Pascal has announced that there will be a 10 Million PARA airdrop at some point, which is to be given to the top 500 PARA owners.
It has not been mentioned when this Airdrop will happen, or how this 10 Million will be divided, but knowing Pascal, my guess is that this will be divided equally among the top 500 PARA owners, meaning that each will get 20 thousand PARA Tokens, which is a pretty nice amount, compare this with the current offer of exchanging 100 Telos to 1 Para Token, and 20 Thousand PARAs would equal 2 Million Teloscoins basically.
However, getting to this bounty is not just by owning PARA, but you have to do some things to be eligible, in addition to becoming one of the TOP 500 PARA owners.
Regarding points 1-3, and 5, if you don’t have accounts to these places from before, you need to create one. In other words, if you already have a Telegram account, Twitter account, Discord Account, and Bitcoin talk account, then these steps are very easy to do, otherwise have to go through the extra hassle to create yourself accounts for each place to be able to join telegram group etc.
Notice step number 4 here. This is otherwise easy to do, but keep in mind that you do need a small amount of BNB in your account to be able to get this step done. I can’t say the exact amount that you need, since the amount changes depending on the situation at the moment you are trying to do it, but basically, having 1 EUR/USD worth of BNB, you should be able to get this done, as long as you can wait to do it in cheaper time in case you happen to first try it at a more expensive time.
I have been very busy lately and hence several news items regarding the world of Transcendence/Telos have not been written. But now that an important offer is almost ending, although it might be extended with the same or different price, I am writing this guide for you people to be able to grab the offer.
I meant to write separate articles about this but didn’t get it done, so here is a brief version of Pascal’s new plans that he has been talking about.
The plan is to take a different approach from before. Before he threw whole loads of things out, and now he finally realized the same thing some of us have said to him long before, as in, how about concentrating on a bit fewer things? And that is basically what he is now doing.
Part of this new plan is that Telos is not dead, but he doesn’t plan on making updates to it currently. Telos will continue to be accepted as a payment option for services, but other than that, there are no plans for Telos currently, and might not be in the future either, unless someone wants to take Telos over.
XBTX on the other hand will be the coin of the future in current plans, although, right now nothing is happening to XBTX.
If you have been following Discord chats in the Telos world, you might have noticed there has been lots of trouble getting the Telos blockchain to sync properly and not fork away. No one knows which fork currently is the Telos fork. I suppose this is part of the reason for moving future development out of Telos.
To get a working blockchain is of course a must to be able to move coins/tokens properly around, and since fixing current blockchain issues are bit difficult in the current state where active users have dropped significantly low, Pascal is now taking a bit of a side step in hopes of fixing the situation by having created PARA Token to BNB-blockchain (BEP20).
The idea is that you can now Swap, or trade, or however you like to look at it, your Telos Coins and XBTX tokens to PARA Tokens.
However, this is only a temporary solution to get things moving again and being able to promote PARA tokens to new people, and some point in the future, when XBTX version 2 is ready, PARA Tokens will be swapped, traded, or however you like to look at it, back to XBTX.
So in a nutshell. You can now trade your XBTX and Telos coins into PARA Tokens, and in the future, you will be able to trade PARA Tokens into XBTX(2) again.
To make it clear. PARA Token is not a new coin that is going to replace XBTX and Teloscoin, it is currently only meant to be a temporary solution to existing problems, and when things are fixed and better again, things will move back to XBTX again. That is the plan.
Pascal made a public announcement on the 1st of August making an offer that he said is valid for 30 days, which is in practice probably to the end of this month, as in, ending 4 days later. He did however hint he might extend the offer time, but there is no guarantee it will be for the same price.
Offer is following:
You can trade following coins to get PARA Tokens:
1 PARA (XBTX token) –> 1 PARA (BEP20) Token
5 XBTX –> 1 PARA Token
100 TELOS –> 1 PARA Token
100 KTS –> 1 PARA Token
100 BIRAKE –> 1 PARA Token
100 LCG –> 1 PARA Token
2 SFD –> 1 PARA Token
1 AML –> 1 PARA Token
1 BAM –> 1 PARA Token
1 USDT –> 1 PARA Token
1 UNIPIG -> 100 000 PARA Token
First you need to make BEP20 compatible wallet address for yourself, one option would be to use
NOTICE! When you make this address, do remember to copy its Privatekey somewhere to store it, because if you lose access to your wallet, you can use Privatekey to get your wallet back.
But do keep in mind that if someone else gets access to your private key, then he can do whatever he wants with your wallet.
After this is done, you still have to make your wallet to see your Para Tokens (If they are there, they are there regardless if you see them or not, so you could do this at a later point as well).
