Category Archive : Dashboard

Dashboard 1.3.21 with no KYC Released

a New Dashboard version was released, some weeks ago already, and even fixes to some of the bugs in it too.

The most important difference compared to previous versions is, that this one no more forces you to do AML-Now KYC to use it.

This is both good and bad news. Good in that using Dashboard is now much easier, but the reason for this is Pascal’s plan on ditching his AML-Now plan, which I personally thought that it seemed like he was on the right track on that. Well, no one anyway knows the future whether it had worked out or just been a hindrance, so let’s trust it is for the best, or that Pascal renews his interest in his former plan back and successfully executes it.

Also, don’t forget that you can get Bootstraps to both Teloscoin (TELOS) and Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) from Unofficial Teloscoin and Bitcoin Subsidium Explorer, just check to the left bottom of your browser screen when there to see this two download button, they are the bootstraps to each.

Dashboard 1.3.1 released

New Dashboard version for the public was finally released and it can be downloaded from Github link.

There are a couple of changes in this version, one of the major, although not so visible to a common user is that all the tx databases are now being converted into SQLite databases. This in short means that things should work better, as in faster and more stable.

There is also one peak into the future feature in this since in this version there is now in the menu an option called “Oldtimers NFT”. While it is in the menu, and you can go and check about it, it is, however, not for real there yet.

I guess partially for the needs of this OldTimers NFT option, there is now also some messaging systems in dashboard.

There is an announcement system so that Transcendence can send messages, for example, to inform about new Dashboard version releases. And there is also some private messaging system. I suppose this is to make it easier to ask about some specific NFT cards between potential buyer and a seller as an example.

XBTX Miner is another new option in Dashboard Menus, but nothing has been told about it, and when clicking, it is talking about Linux, so this is probably meant only for, maybe Bluebox 2 owners or something, and might not have any use for a common user in a wrong computer environment.

Quite much new stuff basically, although still looks like very much in a beginning, but this is a huge step forward in seeing Pascal’s vision about what he is after with the Dashboard, and with less imagination than last time, you can see how this can become a pretty useful all-in-one app for crypto users.

small change, but a new loading screen.

Votings ended – New Telos Fundamentals set

A week ago votings about some of the Telos fundamentals ended and we now have a full list of Telos version 4 fundamentals that based upon a Twitter comment should come in effect at some point in December.

As far as I can see, voting results stayed, at least seemingly, exactly the same as they were when I wrote the news item about the votings.

This means that while the option of having only 300K collaterals on Master Nodes was a clear winner, that didn’t really matter since another voting result about POS/MN split was that Telos will move to full POS which means that there won’t be any Master Nodes any more, and hence no collateral for them either.

Vote passed: Lottery Block to be added to Teloscoin

Catching up on the old news a bit.

Already a month ago a vote about adding a Lottery Block to Teloscoin passed with a tight 2 vote difference, that was: 2 votes against 0.

Since this change requires making a fork, and making a fork is no small task, there are now a couple of other votes going on right now to do some more changes at the same time as adding the Lottery Block.

Two new Telos fundamentals votings on dashboard

As “Lottery Block”-voting passed (haven’t told that to you yet), while doing the change to reflect the addition of a monthly Lottery Block, why not vote about other Telos Fundamentals too to see if some more changes should be done at the same time, especially when considering that the latest halving came by surprise and hence no voting about fundamentals were done.

Dashboard therefore now has two votings:

One about POS/MN split, and another about The Master Node collaterals.

Masternode Collateral options are following:

  1. 1K / 10K / 30K / 1M / 3M
  2. 1K and 100K
  3. only 1K
  4. only 100K
  5. only 300K

Right now the option 5 is winning with 767 votes, and the only other option that seems to be having votes is option number 4. However, due to how the dashboard displays those votes, it is difficult to say how many votes number 4 has, maybe 50, so well behind option number 5.

This Masternode Collateral voting however might not have any relevance in the end, since the other voting is about the split between POS and MN.

POS/MN split options are following:

  1. 50/50
  2. 30 POS / 70 MN
  3. 10 POS / 90 MN
  4. 90 POS / 10 MN
  5. 100 POS

Option number 5 means there will not be any Masternodes anymore, but only Proof of Stake, which by other words mean wallet staking, and right now it looks like Option number 5 is winning by slide, for option number 5 currently has a whopping 120 105 votes for it and due to how dashboard displays votes, I can’t really see if any of the other options have any votes or just some compared to this option.

What do these changes mean in practice?

well, Masternode collaterals give a different kinds of options. Like currently as we have had 100k – 10M nodes, it means that entry to master nodes is a bit expensive compared to 1K nodes, and such high options like 10M seem to have also contributed to having perhaps even too few nodes since the network has had problems every now and then.

Few nodes however is not automatically a problem.

having only for example 100K nodes, would increase the number of nodes, and keep things simple, since each node is always just that 100K, and also theoretically increase network stability, however, in practice it also tends to mean that people who want to run 10M worth of nodes (that’s hundred 100K nodes) might look at cheapest possible options, which in practice results in bad nodes, and bad nodes result into a bad network.

When it comes to POS / MN split, this naturally affects the appeal of running nodes. Less for MN, less appealing it is to run one, which naturally affects the number of nodes.

However, especially since now the 100 POS option is most voted, which I personally hope will win, I will point some pros and cons about that.

One bad thing is that currently Blueboxes are at least theoretically running a Telos master node. With 100 POS, they might not be doing so anymore. So those rewards might be gone for the bluebox owners, although there isn’t really any reason why blueboxes couldn’t change into running 24/7 wallets instead to support the network, except as far as I have understood, blueboxes are not running master nodes currently, but owners have anyway been paid the amount of Telos they would have received if 100K masternodes had been run on them.

Another bad thing is that Telos will lose some visibility, for example places like list master nodes and their profits, but if Telos moves to fully POS, will update its system to also show full POS Telos, or simply remove it from the list?
While, I hope, will update POS Telos to its list, many other places might not.

To me, good things however outweigh those bad things like possibly losing my Bluebox Telos income.

For one thing is that POS is very simple. You just keep your wallet open and Telos inside it and you can get more. This is very beginner-friendly compared to running master nodes where just setting up one takes a lot of know-how, and on top of that if you don’t know what you are doing you might end up messing the whole Network, like happened with Telos 1 when we had over 10 000 Master Nodes in the network and many of them were run by noobs or people who didn’t care but just tried to squeeze every penny out of it with the cost of network stability.

This beginner friendliness might well attract some new people into Telosland since you buy some amount of coins and they start getting more very easy.

Another problem solved is that Teloscoins codebase is based upon PivX, and as far as I have understood, there seem to be lots of bugs in PivX code that haven’t really been fixed by most of the PivX based coins. And to my understanding many of these bugs have to do specifically with Master Nodes.

One exploit bug was actually tried to be fixed in Teloscoin once, but since not enough master node owners started running the new fork, the new fork couldn’t get off, and hence the fix never happened.

Which also gives one more reason to go to full POS. Who says we have enough master node owners who care to update to the next fix fork either?

Of course this doesn’t mean that wallet users will do any better, but at least it is easier to just update your wallet and start it, than setting up an updated master node. So my guess is getting new forks with changes in effect will be easier with full POS, and we already know that at least master node owners failed us once.

If you are not happy with how voting is going on currently, or if you wish to make sure it goes as it now looks like, now is the time to go to your Dashboard to vote on the options.

You have time to vote until 5 pm (UTC) on the 29th of October, which is roughly one week from now, and each vote costs 1 Telos, and you can cast as many votes as you like to the options you like.

edit 25.10.2021:

According to the username halalsolutions message on bitcointalk thread “old Transcendence ANN”, it seems my understanding of Blueboxes mostly not running Telos master nodes anymore was confirmed.

However, it would also seem that my understanding of the basis of today’s bluebox payments is wrong.

As said in the article, I thought the basis on payments was on “virtual” Telos master nodes, but appears, according to halalsolutions message, that the basis has been in some sort of storage renting system, probably something similar, if not the same, to what Project Alexandria is supposed to have in Blueboxes.

When in the article I said that full POS could remove bluebox income, halalsolutions seems to think it could rather triple the bluebox income since according to him, bluebox rental income is based upon the collateral represented by blueboxes, and full POS would mean more income since blueboxes represent most of the collateral. I don’t know if halalsolutions is right, but my guess is that halalsolutions is better aware of the system than I am.

Dashboard 1.10 Released

Dashboard has got a new version about a week ago, version 1.10.

Dashboard Manual have also been updated to reflect that.

Slightly confusingly, Dashboard can be found from under the Wallet 3.0.5 release. It is the “dashboardbundle_1.10” under the “assets”-files.

Dashboard manual is inside this “dashboardbundle_1.10”-package.

Dashboard Voting about adding a Lottery block

Dashboard has interesting voting going on that will end a week later on the 23rd of September.

The idea is about adding a lottery block each month.

This means that the regular reward would be the current 25 new coins per block, but once a month there would come a block that would yield 300 000 Coins to the one who gets it.

Since this is not actually a Lottery, but a blockchain feature, no Lottery laws apply to this, but only regular mining rules.

There are only two options, “Yes” and “No”, and currently only 2 votes have been cast, both for the “Yes”-option.

Whether you wish to show your support or disagreement to the suggestion, you may do so for the price of 50 Telos per vote.

Dashboard Manual released

Roughly two weeks ago Pascal said in the Telos Telegram group that he would pay 100k Telos for someone who makes a manual with pictures for Dashboard.

With Telos signs in my eyes, I rushed to work on it being happy that most Telos people only use Discord and not Telegram, hence it being unlikely for me to have any competition for that 100k Telos.

Last Friday I finally got it finished and Pascal uploaded it to Github adding it to the 3.08 version of Dashboard.

There are probably some errors still, so if you find any, you could go to Discord and tell about them in the dashboard-transcendence channel so those can be corrected for the manual.

A link to a Github from where you can look it for yourself, and also in the future look for newer versions of Dashboard Manual if they get released:

A direct download link to the currently uploaded Dashboard Manual:

XBTX listing at Graviex Voting ended successfully

As mentioned in previous weeks news item, there was voting about whether to list XBTX to Graviex Exchange or not, and this voting has now come to an end:

And it was successful. 1200 votes were needed, 1201 was given, and option 1, which was “Yes”, was the only option getting votes.

In his comment on Saturday, Pascal mentioned he will contact Graviex about listing XBTX on Monday – that be today.

However, there has been some discussion in the discord channel by community members if it would be possible to instead list XBTX to TradeOgre Exchange. So far this discussion hasn’t gone to a serious level, but it does seem at least some people are thinking TradeOgre as a good alternative, so if you wish to push this idea forward that instead of listing to Graviex, list to TradeOgre, hurry up to Discord and voice your opinion, and perhaps there comes a new vote either to dashboard or in discord.

Voting about adding XBTX to Graviex

For a couple of days now there has been in the dashboard voting about adding Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) to Graviex:

To put it simply, one vote costs 1000 Telos, and you can either vote “yes” or “no”.

Usually those voting “no” don’t actually vote, but in case you like to do that, you can, in which case if “no” wins, the amount collected will be passed to the next similar kind of listing a coin to some exchange vote.

Actually, this will also happen in case “yes” wins but there are not enough votes to pay for the Graviex listing price, which is 1.2 Million Telos, or 1 200 votes in votes.

On the 10th of Aug there were 163 votes there, so could use some more love, especially since Pascal is matching with one vote for each “yes” vote, making the community need to vote only 600 votes in total from which 1/4th might already be there.

While I did like it when XBTX was all in Bitdorado only, since it was nice seeing all trades in one place, I however voted “yes” myself too since the idea with this Graviex listing is that it would be the third exchange that Coingecko and similar accept and demand. That the idea isn’t actually so much in getting XBTX to Graviex, but in getting XBTX listed to Coingecko and similars, and they demand 3 exchanges that they approve, and Graviex would be the 3rd one. And this then again opens more opportunities for the conquering of the world for our dear Bitcoin Subsidum (XBTX).

Do notice that basically voting is open until the 14th day only, but in the description it explains that if the vote hasn’t reached its target, then voting will be extended.

Now is a good time to try Dashboard’s new voting system which is much simpler than before. No more manual transactions, but you just confirm you want to vote “yes” or “no”, and the rest is automatic.

New Transcendence/Telos Roadmap 2021/2022 released

It appears we have a new roadmap for this year ready based upon that Pascal tweeted it, well, actually not so new since this was tweeted already a month ago.

It appears to be very similar in style to the previous Roadmap for 2020 in that it tells only about some technical things and mainly leaves all the fun stuff out, like Cryptomages. But then again, Cryptomages didn’t come out in 2020, so maybe it was for accuracy.

