Day: January 9, 2022

Bitdorado Turkey launched Month of K.

Just like with Month of B told in a previous news item about Bitdorado Turkey, Pascal now announced at Klimatas Discord channel that there is now Month of K going on in Bitdorado Turkey until the end of the month, meaning that depositing any coin to Bitdorado Turkey which name starts with K, will give you 3 percent extra in Teloscoins.

As far as I checked, only coin starting with K in Bitdorado Turkey currently is Klimatas (KTS) coin.

And it is a similar system like last time, to give an example:

1. You Deposit 100 000 KTS to Bitdorado Turkey.

2. Coingecko shows that the price of 100 000 KTS is 700 Euros.

3. 3% from 700 Euros is 21 Euros.

4. Coingecko shows that with 21 Euros you can buy 1 000 Teloscoins.

5. You make a deposit of 1 000 Teloscoins to Bitdorado Turkey, and mark the Transaction ID as “Month of K”

On top of this, Pascal also talked that there will likely be Coin & Growth Pool opened for Klimatas (KTS) coin a couple of days later.