To start, You need to change the Network you are connected to:
First Click on “Network Selection”-button (RED 1) and you should see the above list of networks.
Choose “Add Network” (RED 2)
This should result in the following page:
Click on “Add“-button (Circled in RED in picture) beside “BNB Smart Chain (Previously Binance Smart Chain Mainnet)” (underlined in RED in picture)
This should result in the Approval page showing up:
Click “Approve” and you now have BNB Smart Chain as a Network option, but notice that you are not connected to it at this point yet. To connect:
Click again on “Change Network”-button like earlier (RED 1)
Choose the now available “BNB Smart Chain“-option from the list (RED 2)
And you are connected to BNB Smart Chain network. However, while you will now see your BNB coins, you still won’t see your PARA Tokens:
To fix this, click on “+ import Token”: (RED circled)
This will open the “Custom token“-page:
In the “Custom token”, you need to write to “Token contract address”, the following address: 0x8A5652EB940dD3832a8426FBe5afBB01b0f96a14
This is the contract address of PARA, which in other words is when PARA token was created, and through this Import Token is able to Import PARA to your wallet.
“Token symbol”-part is a free choice, but I would suggest using for example “PARA” for you yourself to recognize it.
Token decimal you can leave to 10 as it is.
click “Add custom token”, and you should see something like this:
And now, finally, click on “Import tokens”-button, and you are done:
Now that You are able to both see and receive your PARA Tokens from the deal to your just-created wallet address, let’s move on to making the actual Deal.
TO MAKE THE DEAL, YOU NEED TO FILL THE CONTRACT. You can download that contract from here:
This contract is mostly quite self-explanatory, however, couple of places to note:
First of all, don’t forget to put your wallet address where to receive your Para Tokens (RED 1), and notice that if you are exchanging more than one Coin into Para Tokens, it is enough that you put the wallet address just once to the first line.
“Destination address to send your coins to Papara International AG” (RED 2) I suppose you left it empty and wait for the contract to be sent back to you after it is accepted, however, do notice about next note.
“Source” (RED 3) is a bit trickier and requires a longer explanation because of BUTs regarding this.
Basically, it is quite simple. You tell where your coins are, for example, your Teloscoin wallet address, so that when you send them from that address to Pascal, he will then know those are coins from you, and that your part of the deal is done and he can start sending PARA Tokens to you.
BUT, it isn’t quite that simple. For as already mentioned earlier, people are not able to sync their wallets, and hence not able to send their coins either. Bitdorado is also having problems and currently coins are stuck there.
So while the idea basically is that you would send your coins to Pascal, and then Pascal would send PARA Tokens to you, due to this not being really possible, there are now some options on how to do this.
Bitdorado – You can take a screenshot of your current balance, and then add it as an attachment to the email in which you are sending the contract too. The idea with this is that Pascal accepts that you have for example 100k Teloscoins in your Bitdorado balance, and the deal is basically that as soon as it becomes possible to send those coins to Pascal, you will send them, and Pascal will trust that you will do so in a timely manner and give you your PARA Tokens already now.
Teloscoin Wallet – Since it is quite difficult currently to get your wallet to sync and without it forking, and therefore send the coins, you could alternatively, especially if you are exchanging all your coins in your wallet to PARA Tokens, send Pascal your Private Key instead.
Remember how I mentioned earlier when making Bep20 wallet about never giving your Private Key to anyone, This is exactly why, since by giving your Private Key to Pascal, he is able to fully control your wallet, and therefore that is one way to “send your coins” to Pascal, but remember, he gets access to your whole wallet, so I would suggest using this only if you are exchanging all your coins in your wallet to PARA Tokens.
Regarding Stuck Exchanges or Similar, I guess you could try if the same applies as to Bitdorado, maybe Pascal accepts the deal.
After you have filled and saved the contract, send it to the email address:
and wait for the answer. As long as you send this contract with possibly the required attachments before month changes, I suppose you will get the deal, even if the answer would come much later.
Should I change my Coins to PARA Tokens?
I meant to have a longer, separate, article about this, but will now write just shortly.
Teloscoins are at their bottom, and since Pascal isn’t planning on working on it in the future, except for adding for payments, I would say switching to PARA is likely the better chance to get some value out of them. If you have lots of Teloscoins, like I do, then you could look at leaving some of them for yourself, depending on your plans. For example, Bitdorado Turkey is hosted by third parties, and at least so far they have not shown signs of stopping to use Teloscoins for their TIERS leveling, so if you are after the TIERS, then might be a good move to leave some for yourself. Also, you could leave maybe 100k coins left to be able to run a master node in the future, if things start going on again. Other than that, I would suggest changing your Teloscoins to PARA coins, but remember, this is just my opinion, not financial advice, and it is your own stupidity if you decide to do as I say.
There is also one more reason to do so. For Pascal has said there will be an airdrop of 10 million PARA coins to the top 500 users, of which how to claim this airdrop for yourself you can read more from this article.
If these are evenly distributed, it could mean 20 thousand PARA Tokens per top 500 users, and with the current 100 to 1 offer, that would mean 2 Million Teloscoins. So even if you are planning on hanging to Teloscoins, it might still be worth changing them to PARA Tokens at this point, and after airdrop, back to Teloscoins, to get significantly more Teloscoins possibly, which of course depends upon how the price of PARA Token and Teloscoin develops. Anyway, Pascal has said he is planning on adding an automated system of being able to swap between PARA-XBTX/Teloscoin, so should be doable.
Regarding the chances of being one of the top 500 users. Well, right now there is one bit higher paying bounty which gives you 1000 PARA Tokens, but it is difficult, you need to have 100 followers on twitter to do it, which most won’t. Other bounties are giving only 50 PARA Tokens, although some can be done more than once.
So basically getting past 50 PARA Tokens might be enough already, and especially if you get past 1000, I think even if more people join, and no more high-paying Bounties come, then I guess that is quite a guarantee to get to the top 500 Users and receive the Airdrop. Now 1000 PARA Tokens can be obtained by having 100k Teloscoins. Would say that if you have at least 20k Teloscoins, then at least now it would look like you would quite likely be getting to the top 500 users for the airdrop, unless things change in the middle.
What comes to XBTX, this one is a bit trickier, since PARA Tokens will eventually be exchanged back to XBTX Coins if the plan goes as I have currently understood it, so it could happen that one or the other is more expensive. So one way would be to switch half of your XBTX to PARA tokens to guarantee getting to the top 500 users (supposing you have a good amount) and that way split the risk of price development favoring one or the other greatly.
PARA (XBTX) is obvious to change into PARA Tokens (Bep20), since these are essentially the same thing, but PARA (XBTX) to my understanding will disappear now in favor of PARA Token (Bep20)
It is unknown if nothing is going to happen with KTS, so could consider exchanging them all to make sure at least something happens.
AML seems to be buried too based upon Pascal’s last talks about it, if I understood right. BAM and LCG I don’t know enough to comment.
BIR is owned by a third party, so I have no clue what their plans are nor if it would be wise to exchange or keep them.
SFD I don’t even know what it is, and USDT is USDT, If you wish to use them to buy some PARA, you can, but it isn’t like USDT wouldn’t be useful in the future too.
As a last thing, Discord username Micke pointed me out that if you exchange to PARA Tokens with the idea of getting your share from the airdrop, you should also prepare a small amount of BNB to your wallet to be able to get this airdrop. And after checking a bit more, there are other things you need to do as well to be eligible for the PARA Token airdrop, which you can find in this small article detailing them better.
edit 2023-08-29: Original instructions to see your PARA Tokens weren’t enough to see them yet, it was missing the part about changing your Network to BNB Smart Chain network in metamask, article now updated to include that part too.
ARMedONE Kickstarter, which actually has to do with Transcendence Blockchain, although none of this aspect is mentioned due to Kickstarter restrictions, is about to end 40 hours from the time this article was published.
And currently doesn’t look like it is going to succeed when less than 10 percent of its roughly 150K Eur amount has been bid yet.
For those interested to know more, could check for example these two videos:
The most important difference compared to previous versions is, that this one no more forces you to do AML-Now KYC to use it.
This is both good and bad news. Good in that using Dashboard is now much easier, but the reason for this is Pascal’s plan on ditching his AML-Now plan, which I personally thought that it seemed like he was on the right track on that. Well, no one anyway knows the future whether it had worked out or just been a hindrance, so let’s trust it is for the best, or that Pascal renews his interest in his former plan back and successfully executes it.
Also, don’t forget that you can get Bootstraps to both Teloscoin (TELOS) and Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) from Unofficial Teloscoin and Bitcoin Subsidium Explorer, just check to the left bottom of your browser screen when there to see this two download button, they are the bootstraps to each.
As official Telos Explorer is currently not working, it is good that Discord username GünterFaltin announced the availability of unofficial Teloscoin Explorer available at the following URL:
This actually happened already two weeks ago, but after Pascal had announced and I went to check myself to Bitdorado, indeed, the number of my PARAs had boomed!
So finally those mysterious PARAs that you got by minting against TELOS and some other coin have become more, and a whole lot more too, they about multiplied by eight!
And APY (Annual Profit Yield) is still shown to be close to a thousand percent even now, so those first minted PARAs, and even now minted PARAs, are likely going to become quite much more still, despite the APY percent going down fast.
Now, let’s trust the price will be high too in the future.
As far as I know, Pascal is mainly stuck in bureaucracy, more specifically on taxes.
That however haven’t prevented things from happening, but things have happened, although I haven’t wrote about them much, mainly since most of the stuff have been in Germany to germans, and since there haven’t happened big enough concrete stuff that I have felt as being report worthy.
Add to this that I have been quite busy myself, and hence have left all the smaller news without a report.
But fear not, things may be moving slowly, but they are moving, and forward. is open, and has been for some time already, I just noticed it a bit late, and it also took me quite a while to tell you about it.
From the user’s point of view, this is exactly the same as Bitdorado Turkey, but this just resides in the EU.
It is similar enough that you cant actually sign up to Bitdorado EU yet, but you have to register yourself to Bitdorado Turkey, and then use those log-in details to log in to, and automagically all the same coins you see in Turkey version, you will also see in EU version, and as far as I can see, can also do all the same stuff as in Turkey version.
First the bad news, your each TELOS in addition becoming also one PARA is no more.
Right when, not so long ago, we were happily celebrating our bunch of PARAs coming with the coming of PARA Explorer, it is no more, but the plan has changed.
See why I tend to categorize these as rumor articles since you never know when everything changes until they really are there, which I actually pretty much thought they were with the existence of Explorer, but seems you can’t trust even that yet.
This turn of events was a bit unfortunate. All this time I told people I knew to stick to TELOS since they are about to receive PARAs in addition to their TELOS, but now in a sudden turn in one short announcement, this changed.
Now the good news however is, that you can still get PARAs, and you still need TELOS to get them.
In addition, it is likely that PARAs are going to be making quite a nice Profit Yield, especially now that some of the original plans that bit worried me are gone and replaced with new ones, or at least looks like it, for I am not sure at all what is the plan with PARAs exactly currently, hence also the status of rumor article for this one too, since what I am about to tell you, is very much a guess game, and either might be wrong or could change by tomorrow.
So how to get these precious PARAs?
Well, first of all, you need an account in Bitdorado, for that is the only place where you can currently mint PARAs.
When you have an account in Bitdorado, you also need TELOS, and some other coin, and they both need to be in Coin & Growth pools.
The system is that you pick how many Euros worth of PARAs you want, and each PARA is one EURO. So you could for example pick 10 EUROs worth of TELOS and 10 EUROs worth of XBTX, and it would result in 20 EUROs worth of PARAs, which is 20 PARAs.
And these TELOS and XBTX would then be reduced from your Coin & Growth pools.
Now do notice it is 10 EUROs worth of TELOS and XBTX, which means with the current market price around 2000 XBTX and about the same amount of TELOS, just to get 10 PARA coins, so with the current low price of XBTX, it really is not worth it to use XBTX, but to rather use some other coin to pair with TELOS. It is always TELOS and some other coin of the same EUR amount, so you can’t avoid using your TELOS for them.
However, that isn’t necessarily that bad, for this is very much a guess from me, but if I understood right, PARAs value at least partially is dependent upon the value of the coins you use to mint them. That they might be somehow attached to them.
So while TELOS might be a bit low, when in the future TELOS however goes higher, so will PARAs value too, so you might not lose any TELOS value by changing them to PARAs, since PARAs value might be attached to TELOS value to quite a high extent.
Now, what else determines PARAs value, or to what is it even used for, I have no clue. I have completely missed that part of the information and I don’t seem to be only one feeling somewhat confused about what PARA is and other things related to it, but seems like everyone else is minting their PARAs same way as I am, with the point that it is coming from Pascal, so its probably worth getting some at beginning to yield the best profits, although, that reminds me, Pascals original pricing for TELOS was 7 Euro cents…
But, when it comes to PARA, there is a high yield. How much profit it yields depends upon how many coins there are. More coins, less profit. How exactly does that work, your guess is as good as mine.
I just know that when I first time checked that PARA staking page in Bitdorado, it showed over 85 000 percent profit yield per year, and now in a very short time (due to minting) it has already dropped to 10 000 percent APY, and will expectedly drop still much more, but I do guess it will even eventually make a quite nice profit even it will still, of course, drop huge amounts from the current one.
However, do notice there is a bit of a trick here in this APY, for it can easily fool you to look like much higher than it is. Or, it is what it is in APY, but monthly APY is totally different thing. For by quick look I was myself too looking that wow, I will 100 x my PARAs in just one month, but actually, Bitdorado calculates APY based upon Cumulative interest. And when you look it through Cumulative interest, the higher the monthly profit, the multiplicatively higher the APY.
So for example, lets take 100 percent profit a month (that is double the amount each month), when we look this cumulatively, we notice it goes: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1 600, 3 200, 6 400, 12 800, 25 600, 51 200, 102 400, 204 800.
By other words, if you have 100 percent yield per month, then the APY (Annual Profit Yield) is 204 800 percent, which is more than at beginning mentioned 85 000 APY.
From this you can notice, that your money wont be multiplied by 100, or even by 10 in just one month, but actually, it is going to be less than doubled.
However, even with the 10 000 APY, we are still talking of a monthly number of close to 50 percent, so not so bad. And Actually, even with 1 000 APY, we would still be talking of a number of close to 25 percent monthly interest, which still isn’t bad at all, add to this the potential value rise of PARA, and you might actually get your 10 x multiplication or something in somewhat a short time, Could be, still during this year.
Wanna get to the next newest profit yielding thing? PARA is probably the way to go.
According to Goingecko, Bitcoin Subsidum (XBTX) hit yesterday an All-Time low price of 0.193638 EUR!
And it also hit a pretty low price compared to Teloscoin as well. I even saw a price of 0.25 TELOS for 1 XBTX!
That is even more amazing when you consider that basically, the Idea is that XBTX is like TELOS gold, meaning it is rarer, and Pascal’s original plan, which I guess it still is, is that one XBTX is basically supposed to be worth 100 TELOS.
Now if you happened to be the lucky bastard who got their XBTX for 0.25 TELOS, then you already made 5 times the profit, for right now the price is more than 1.25 TELOS per XBTX, which is still a dirt cheap ratio, but pretty nice profit in just one day, and in my opinion, you can be pretty sure that one day TELOS/XBTX ratio will be at least 10 TELOS for 1 XBTX, I have personally always counted for that.
Oh, and even if you bought your XBTX against EUROs, its not that bad either, for the price of 0.19 have already went up to 0.31. Not the 5 x multiplier like with TELOS, but I would call over 50 percent profit in one day pretty decent already.
Want to get rich? No? Okay, don’t go and buy Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) then.
New Dashboard version for the public was finally released and it can be downloaded from Github link.
There are a couple of changes in this version, one of the major, although not so visible to a common user is that all the tx databases are now being converted into SQLite databases. This in short means that things should work better, as in faster and more stable.
There is also one peak into the future feature in this since in this version there is now in the menu an option called “Oldtimers NFT”. While it is in the menu, and you can go and check about it, it is, however, not for real there yet.
I guess partially for the needs of this OldTimers NFT option, there is now also some messaging systems in dashboard.
There is an announcement system so that Transcendence can send messages, for example, to inform about new Dashboard version releases. And there is also some private messaging system. I suppose this is to make it easier to ask about some specific NFT cards between potential buyer and a seller as an example.
XBTX Miner is another new option in Dashboard Menus, but nothing has been told about it, and when clicking, it is talking about Linux, so this is probably meant only for, maybe Bluebox 2 owners or something, and might not have any use for a common user in a wrong computer environment.
Quite much new stuff basically, although still looks like very much in a beginning, but this is a huge step forward in seeing Pascal’s vision about what he is after with the Dashboard, and with less imagination than last time, you can see how this can become a pretty useful all-in-one app for crypto users.
Pascal made a somewhat interesting announcement, although there was lots of information missing from it.
To put it short, you can now buy Shiba Inu NFTs, and if you get two of them, they will start making puppies every 360 days (which can be sped up by buying blue pills), and there is even buy guarantee for the puppies.
This is a pretty interesting concept in making cryptos more friendly to non-Crypto people.
It is not told exactly how this earning logic works underneath the hood, but I suppose this is basically just an abstraction of something real happening under the hood.
Like non-abstract version is that you can mine some coins, or even rent some power to mine XBTX coins.
A slight abstraction however happens at Bitdodaro Turkey for example, where you are simply told that by putting x amount of XBTX here, you will get x-percentage of interest every month.
Naturally, these x amounts of XBTX will be used to make more coins in some way in Bitdorado, and although we are not told exactly how it is done, it is anyway somewhat figurable still by this model.
But now these Shiba Inu NFTs take the abstraction to a whole new level. There is no clue as to how these XBTX become more XBTX, but from the customer’s point of view, it is extremely simple to figure out.
You buy NFT papa and NFT mama doggie, and then, 360 days later, there will be a new NFT puppy existing. That’s easy enough, for give enough time for Papa and Mama doggies, and they will make Puppy doggies in real life too.
