 7 of them existing at all.

Considering that there is only around 2 Million XBTX existing yet, you can see that both staking and even more the node running will be possible for only a very few people and it might be worth starting to stack them coins already to yourself if you plan to get your hands on either one.

When will this change happen and take effect, was not told in this announcement, so more information expected in the future.

Bitdorado Exchange opens, sort of.

Bitdorado has taken its first steps into an exchange and you can now (as of since 27th of Feb) actually use it as an exchange.

After all this waiting, this might not satisfy you all as bitdorado exchange currently operates under Birake Exchange.

But do understand that Bitdorados idea is to be much more than an exchange, and actually that bitdorado is exchange at all is just a side-effect as Pascal said, that its intention is not in being yet another exchange, but exchange part just happens to be part of it all, so why not use it too.

Hence we now have bitdorado exchange that operates under Birake.

Nothing that special yet, but it is still nice having its own exchange for the Transcendence project.

From now on if you are thinking of buying or selling Telos coins, I would suggest using Bitdorado Exchange for it.

And do keep in mind, this is just the beginning yet.

Transcendence surprise AMA session test

One day Pascal started talking about having an AMA session to get all the questions answered there and having fewer questions in Discord.

Now AMA, for those of you who don’t know what it means, means “Ask Me Anything”. (See how smart and knowledgeable I looked saying that when I first googled it myself a moment ago).

Regarding this, he suddenly without any advance notice asked people to come to a surprise AMA session test to see if it works.

And then he talked close to two hours, after which we have been waiting for an announcement about when the actual AMA session will be.

While waiting for that to happen, you, however, can watch the test AMA session where he answered a lot of questions about many a thing regarding Transcendence and its products and plans.

Transcendence AMA session test from 25th of Feb:

Voting about coins to be listed to Bitdorado exchange has started. has new voting, this time to do with Bitdorado Exchange.

Bitdorado already has or is going to have TELOS, XBTX, BIRAKE, Audiocoin.

This voting is about which other coins will be added to Bitdorado exchange, and therefore also to blue boxes and peertoro as long as suitable for them.

Currently, there are three ways to get listed to Bitdorado:
1. Contact Bitdorado and make a deal
2. Get 2 500 Votes in this voting (notice that number 1 option could be cheaper than this)
3. Get most votes when the voting ends.

Voting ends on the 22nd of April, and new voting should start after that and all the votes from this round should carry on to the second round.

However, before moving to the next round, the option number 3 – the most voted coin – should get listed to bitdorado.

As it currently stands, the winner of this round, with 29 votes, would be FLS coin, the second after that, Divi, is already clearly behind with only 4 votes, after which comes Verium and LINK with 3 votes each.

After this comes two coins with 2 votes: Biblepay and ZEC

And several with 1 Vote: Ethereum, Ravencoin, TPay, Nimiq.

The rest of the coins have no votes at all: DASH, Midas, NRG, Pivx, XZC, Cardano, Cosmos, Moqway, Grin, Tomochain.

However, there is still one and a half month of time to vote, so anything can happen, and then there is always next rounds that you can start aiming at already in this round.

Go and vote to get your favored ones listed.

Lucky Seven Tuesday article: “BITDORADO Edition devices comparison and prices” is slightly behind on news but trying to catch up now again.

On the 18th of February, that be roughly 3 weeks ago, Lucky Seven released yet another one of his Tuesday articles that used to happen on Mondays.

And as the title already suggests, the purpose of this article is to tell you about Bitdorado edition devices that are still available to buy, or at least I think they are.

Problem was that so many different devices with Bitdorado editions came out at once, so it was difficult to compare them together on which exact one I specifically should buy. Lucky Sevens’ article hopefully helps with that.

Read it from one of the below places:

And as it happens to be, our dear MOD Tybiboune started translating Lucky Sevens articles into Russian, so now just spasibo and read it from: