Category Archive : Marketing

XBTX listing at Graviex Voting ended successfully

As mentioned in previous weeks news item, there was voting about whether to list XBTX to Graviex Exchange or not, and this voting has now come to an end:

And it was successful. 1200 votes were needed, 1201 was given, and option 1, which was “Yes”, was the only option getting votes.

In his comment on Saturday, Pascal mentioned he will contact Graviex about listing XBTX on Monday – that be today.

However, there has been some discussion in the discord channel by community members if it would be possible to instead list XBTX to TradeOgre Exchange. So far this discussion hasn’t gone to a serious level, but it does seem at least some people are thinking TradeOgre as a good alternative, so if you wish to push this idea forward that instead of listing to Graviex, list to TradeOgre, hurry up to Discord and voice your opinion, and perhaps there comes a new vote either to dashboard or in discord.

Bitdorado VIP statistics revealed

About a week ago Pascal wrote a message to the Bitdorado Turkey channel that is very interesting to Bitdorado users wishing to get VIP status for themselves, for he revealed some actual numbers about it and with it also revealed some more info too.

In this message he mentioned that currently there are 75 active Bitdorado users, and he also mentions that just 5 more people and one more member gets a VIP status.

This means that the amount of VIP members is based upon full 10 percentage numbers, not a rounded one. That while 7.5, or especially for example 7.9 would normally round up, In this case, there need to be full 80 active bitdorado members before number 8 in the list becomes a VIP-member.

Another interesting was that Pascal gave a list of the amounts of Telos owned by the top 10, which actually included only the top 9, and which is as follows:

————–> Below this line not yet VIPs

It is not clear if Bitdorado Premiums 10 percent extra gets calculated to the calculations or not, for while the exact 3.3M in the list would make it seem like someone put 3M and got 300K premium bonus, on the other hand, both 10 Million in the list are exactly 10 Million, instead of 10 M + 1 M, and I would expect those with 10 Million to also want Premium membership for them.

And just like I mentioned in previous Bitdorado Turkey VIP status related News Item, Pascal too mentions that it might be wiser to simply gift some small amount of coins for someone to join Bitdorado and hence increase the number of VIP members, than to start fighting from currently only Top 7 spots, especially now that AML-Now KYC, that is required to join Bitdorado Turkey, is free for first 1000 people.

And regarding marketing Bitdorado, Pascal also mentioned that there is a referral system coming to Bitdorado Turkey, making marketing/gifting coins to friends perhaps even a profitable venue, and that he is also planning on starting to market Bitdorado to outsiders himself, of which this news item is probably first fruits of.

1 000 people to Pass AML-NOW KYC for free

Transcendence Dashboard tends to have this bit of a Chicken and Egg problem.

Basically it is meant as your way into getting into the Telos world, but before you can get into the Dashboard, you need some Telos to pass the AML-Now KYC, meaning you already need to be in the Telos World to get into Dashboard which is the good entry to the world of Telos.

However, about two weeks ago Pascal Tweeted that 1 000 users can get their AML-Now KYC done for free, which would solve this problem temporarily at least and finally make Dashboard work as the entry to Telos world as now you don’t need the Telos first to use the Dashboard, at least until those 1 000 free entries are used up.

To use this free option, when AML-Now KYC is asking for your Telos Transaction ID, you need to write “1000” to it.

Do notice that there is a sort of catch to this free entry. For while it is free indeed, it also means you are not getting the AML-Now tokens that those who do pay the fee get, and AML-Now tokens are expected to be worth much more than the fee. releases a news item about mainly Telos R has released a news item mainly about Telos R that has spread to quite many other places too, Crweworld, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider being the first three that I have seen, and Reddit also getting a thread about it already.

The article tells about some technical stuff in Transcendence/Telos land, like Dashboard and AML-Now, but the main focus is on telling about Telos R and related things.

While the news item doesn’t really tell much more about Telos R than you can already see from the article I wrote about it earlier, There is however one specific mention there. For it mentions that Telos R swap rate is 2 000 000 : 1, while earlier it has been said that swap rate between Telos R and Telos would be 1:1, this is a change in plan that Pascal confirmed in Discord after this was asked.

While this news item can be a good reminder of what the main focuses in Telos land are right now, what really caught my eye, and which might be the most interesting part of the whole article, is the contact details.

