Telos Master Node installation guide available

Telos Master Node installation guide available

For over a month already, there has been a Teloscoin Masternode Installation guide available at Teloscoin Forum.

If you are planning on setting up one and need some guide, then check from there.

This guide however only gives you instructions on how to set it up, and nothing more, and since there been quite a lot of following questions in the Discord Channel, I am going to add a bit of a troubleshooting guide in here:

Why isn’t my node giving me rewards?

is often asked in Discord channel, and reasons can be many, but here are some of them.

It might take a long time before you receive your first reward, especially if you are setting up a 100k node.

The more master nodes there are, the longer it takes for the first reward, or even the next reward to come.
Or to be more precise, more Telos Coins are attached to Master Nodes, longer it takes, meaning that one master node with 1 Million collateral, is the same as there existing 10 Master nodes with 100k Collateral.

And in Telos there is quite a lot of coins attached to Master Nodes, so rewards are slow.

To Check the current average times etc. you can check statistics from

Another reason why you are not receiving rewards is since your node is one way or other not working properly.

There are loads of people who try to set up their master nodes to some low-cost minimum performance VPS, but you need to understand that if your server doesn’t meet the requirements, they might appear to be functioning normally, but not receive any rewards.

Thing is, there are so many reasons why this might happen, and there are even scenarios where a perfectly fine working node might not receive any rewards.

You might be using too little RAM or virtual RAM, which results in your node being a bit too slow.
Thing is, when rewards are distributed, it is done through consensus between nodes.

Idea is that each node will contact other nodes and say to them “Hey, how about me win the reward this round” and then these nodes continue contacting other nodes telling “Hey, node X suggested himself to be the winner, okay for you too?”, but then at some point there comes a situation where the other node answers “Sorry, I am already planning on giving my vote to Trump” and then the Node X loses.

Figuratively speaking the idea is that you start calling with a phone to your friends and speaking them through the phone to vote for you, and if you speak slow, your talk stutters, and you are using old-style phones where it takes longer to dial, then the guy who speaks fast and perfect and pushes only one button to call his friends, is able to get more people to his side before you are, and hence you keep losing the vote all the time.

This is exactly what can happen to your node. So while everything looks like they are functioning normally, you are not getting rewards, since your node is too slow to ever win the consensus on its side.

A slightly similar situation can happen with a perfectly fine working master node too, for thing is, all nodes have this independent auto banning system. Idea is that if some node tries to contact your node, and the connection isn’t very good, by other words slow replies, then your node will automatically ban this node leaving space for some better and faster node to connect to it since connection spots are limited.

While your node is working perfectly fine, if it however tries to reach to a node on other side of the globe, it is likely that the connection is slow and bad, and to keep connection good and faster, it will automatically ban connections from this node, so closer, better-connected nodes can connect to it and network stay fast.

So basically even if your node is working perfectly fine, but it happens to be in such a spot that connections to every other node are simply bad, as in too far away, then it will get banned by all those others until there comes closer nodes with better connections nearby.

In addition to these, you could also be getting rewards too often, which indicates your node might have either forked itself away, or it might have connected with nodes that have forked away.

To rule this possibility out, you need to check your latest transaction HASH from your wallet and compare it with Telos Explorer. The address in this article is the one that was in the Master node guide, so if it is not working, keep checking from the Teloscoin forum for a new one’s address.

Notice when comparing the HASH, that Explorer might not be showing the newest block yet. At least some Explorers have been waiting for blocks to verify for a certain amount of times before actually displaying them, resulting in explorer showing for example 50 blocks behind, meaning that when you go and check your HASH, and you don’t find it, it doesn’t mean you are at wrong fork yet, it might just mean that Explorer isn’t showing that new blocks yet. Hence, either wait or compare some older blocks HASH.

Also, you can check the Block number and compare what is explorers’ newest block number to see if Explorer is behind in its showing or not.

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