Another 360 days later, and you will have another NFT Puppy, and now you will have a Brother and a Sister puppy.
And yet another 360 days later, Brother and Sister puppy will -Ew..- make another Puppy dog, in addition to another one from Papa and Mama Dog as well.
And still another 360 days and Papa and Mama Dogs’ newest Puppy and Brother and Sister Puppies’ first Puppy will make another inbred abomination of an NFT Puppy.
And that’s how it goes until your XBTX NFT wallet is filled with a kennel of inbred hillbilly NFT doggies.
Quite brilliant, although a bit disturbing too.
As earlier mentioned, in the announcement it was told that these puppies are guaranteed to be bought by the company, which basically means that You buy two NFT Shiba Inus for 250 each, and then a year later you can sell your puppy for 250 to the company. Nothing is better than owning your own meat factory!
And in a real industry fashion, you can use science to breed faster by throwing your dogs some blue pills, which cost 150 each and will halve the production time of a new NFT puppy.
There was also a mention that to be able to give your NFT doggies to other users, they will need to have doghouses and stuff. Which is yet another interesting abstraction and easy to understand. If you don’t have a doghouse, then where else could you put your doggies unless directly to a plate, and usually people are not happy to sell their doggies to your plates. Hence getting dog meat without doghouses is not doable.
The real question for many people however is, whether it is worth getting these Shiba Inu NFTs for profit making, and that is a bit difficult to answer with the beginning mentioned missing information.
The most important question is, will the price stay the same, and in EURos or XBTXs or what. As in, is my previous example right in that I can buy two dogs for 500, and then a year later sell their puppy for 250? There is no mention if the price will stay the same or perhaps go up/down and based upon what.
This info would be important also from the point of view of whether they are worth buying with what.
For suppose the price stays 250 Euros all the time. In that case, I wouldn’t be too interested in buying one with XBTX, for right now to get one doggie with XBTX, you might need to pay around 30K XBTX.
Even you can sell them a year later back to the company for the same 250 Euros, it might, in XBTX, mean just 250 XBTX, supposing the price of XBTX a year later is 1 Euro each. In other words, your supposed profits became into changing 30K XBTX into only 250 XBTX, or in Euros in this example, a loss of nearly 30K Euros. Quite a saving fund!
In other words, if you are after XBTX, and the Euro price of Shiba Inu NFTs stays the same, I would then rather bet on buying actual XBTX coins and keeping them.
On the other hand, if you look at it from a Euro point of view, that, let’s say you already have plenty of XBTX, and you don’t wish to risk getting any more, then even if using 250 Euros to buy 30K XBTX and directly using it to buy Shiba Inu NFT (remember, you can also buy them directly with Euros, but there might be benefits in buying them with XBTX or TELOS), it is worth it then.
For while I don’t think there is much point in tieing your XBTX to Shiba Inu NFT, Tieing your Euros into it however is a pretty darn good investment.
For where else do you get 50 percent profit a year from your money? Here you can. put 500 Euros to buy two dogs, and a year later you can sell those two dogs and their puppy, and get 750 Euros. This of course supposing the price stays the same and in Euros, which once again, is not told in the announcement how it is.
And here is another link where you might, or might not be able to buy Shiba Inu, for, at the time of writing this, it is under testing, possibly opening already tomorrow: Angry Shiba 1 #000005 – KryptoBay
Annual Telos halving has happened for this year 2022 and now new Teloscoins per block have dropped from 17.5 to 8.75 only.
Halving actually happened already 2 days ago, but I waited to make sure it really did since basically Halving shouldn’t happen until June/July. However, since Halving is not based on time, but on block number, it isn’t an exact science, and while the intention has been to have halving happen once a year, blocks might form faster or slower than intended, and in Teloscoin’s case it seems to be happening about 10 percent faster than intended, since last year the halving happened, if I recall right, around June instead of July, and this year instead of basically expected June, it now happened at May.
I guess that next year we can expect halving to happen around the change of March and April.
Right after I had pushed the “Publish”-button for the latest rumour article mentioning nothing concrete happening from the user’s point of view, that article already got old since I noticed Pascal had posted a message to Discord telling there was an Update released to Bitdorado App.
By now this update should have come to everywhere in the world to Apple Appstores and Google Playstores.
What is interesting in this update is that it now includes Telos wallet in it.
So if you been wondering where to store your coins but you have felt exchanges as too insecure and real wallet as too complicated, then this would be something from the middle.