When reading this roadmap, it is good to compare it to the previous one to have some idea how well these plans will come together. I would say, without actually thoroughly checking it, that about half of what was in roadmap 2020, did happen, and then another 1/4th happened in some different form than originally planned, and another 1/4th didn’t happen. So perhaps this is what we can expect from this one too.

But what is there now:

TELOS WALLET isn’t really telling us much anything. It mentions there are going to be two votings, one about Telos fundamentals (rewards, collateral, split) and another about a hard fork, which actually sounds pretty much the same as the first one, except that it adds voting about magnet links, which seems to be connected to the third thing mentioned, which is to add Transcendence Cloud to wallet I suppose, although the wording is just talking about adding magnet links to use in Transcendence Cloud (which it says will be voted on hard fork part?)

In short. Seems the plan from technical stuff is to add Transcendence Cloud (used to be Amicloud) to Wallet and add a Magnetic link feature to be able to use it with the blockchain. And non technically to have votes about telos fundamentals, which will probably happen through Dashboard actually, although they technically are Wallet features.

XBTX WALLET section mentions only DYNANET being added, more about that in the DYNANET DEX part.

XBTX ASSETS section mentions a couple of Assets that are planned to be created using the XBTX Asset creation system:

AML token is for the AML-Now KYC system
BAM (Brick And Mortar) is meant for real estate stuff
EUREX is to my understanding Euro Bound token, meaning the price of one Eurex should always be exactly one Euro
CO2 token is meant for Greenbox (a different version of a Bluebox).

DYNANET DEX tells in more detail about the DYNANET that is mentioned in the XBTX Wallet part. It is planned that next month first trusted nodes will be put up for this Dynanet DEX, and I suppose these are the same trusted nodes that I have mentioned in “Telos R – What is it?”-article, which also tells you more about the part where it mentions Telos R as one of the roadmap features in DYNANET.

It also mentions that DYNANET will have Crosschain feature that will be used by bitdorado, probably meaning that Bitdorado could be used as an exchange basically.

Swap & Merge part I leave uncommented, since I am too unsure what exactly it is talking about.

TRANSCENDENCE DASHBOARD tells about stuff that has actually partially been even done already (I saw the first work-in-progress version of this Roadmap already at February I think). It mentions built-in KYC, which might be the AML there already, or maybe something else, Built-in Masternode hosting, meaning you can easily set up master nodes without tech-how just using the dashboard, and hash power renting using the dashboard, which is basically the same as we have in Bitdorado already but would be doable directly from the dashboard.

Cloud I suppose is the same as Transcendence Cloud in the TELOS WALLET section, and Multiservice is just vaguely without details mentioning that there is a plan to merge Indiego, Cloud, and dashboard all into the same. That basically I suppose Indiego store would work through the dashboard. Last, CO2 token is mentioned again, as it was mentioned in XBTX ASSETS already once.

GENERAL UPDATES mentions built-in arbitrage trading, does it mean that users can do it automatically or something else, is not told. Tax reporting is mentioned, and have also to at least some part even added to the dashboard already, I myself used it for end of year tax reporting already. And then there is mention of antifraud on the on-chain analysis level. I am not sure how exactly that works, but I guess this vague description gives already quite a good idea of the general idea.

This is the plan, and hopefully it works out fully and more stuff comes too. Based upon how the 2020 roadmap happened, I suppose we can expect quite many of these to become reality and some more stuff too that are not mentioned here at all.

3 Bounty Votings finished

As written before, there were 3 Bounty votes on Dashboard. These votes however are now over and to my great disappointment, it appears TELOSNEWS.COM news item about them had no effect at all since the end results stayed exactly the same as at the time when they were reported here.

By other words:

“Telos LED-Screen advertising” received 150 Votes and this is probably considered a succesful vote.

“New Listing at Probit Exchange” received only 9 votes, and I doubt that listing is going to happen with that amount yet.

And last and obviously least, “Creating Complete Whitepaper” didn’t get a single vote meaning that only one allowed to complain about missing whitepaper anymore is Bitcoin_Bond_007 who had promised to give half of the price as long as the other half had come from votes, which didn’t.

3 Bounty Votings on Dashboard

There are currently 3 different Bounty/Votings on Dashboard that you can participate in.

First one to close, less than a week later, is TELOS LED-SCREEN ADVERTISINGS voting.