For in these contact details there is under this “Media Contact”-part mention of “PR”, and this PR contact detail is ““.

I asked on the latest Freaky Friday live session from Pascal about this, and he did confirm that this PR firm is in sort of try out for Telos PR right now and I hope to write another article to introduce you to Cryptoshib and tell more about it as long as Cryptoshib answers my questions. But just to mention that one interesting thing about this Cryptoshib is that Pascal thinks it is possible this Cryptoshib owner might own some Telos coins already from 2018, which is pretty much from the beginning times of Telos.

Telos R logo voting ended

Telos R now has a logo.

There was a vote about the Logo, and winner logo was the one you can see up there in this news item.

Telos R Logo Voting (ends today!)

Telos R is now looking for a new logo, and you can help in choosing it.

Go to the voting webpage where you can rate each Logo design with 1 to 5 stars, and I suppose the one with the highest rating will be picked.

However, do notice voting has been going on for several days already, and today should be the last day to rate/vote anymore.

3 Bounty Votings on Dashboard

There are currently 3 different Bounty/Votings on Dashboard that you can participate in.

First one to close, less than a week later, is TELOS LED-SCREEN ADVERTISINGS voting.

Which, as the name already suggests, is about collecting some Telos to Fund some modern-day billboard advertising, which nowadays is being handled by LED-Screens instead of actual physical posters.

I first thought what a silly idea to use Billboards to advertise Cryptos until Discord user Bitcoin_Bond_007 told me how these things work nowadays. Apparently, due to the LED-Screen nature, you could have them show only for one specific hour, and only in some specific locations, making it both cheap and effective.

As an example, suppose there is a Crypto coin conference in Berlin. Now imagine then that this conference opens on Friday at 7 PM. Well, how about having LED-screens showing Telos from 5 pm to 7 pm on all the roads that lead to the conference place?
You only need a couple of those Led-Screens and only for a very short time, meaning the price is not that high, and yet, the audience is very targeted!

I admit, I had completely missed where modern day billboards are nowadays, but likely not everyone was as out of date like me and this have so far received 150 votes, which in Telos means 150k Telos since one vote costs 1k Telos. So looking good, but could use some more still.

Second one to close, bit less than a month later (21st April), is “New Listing at Probit Exchange”-voting

This is about getting Telos listed at Probit Exchange, which CoinMarketCap seems to be ranking as number 26 exchange at the time of writing this.

Similar to the previous voting, in this one too each vote costs 1k Telos and so far it has got only 9 votes. So if you like to see Telos listed on more Exchanges, here is your chance to make it happen by giving it some more votes.

Last one to close (22nd April) is “Creating Complete WhitePaper”-vote

This is for all you who have been complaining about Telos not having proper White Paper.

As you might know, Pascal doesn’t really like making a White Paper, hence there is now a vote/bounty for this specific purpose to hire someone proper to make a proper White Paper.

Like in the previous two, each vote costs 1k Telos and the vote target is 50 votes, but the real target is actually 100k Telos. It is just that BitCoin_Bond_007 has promised to give the other 50k, as long as voting gets the first 50k.

Currently Whitepaper vote has 0 votes, meaning that either you people who complain about missing proper white paper stop complaining about it, or you go and do some voting.

Lucky 7 article “New Transcendence era started with DAO voting”

After some time, we are again able to enjoy another Lucky 7 Article.

This one is about the just started DAO team voting.
What does the DAO stand for has escaped me, but idea is to have some more or less official team members for Transcendence/Telos.

Read the article for more.

New WIP Transcendence/Telos Roadmap for 2021

There is now a new WIP roadmap for 2021 available for Transcendence/Telos made by Pascal himself.

Before you get too excited about this, do notice couple of things.

First of all, Pascal dislikes Roadmaps, Whitepapers, and similar, he just rather does things, and this dislike once again shows on the Roadmap he made, not to mention, it says this is a WIP, as in Work-In-Progress, meaning not finalized.

Instead of having this new shiny thing to show off to everyone, it shows out that Pascal doesn’t really care much about making a roadmap but it was made rather as a burden than a pleasure.

For example, he didn’t bother to use even autocorrection to fix some of the simplest miss spellings, and you can also notice that the same page might be there twice, not to mention what he writes is not always easy to figure out what he means.

This all mentioned and taken into consideration, this roadmap however is well worth a read. While many spots might stay a bit unclear, and it definitely isn’t for the newcomer to understand it, it does contain lots of good information and tells about Pascals plans for the future, or at least to 2021, and it even explains some of his past decisions.

To recap what is my interpretation of this roadmap is, that first of all Pascal has had right from beginning a somewhat clear plan of where to head at and how things would work in the end, which is a good thing to know.

It also seems that Halal Cash Coin seems like something Pascal at least seems to be hoping a lot from, interesting especially when considering that it was only a couple of days ago that he mentioned he had sort of given up on it as byrocracy didn’t seem to be moving at all, but now that byrocracy did move, things are different again.

Another thing that comes out continuously is the message about Mass Adoption and there is even a sort of newbie guide which tells you how to get to Telos passive income in many easy ways, however, this part wasn’t clear enough to actually show to some newbie, but this all anyway seems to point to me the same as Pascal seems to have been talking on Discord too couple of times lately, that I think Pascal thinks we are starting to be on a point when Mass Adoption can begin.

A fair warning therefore that these might well be the last days to get Telos for cheap anymore. My guess is that as long as Pascal’s plan is a working one, I don’t think there will be cheap Telos available in 2022 anymore, but seems to me like Pascal will start his mass adaption plan during this year, 2021, but when?

A piece of slightly bad news on the other hand is that it is mentioned that Cryptomages next test period might not be until Q4 of 2021 due to other projects taking priority, so that is a long way to wait for those eagerly waiting, especially since what we saw last year looked good.

On a more interesting new ideas side, there is talk about both Nano Nations Universal Basic Income plan as well as talk about a New Internet to replace the current one and a bit of explanation why Pascal dislikes the current internet, which in short seems to have went to wrong road.

Although this roadmap doesn’t really reveal that much about the future in the sense that it is supposed to be a roadmap, if you like to get some insight into what is Pascal’s plan with all things Transcendence, this roadmap is well worth a read.

Small piece of Telos news on Masternode Buzz Daily Buzz

Since Transcendence/Telos is a Premium Backer at Masternode Buzz, there is a small piece of news about Telos and one twitter feed from Telos in Daily Buzz. Not much, but better than nothing anyway and you can read it yourself from here:

U Today “Teloscoin To Launch Non-custodial Wallet Enabling Users To Buy, Hold and Sell Cryptocurrencies” – article

And another one joins the lift up the quality of your Cryptoarticles the same way as the previous ones that you can read from here, here, and here.

The newest comer for more quality articles is U Today with its paid press release article about Teloscoin.

The article is mainly about the Dashboard that at the time of this article’s release, about a week ago, was still in the future, but today we actually already have first versions of the dashboard released. However, I will write more about it in one of probably near future articles since I have by purpose let daring techies try it out first to fix the worse most obvious problems before telling you readers to give it a try.

Anyway, the article is a lot about the dashboard and it also reveals some future plans, like the BlockINS that will give a chance for decentralized plugins and of which I am hearing only now for the first time, hence despite articles nature being paid press release, it is still worth a read.

the 1st TELOScoin Game and Application development contest is over

the 1st TELOScoin Game and Application development contest that you can read more from is over and results are in and seeable from Teloscoin Twitter feed that was actually tweeted quite long ago already, but sometimes news travels a bit faster and then other times a bit slower.

The amount of prizes that were available were 24 000 Euros in total, however, seems people don’t really like prizes since only two participated in the whole competition and hence after a tight fight against no one, they both won the first prize of 3 000 Euros worth of Telos in their own category.

That’s right, you heard it exactly as it was. There were four categories, and only two people sent any entries. So two categories first prize of 3 000 Euros worth of Telos, not to mention the second and third spots of 2000 and 1000 Euros worth of Telos, no one even tried to get.

For example, had you wrote any half baked Telos article, you would have already got 3000 Euros worth of Telos. That’s something to think about when you next time cant fall asleep.

Anyway, Congratulations to the winners of 3000 Euros worth of Telos that You, the reader, could have got too, which instead of You went to the following:

Software # 1 – Luxleather with his Telos Paper Wallet – which you can still use to send new year wishes to all your relatives in a nice Telos paper form.

Games # 1 – – in which the name of the creator/winner is actually left out on Twitter as well as on website, hence we let him stay a mystery.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is telosworldscreenshot.png

Anyway, congrats to the winners of hopefully already tomorrow 3 Million Euros worth of Telos coins. And regrets for the guys who didn’t participate in the competition when they could have won without competition.

Well, it was “the 1st” so let’s hope it’s not the last and on the “2nd” you can finally get yourself to do something and get one of those nice prize money that You didn’t get this time. article “The Transcendence Project Introduces a Highly Efficient VIM3-based Crypto Miner, More in Store”

a Third one have already joined in lifting up their medias quality by releasing Telos VIM3-board article, actually about a week ago already.

About the previous two you can read about from here, and here.

Basically this is more of the same as the previous two, but refreshingly, each place has its own unique version of the story, and this third one is actually best of all the three, probably thanks to our dear Mod Tybiboune giving some last minute final touches to the article to make it slightly better than it originally wasn’t.

Anyway, if you like to learn as much as you can about the Special Edition VIM3-board, this one is well worth a read again.

New Greenbox marketing video released

Yesterday I mentioned that Pascal announced in discord that Telos marketing is about to switch a gear.

And two days ago I told you about a new marketing video released about Alexandria Proof of Storage.

Today I am telling you about another video released, this time about Greenbox.

I guess this is to show that marketing gear have changed.

This Greenbox video is available from Transcendence Blockchain Linkedin Account, which in itself is bit of a news item enough to mention that such a thing exists.

Video in short tells about Greenbox in short form, pointing out you can earn money and Co2 tokens at same time, and that your Co2 tokens can be even publicly seen, which can be enticing to companies wishing to show they have some other green values too than just the color of their money.

By other words, Greenbox saves the earth, makes you the good guy, and is something that any company should get one for themselves unless they are situated in North Korea. For after all, you just compare the satellite image of South and North Korea at evening and you can notice that while others talk and have Earth Hour once a year, North Korea keeps having Earth Hour every day all day long.

Buy plenty of Greenboxes and save the earth while making my Telos value high and me filthy rich. Earth, me, and the future generations thank you.

Telos marketing switching a gear?

As some of you readers are well aware of, Pascals been winning the yearly friendliest customer service award for some years in a row now without even effort.

That however might now be changing based upon his announcement in Discord where he said quite openly but not completely unmystically that “we are now starting with the opposite idea…” by which he probably referred to the latter part of the message where he said that from now on news will be shared, and new users will be invited. Which indeed haven’t been the main focus lately.

He also in his usual clear form mentioned that we will see past, present, and future releases of Telos and XBTX and other things on pages like: (organic) , (Press releases), (organic), (Sponsored), (sponsored), (review article), (review article), (Review article), (sponsored) , (sponsored) , u.Today (Press Release), (Sponsored)

By other words, in all kinds of subpar cryptocontent compared to the one you are reading now.

What does he mean by the past, present, future releases, I guess we find out when those releases start coming, but my guess, he means all the products already done, currently working, and about to come.

He also mentions that more portals will be added in 5 weeks, by which I suppose he means more of similar places where Telos will be marketed, and more importantly, I guess this means we will start seeing these releases on these places soon if he plans to add more in 5 weeks already.

Anyway, what this all says to me is that if you ever intend to buy more Telos/XBTX coins, you should do so now since very very soon we might see a Telos rocket to the moon much faster than Elon Musk plans to.

Video about Alexandria – a Proof of Storage solution to Telos.

Just yesterday something interesting happened, a new video was released on Twitter which was about something named Alexandria (first time I see this name) and which seems to be the many times before mentioned upcoming Proof of Storage solution coming to Telos.

Notice I have categorized this post as a rumor. Fact is, video is out, but pretty much everything else in here is drawing lines between dots in which I might be right, or then not.

Proof of Storage have been mentioned/talked many times in the past as coming to Telos, and there was even a vote regarding magnetic links to make this possible for Telos.

If I correctly understood, magnetic links idea was that instead of Telos blockchain actually storing for example a video, Blockchain would only store some sort of link to this video, and this way Telos could sort of contain videos and other big files, although in practice the blockchain itself wouldnt be storing the actual data.

Looking at the video it is also showing AML-now, which suggests that Proof of storage is connected with KYC one way or other, which sounds very interesting in sense that others have not put KYC layer to the Proof of Storage before, which means that Telos Proof of Storage is likely going to be having some unique features that other Proof of Storages don’t have.