It is a very simple wallet, basically a kind of wallet I personally find very appealing, for it gives most of the security that a regular wallet offers, yet you don’t need to worry about keeping it up-to-date, but you can basically just leave it be and come 5 years later back to immediately use it again. Only drawback for me is that it is in a mobile App, for I dislike using things on Mobile phones, and prefer doing things with tabletop computers, but quite many people nowadays are exact opposite on this, hence this is probably a perfect solution for many.
This part is bit more of rumour side, but I can start seeing the picture Pascal is drawing here for us.
Now you might think this is just a handy Wallet now, but I think this is going to be part of something bigger.
Pascal mentioned in Discord that he either got it already, or was in process of getting some sort of banking right to Bitdorado in such way that he can offer FIAT Bank Accounts in Bitdorado.
Just a little bit of imagination, and you could see that Bitdorado could become your ultimate banking solution which would also include cryptos.
You could have a FIAT bank account, where you could store all your FIAT money (of every FIAT currency), and then use this account the pay your everyday bills.
Now, on top of this, you could simply choose to buy some Telos to your Telos wallet with the current exchange price, and this would happen in real time. 10 Euros becomes into 0.00001 Telos, and then when you notice your electric bill is already due, but you have no Euros (or USDs, or Yuans, or whatevers), you would simply, once again in real time, change 0.0002 Telos into 200 Euros and get electricity bill paid.
Actually, you could technically pay it even with Telos. Just put your invoice details which tells the due amount is 200 Euros, choose from a list that you wish to pay it with Telos, and Bitdorado will handle it so that it sells enough Telos to have enough Euros to pay the bill, and this all happens instantly.
Now even if you wouldnt appreciate the Telos to FIAT and back real-time conversion, for regular folks this would also work as an excellent way to make some investment money kind of thing.
Nowadays people might for example buy 100 Euros worht of Funds each month, which isnt a bad idea, but it is not simplest possible thing, and there often is for example at least 1 days, and often even longer while before you can actually get your money out of them back to use, plus you cant choose an option to pay a bill and choose to take that sum from the Fund directly.
Telos wallet and FIAT bank account in Bitdorado however opens an interesting opportunities.
The first one is obvious, you could simply put 100 euros a month always to one of the Bitdorado pools. You could, for example, buy Bitcoins instantly to your bitdorado Coin & Growth pool, and this way get a nice percentage to your Bitcoins each month, and if needed, pay a bill using Coin & Growth funds.
Another interesting possibility is that instead of having Euros in your account, you could instead decide that all your money is in cryptos all the time. That right when your boss pays you 1000 Euros, it would instantly be changed into Telos, and this way you could gain interest on the money (cryptos) that you are holding in your wallet, and then when needed to pay your everyday bills, you would use Telos to do that.
My guess is, that something like this is what Pascal is planning on achieving, and that is a pretty great idea.
So, another rumour article, and situation basically still the same. Things are happening, papers have been moving… but nothing really seeable from users point of view.
However, New Dashboard is already on testing by some of the community members, so that might actually finally be coming out soon. Also, just to point out that the current public Dashboard version is not actually the latest version existing, later versions have just not been released to public yet, so we are not getting just a next version of dashboard, but perhaps the third version after the current one.
Also, another more concrete seeming was that Pascal was talking that Kryptobay would finally be coming back, two weeks later. Now did he refer to phrase “two weeks later” or did he really mean that? It did sound like he really meant it, but I really cant be sure. Hope I understood it right, since then next month things might finally start taking off again more concretely to us users.
Or that is what you would think when nothing much seeable is happening, but don’t let that fool you.
While there hasn’t happened anything that I like to report about, it doesn’t mean nothing has happened.
I Haven’t written any news during the month since there hasn’t been any of the kind of news that I like to report, hence this is another rumour article to have at least one news item this month too.
Lots of papers have moved and got accepted, and lots of papers have been filed on behalf of Telosland things. So things are moving, although nothing that we, the users, can really react to.
However, one of the more concrete things from the user’s point of view that has happened is that the UNIPIG token is now available to trade at SouthXchange. Now I am not sure what that UNIPIG token actually is, as far as I have understood, it is part of Peerschweinchen that has been available to Germans only (which is why I haven’t really dug into it) until now and it also has some real value to back it, which can also be seen when checking its price, which at time of writing this is 3.64 BTC per 1 UNIPIG. Yes, 1 UNIPIG is three times more valuable than BTC.
Another thing is that Kryptobay is going to have a local shop that will work as a showroom for NFTs. The idea being that just like there will be those OldMobiles, there would also be for example a TV in Kryptobay, where the idea is that if you get 50 NFT cards related to that TV, then you can have it for yourself.