Which, as the name already suggests, is about collecting some Telos to Fund some modern-day billboard advertising, which nowadays is being handled by LED-Screens instead of actual physical posters.

I first thought what a silly idea to use Billboards to advertise Cryptos until Discord user Bitcoin_Bond_007 told me how these things work nowadays. Apparently, due to the LED-Screen nature, you could have them show only for one specific hour, and only in some specific locations, making it both cheap and effective.

As an example, suppose there is a Crypto coin conference in Berlin. Now imagine then that this conference opens on Friday at 7 PM. Well, how about having LED-screens showing Telos from 5 pm to 7 pm on all the roads that lead to the conference place?
You only need a couple of those Led-Screens and only for a very short time, meaning the price is not that high, and yet, the audience is very targeted!

I admit, I had completely missed where modern day billboards are nowadays, but likely not everyone was as out of date like me and this have so far received 150 votes, which in Telos means 150k Telos since one vote costs 1k Telos. So looking good, but could use some more still.

Second one to close, bit less than a month later (21st April), is “New Listing at Probit Exchange”-voting

This is about getting Telos listed at Probit Exchange, which CoinMarketCap seems to be ranking as number 26 exchange at the time of writing this.

Similar to the previous voting, in this one too each vote costs 1k Telos and so far it has got only 9 votes. So if you like to see Telos listed on more Exchanges, here is your chance to make it happen by giving it some more votes.

Last one to close (22nd April) is “Creating Complete WhitePaper”-vote

This is for all you who have been complaining about Telos not having proper White Paper.

As you might know, Pascal doesn’t really like making a White Paper, hence there is now a vote/bounty for this specific purpose to hire someone proper to make a proper White Paper.

Like in the previous two, each vote costs 1k Telos and the vote target is 50 votes, but the real target is actually 100k Telos. It is just that BitCoin_Bond_007 has promised to give the other 50k, as long as voting gets the first 50k.

Currently Whitepaper vote has 0 votes, meaning that either you people who complain about missing proper white paper stop complaining about it, or you go and do some voting.

New Dashboard available – voting included

A new version of Transcendence Dashboard has just today been publically released and this new version basically makes obsolete by making votings and other similar stuff become part of the Dashboard.

If you dont know yet what Transcendence Dashboard is, you can read about it from this previous article.

Otherwise, just head on to download the new version.

Transcendence Dashboard Beta and Telos Wallet 3.04 released

Telos Wallet 3.04 and Transcendence Dashboard Beta have been released to Github.

This is actually a bit of a old news already, but I didn’t want to write about this until I had tested Dashboard myself since I was actually expecting Dashboard to be much more than it currently is yet and was expecting to be writing a long article telling you all about it.

Now don’t get this wrong, Dashboard is still a great piece of work and I personally at least like it quite much in that it shows to be quite promising with the little there is already.

Wallet version 3.04 was released in hopes of fixing some unintended forking happening, and at least so far it seems it has worked.

Along with the Wallet 3.04, there is also now a Beta version of the long waited Transcendence Dashboard and I am finally starting to see what Pascal has been meaning all this time about not needing exchanges anymore, etc. that Dashboard could be one in all solution.

Yes, we are still far from that point, but the underlying technology is already there, and using just a little bit of imagination you can see how that all will happen, and indeed, I can see how there wouldn’t be a need for exchanges anymore, but all trades would happen as basically, OTC trades, even at the same time they would be like exchange trades as long as there’s a system to keep track of them and their prices.

Anyway, right now there is only quite a little on the Dashboard yet. There are lots of menu options that are shaded out as not there yet, but they will give you a hint about the future.

At this point Dashboard is basically only working as a Telos and Bitcoin Subsidium wallet.

What is interesting with this is that instead of Dashboard being a wallet in itself, it is actually more of an interface to work with the wallets. So in practice you will still have the usual Telos and XBTX wallets running, but they are basically invisible since you just don’t need to worry about them since basically Dashboard is supposed to take care of them.

This however is not true yet, as it is still only on Beta stage and missing some crucial pieces still, like if your wallet doesn’t get automatically connected to nodes, you actually need to go and do stuff on the wallet, since Dashboard doesn’t have these features implemented yet, although they are planned to come.

However, after you get your wallet running smoothly, you can see how handy Dashboard actually is. For instead of flipping back and forth with different wallet softwares, you can just choose from Dashboard which coin, Telos or XBTX, to look at, and Dashboard will show all the info regarding that coins wallet of yours.