Video also mentions with Alexandria the alternative internet to which first steps were took with the HIVE browser some time ago already.

It all sounds awfully lot like some previous Telos services are finally coming together, like AmiCould, AML-Now, Proof of Storage, Hive, and Teloscoin of course.

Interesting times ahead. Stay tuned and buy the coins while you still can, soon they might cost too much for Joey Regular to buy them anymore.

Got a Telos master node? There is now a master node competition!

Just today it was announced in the Discord channel that there is now a Master Node competition going on for the next 10 days.

The competition idea is to get Telos nodes to spread all around the world to have a more stable network.

To achieve this, or to at least find out the current situation, anyone with a Telos node can now win 1000 Telos, as long as it is located in a country that hasn’t been listed as a winner yet, excluding Germany, and as long as we are talking of a VPS or own server, so that excludes Blueboxes out of the competition as well.

There is one winner per country, but the same person can win a prize from several countries if he is the first one to tell that he has a node running on a country that has not been claimed yet.

However, it is not enough to just say that you have a node in some country but you need to prove it, and in addition, this node must have been running for at least 7 days.

However, since this is a 10-day long competition, it means that you could actually set up your node to one such country that has not been claimed yet and then 7 days later claim that prize, supposing of course someone else does not do that before you.

To prove that your node has been running for 7 days, it has to be seeable through or or

And to claim for a win, you need to do that in the Community Discord I suppose, or at least that is where the first ones have done so.

At the time of writing this, which is roughly 1 hour after the competition was announced, 5 countries have been claimed so far: the USA, Canada, France, Finland, Poland.

2 Blueboxes being raffle ticketed, act quick, time is almost up.

Time is a bit tight, so you have to react very fast, but there are two blueboxes going to be given by random to people who are willing to do something little.

The first one will be given at today’s Kryptofriday that have already started streaming when this update is published.

In Todays kryptofriday, one Bluebox is given, on what condition is a bit unclear. Basically original announcement by Pascal mentions watching, sharing and liking – as in probably the kryptofriday stream?
However, Kryptofriday’s own announcement doesn’t mention anything about the condition upon which winner is picked. All Kryptofriday says is that it is going to be done live, one hour later from start of kryptofriday, which in practice means, one hour from now since Kryptofriday stream already started.

So my best guess is, if you go and follow the livestream, they either give more instructions, or then it is given to one of those simply watching it, so want to have a chance to earn 1000 Euros by watching a one-hour live stream? Today’s your chance for that.

However, if you are reading this too late already, then don’t worry, since there is also another box given tomorrow on a different condition.

This has to do with Bitdorado promotion.

About two weeks ago Bitdorado promised to give two blueboxes away randomly for people who Follow / Retweet / Like this tweet from bitdorado about that competition, and last Saturday first bluebox was given to a lucky random pick winner, and tomorrow the second box will be given.

So go now to that tweet couple lines above and Follow the account, Retweet the tweet, and like it, to get included on tomorrow’s random pick. So far looks like only around 50 people had done so, so chances to win a thousand are amazingly good compared to the usual probability in these kinds of things.

Hop hop to Kryptofriday stream to win the bluebox dream!

Coins can now apply to Bitdorado exchange.

It was announced that Coins can now apply to get listed to the upcoming Bitdorado exchange.

Listing to Bitdorado will also result in being listed to pools, instatrade, OTC and bots. And also being added to Piggybanks and Blueboxes when applicable.

Listing can either be done against a fee, which varies from coin to coin, or coin can try to get listed through being voted, which actually costs too as voting costs and could in worse case cost even more than simply paying the negotiated listing fee.

If someone is interested in working as an agent to some coin in getting listed, this agent will get some percentage of this listing fee to himself, which is nice.

This also reminds me that those with Bitdorado memberships, either with having paid for one, or having got it otherwise, like from one of the bitdorado edition blueboxes, will also get a share of the listing fee if I have understood right.

Affiliate program for

Couple of days ago TELOSNEWS.COM told you about accepting TELOS and XBTX as a payment option, and now they have an affiliate program in place too.

If you like to get a 10 percent commission from a sale while giving 5 percent off to the customer, then you should make an affiliate link for yourself in

Now you have double a reason to market Telos.