There is also a STARTUP token planned in the future, which, if I understood right, would somehow be merging previous tokens like UNIPIG and BAM into it, but I didn’t quite get how, nor will I find out, since this is a rumour article and hence accuracy isn’t such a priority.
Anyway, STARTUP token’s main idea is to finance Startups, and it sounds pretty interesting.
Other than that, things do look good, the question is just when.
Keep in mind that I categorized this article as a rumour article. While these things here are basically things that Pascal has announced, you can’t really trust that he wouldn’t change his mind still since there are so many moving parts here. I’m also not checking much of these things, but mainly writing from memory what Pascal has lately been saying on various, mainly Discord Channels.
Klimatas (KTS) is right now in process of getting a new fork which among other things, removes the cold nodes.
Telos R is no more. Pascal changed his mind (proves my point why this is rumour article) and decided there is no need for Telos R, at least for now.
Instead, there are going to be two different forks made from Teloscoin: Paracoin (PARA) and MooNET(MUU), of which I haven’t wrote anything about before yet.
Basically, it seems Pascal have got tired that when something happens with Teloscoin, people think it is happening to EOS/TLOS, hence he has decided to make two new coins, and if I have understood it correctly, his idea is basically to let these new coins do the things he meant Teloscoin to do.
Don’t worry however, Teloscoin will still stay as it is, and it will be accepted as payment for Teloslands services in the future too. Hence Telos will likely still get higher valued in future, although not as high as might have been expected before, instead, some of this future high value will now go to Paracoin and Muu.
XBTX chain is likely going to get two different things in near future. One is Security Token (STO), which ones purpose I actually forgot already what it was for. Only thing I remember is that this STO will only be available for small amount of people, like to only 100 different people, due to legal technical reasons, so when they come, be sure to grab at least one to be able to get more in the future then, for if you are not one of the first 100 or whatever it was, chances are you will never get them.
Another is NFT based old car collection thing, which has an interesting twist. For each NFT will have like 50 cards or something, and they are attached to a real classic car. Collect all those 50 NFTs of that car series, and you can get that real car for yourself.
You can either try to buy all the NFT cards of one car, or you could maybe trade with other NFT owners so each one of you could get the full set of NFT cards of a car, much more interesting than trading with hockey cards or something.
In addition to this, other things seem to be moving forward too, like Bitdorado Poland is possibly soon registered and up, which is an interesting move in Bitdorado.
Bitdorado App is also about to be updated, and the new version should include multi wallet support, which means that you can start using Bitdorado as your wallet, and perhaps even more interesting to current Bitdorado users, this might give a possibility that when moving coins to or from Bitdorado, we maybe don’t need to wait for someone to manually approve them anymore, but this might become a more automated system. Just my guess, not an announcement.
Oh, And Klimatas coin (KTS) will be added to this multi wallet support too, as long as a comment on KTS Discord channel is to be believed. But do keep in mind. This is just a rumours article, maybe these happen, maybe they don’t, but at least you now have some idea of what might happen, even they might not.
Polispay has announced in their twitter that Polispay app project, which to my understanding means the whole Polispay, will be shut down.
Why is this done is not told in the tweet, maybe due to legal requirements. After all, this is why Pascal has been working so much to meet those legal requirements in advance to make sure we don’t need to read similar news about Telos projects one day, for it has been for a long time already Pascals anticipation that we will be hearing more news like this in the future from other projects too.
Anyway, if you are using Polispay wallet to store your Telos or XBTX, it is time to transfer them somewhere elsewhere. You have until the 15th of February to transfer them out, or you will lose access to these coins for good.
A fair reminder of what I have been telling to people that there is always a risk when keeping your coins on any third-party provider, like Polispay, or crypto exchanges.
You can auction until the 21st day, that is the day after tomorrow, a SAT price per coin that you are going to be paying from each KTS in that 25 000 pot, and whatever price you are paying from them, will be given to Kidz charity.
So this could be your chance of getting some cheap KTS, if the price stays below the market price, at the time of writing this the highest bid is 15 SAT, which, depending on how you look at it, is below the market price. After all, I have had a buy offer in Birake for 22 SAT for some time now already and no one is selling for that price.
Or this could also be your chance of making a nice donation to Kidz charity while at the same time getting some KTS for yourself. You could simply overpay the market price and Kidz charity would be happy and moving to the Bahamas.
If this timing doesn’t seem to work for you, don’t worry, it seems like they are planning on having more auctions in the future. For if I understood right, this is some sort of Klimatas own thing where they are getting some certain amount of KTS each month and they have chosen to at least for now to auction that amount each month to the highest bidder.
By suggestion of discord username Tybiboune, I am adding here some of the Kindergartens that have already received some Funds (10 500 Euros in total in 2021):