What I also liked was that while the old QT-wallet was a bit limited in how to show transactions, that you could see them only one way basically, Dashboard, on the other hand, gives you a chance to display them in different ways, like you could choose to look only received or sent transactions, or only from the certain time period. Just choose the filters to use, see the result and even save it in sort of CSV form. Sort of CSV since it actually isn’t CSV, since CSV would be Comma Separated Values, but this is actually using Tab to separate values. However, when you open this file in Excel, for example, you can choose to have separation done using Tab instead of Commas, and it works.

Also, when you close or open the Dashboard, you can choose to run or stop running all the associated wallets with Dashboard.

So instead of starting XBTX wallet and Telos wallet separately, I simply open Dashboard and Dashboard opens them both automatically. Or when I close dashboard, it asks if I also want to close my Telos and XBTX wallets, choose yes, and they are both closed instead of me needing to close them separately.

This alone can be pretty handy feature if you for example have 10 different wallets that you just want to sync and see the situation once a month. Instead of opening them all separately and having possibly 10 different interfaces to deal with, just open Dashboard and get them all automatically synced and save the transactions using just one interface instead of 10.

Now there is however a downside to this too, for opening all these wallets and running them at the same time will also take lots of memory. It seems to me that running Telos and XBTX wallet at the same time takes about 5 Gb of memory, so that needs to be taken into consideration. If you have less than that of memory, there is an option to run only one of the wallets at a time however.

Couple of Instructions regarding DASHBOARD that you might run into:

The first problem you might encounter is your AntiVirus not letting you run some parts of the Dashboard or wallets. In this case, you need to check your Antivirus settings and there should be some place where you can choose to give permission for some files manually. You might need to give permission to all files regarding Dashboard as well as regarding wallets, including wallet.dat files. My own AntiVirus (F-Secure) actually even tends to delete wallet.dat files if I don’t tell it to ignore them first, and that is a pretty scary thing to happen.

Next thing is that running the Dashboard requires about 5 Gb of free memory (just based upon my own test and only at the time I tested, it might take more in the future) Having less than this amount of memory can result in strange behavior, errors, and crashes.

If you can’t have enough Memory, you can try opening only one of the wallets

When you start Dashboard for the first time, it will make a certain folder called “Transgui”-folder to a certain location.

This location is usually located at:

Notice that “Username” refers to the user name you are having on your computer and to see AppData, you need to enable seeing hidden files.

In here you will find a file called “cfg_autostart.exe” open this to your notepad and you will see a line reading “XBTX=true” now change this line to “XBTX=false” save the file and start your dashboard as usual and it will now not try to start XBTX wallet and hence saves you a lot of memory.

Then the problem you might encounter is that your wallet doesn’t get any connections.

To fix this, You need to locate your Blockchain folder. When you first time started your Telos Wallet, or if you have never started it, then in case when you first time started the Dashboard, it is asking for a folder where to save the Telos Blockchain.

Locate this folder and inside this folder you will see a file called “transcendence.conf” open this file and in this you need to add addnode lines. as an example:

Thing is, you cant use just any numbers, but these numbers need to be actual node addresses.

To find them, you could first try if ones in the Telos Explorer work for you:

If ones on the Explorer don’t seem to work for you, then you can go to Transcendence/Telos community discord and search from there for the most recent list of Add nodes.

With these instructions and a fair warning that we are talking of a Beta version that might still contain some bad bugs in it, go and try Dashboard.

U Today “Teloscoin To Launch Non-custodial Wallet Enabling Users To Buy, Hold and Sell Cryptocurrencies” – article

And another one joins the lift up the quality of your Cryptoarticles the same way as the previous ones that you can read from here, here, and here.

The newest comer for more quality articles is U Today with its paid press release article about Teloscoin.

The article is mainly about the Dashboard that at the time of this article’s release, about a week ago, was still in the future, but today we actually already have first versions of the dashboard released. However, I will write more about it in one of probably near future articles since I have by purpose let daring techies try it out first to fix the worse most obvious problems before telling you readers to give it a try.

Anyway, the article is a lot about the dashboard and it also reveals some future plans, like the BlockINS that will give a chance for decentralized plugins and of which I am hearing only now for the first time, hence despite articles nature being paid press release, it is still worth a read.