Here is a slight confusion available for you all: xMiner is a hardware device meant for mining, while xMiner v2 is actually a software meant for mining at Bluepool.
xMiner v2 is software for Windows (64-bit version only) that enables the user to mine with CPU or GPU in Bluepool specifically.
However, since Bluepool is a sort of insiders club where not just anyone can get access to so it would stay nicely profitable, you cant just download the software and start mining, but your wallet needs to get whitelisted first to get the access to the bluepool.
To get your wallet whitelisted, you either need to have bought one of the eligible things from Transcendence Project, which currently would be a Bluebox, xMiner (the hardware one), Piggy Bank v3 (for a limited time only), or you need to buy Bluepool Membership which currently costs 476 000 Telos and if announcement is to be trusted, will be climbing all the way to the price of 1.6 Million Telos soon, making it even at this point already, let alone in future, much cheaper to simply buy yourself one Bluebox to get the access.
When you are mining in bluepool, 80 percent of your mining power is used for your own mining, meaning that 80 percent of what you are about to get, you will get, and the rest 20 of that power will go to be distributed among all pool members – including yourself.
This is basically good since especially at the point when bluepool is going to start mining more than just XBTX, you will get your share of all these other coins too, meaning that you mine just one with for example CPU, and you get access to a whole load of different coins.
The rest 20 percent is being distributed based upon shares you own to bluepool. For example, if you own bluebox, you will get one share for each bluebox you own, so own 5 blueboxes and you get 5 shares. xMiners, on the other hand, will get 10 shares each, after all, they cost about 10 times more.
This the situation with the Bluepool currently. If you wish to get on mining, go download xMiner v2 from here, and then you need to request your wallet address to be whitelisted either by contacting the place where you bought your eligible bought from or by asking from Pascal at discord.
Notice that during software testing it was noticed that Windows 10 deleted some of the files after unzipping since Windows defender thinks mining software as Malware, so depending upon your settings, especially on windows 10, you could encounter some trouble, so do it with your own risk and only if you know what you are doing.
Due to long delivery times of parts for Xminers, and Pascal wanting to have a peaceful Christmas Holiday, Pascal decided to not take any more Xminer orders after Sunday, 7th of December, which was Yesterday.
If you however really, really want to get your hands on one before next year, you could ask from YourBrainOnBlockChain if they can still arrange you one.
Peertoro has a new offer which is somewhat similar to what Bitmain actually offered at one point, although in Bitmains case the deal never panned out well for the customers as far as I know, and it also was limited to a certain amount of profit right from beginning, which is not the case in Peertoros offer, which has unlimited profit prospect.
The deal is that you pay once, and after that, there by default won’t be any more payments, but this power will mine XBTX to you all the way to eternity.
Except, there is a limit. If your ordered power is not able to mine at least one block of XBTX from bluepool during a month, then this deal will by default be canceled.
However, fear not, for before this deal is canceled, you are offered a chance to buy more Mining power so you wouldn’t lose your old deal.
So you could first buy just 10 Kh/s, and when one day it won’t be enough to get one block during a month, you can simply order another 10 Kh/s of mining power, and then this total of 20 Kh/s will be mining XBTX for you until one day again this 20 Kh/s won’t be able to get you a block during a month, at which point you will again be offered a chance to buy more mining power, and so it continues until you decide not to buy more mining power anymore.
At the time of writing this, the price for almost life-time 10 Kh/s costs only 47 600 Telos, and buying more power will be cheaper, as an example buying just 30 Kh/s will already be only 95 200 Telos, which is only double the price of 10 Kh/s.
Keep in mind that if I correctly recall from memory, Xminers mine at about 960 Kh/s power, so this is not a bad deal at all if you can’t afford the whole Xminer for yourself, or even if you can, since after all, you don’t need to take care of anything, nor pay the electricity or maintenance cost, or worry about machine breaking, just pick the profits and that’s it.
In an attempt to get Transcendence/Telos/XBTX more decentralized, Pascal has now made a decision that he won’t offer Rental purchase option for Blueboxes or xMiners anymore, this is simply because Rental options were kept in co-location, and co-location is not a wished option anymore as right now this co-location option has resulted in that most Telos nodes, for example, reside in same physical location. Give a well-targeted Hurricane or two, and most of the network could be down.
In an effort to physically decentralize the network, and hence make it more secure, Co-Location is now reserved only for those who are paying their Blueboxes/xMiners in full.
Also, the price of Co-Location for new customers is likely to go up as well.
In another attempt to decentralize blueboxes, Pascal is now working on a new scoring system to blueboxes, which is actually good for all of us who own them.
His first thought is that each box would get more points each month, depending on age, co-location, and warranty.
First suggestion from Pascal was that each month would gain 10 points to a bluebox, regardless of where it is. So 3 months old bluebox would be worth 30 points in total, while 5 months old bluebox would be worth 50 points in total.
However, in addition to aging, making older be worth more, if bluebox resides at home instead of co-location, it would get another 10 points each month, in previous example, 3 months old bluebox at home would be worth a total of 60 points, while 5 months old bluebox at home would be worth 100 points in total.
And as last would be a warranty. If you have bought Telos Warranty, then your blueboxes would accumulate an additional 10 points more.
The idea with these points is that every time box would accumulate 120 points, they would receive another 30k Telos node in them, paid by the company. Notice however that in this case collateral would also belong to the company, but who cares as long as the profits are anyway coming to you as usual.
In other words, a bluebox in co-location could in this model be getting a new 30k node for free only once a year, while bluebox at home with a warranty could get a new free 30k node every four months.
That is pretty much an incentive there to get your blueboxes running at home instead of keeping them at Co-Location.
Do you think the Points system is good? Or should it perhaps be different?
You can join the Discord Channel and discuss about it, as this was just the suggestion Pascal made and he was asking for feedback about it.
As xMiners are pretty much sucking all the new XBTX coins coming, there is now a Bluepool to let the little fellas have something too.
Basically 20 percent of new coins are put aside, out of xMiners reach, to the bluepool, from which these coins will be distributed equally to each device, regardless of their power, just like master nodes basically, or at least that is how I have understood the Bluepool.
Anyway, Lucky Seven has this time on his Monday article that actually did come out on Monday for a change, dedicated the whole article to telling about Bluepool.
To start with the simpler one, you can now rent Xminer for a month (30 days) for 297 500 Telos Coins.
Sounds pretty harsh, but then again, Pascals test was showing 32 000 Euros (he originally erroneously talked of a 3 200 Euros) of a profit in a month if Xminer be running alone. Now I am pretty sure that won’t be the case but let’s say there be 10 Xminers running and you would still be making a pretty nice profit there with this deal.
The more complex deal, however, is Bluebox Rental Special which was announced in a discord announcement by Pascal that left lots of questions to be asked, and which are not really answered in Bluebox Rental Specials own page in Peertoro either:
So it is only for mining, yet after 64th node you will get another one?
But fear not, for TELOSNEWS.COM is here to explain what this deal is.
You start by paying 124 950 Telos Coins, and you get a Bluebox Rental Special + option for one 100k Telos Node (notice the word “option”, I will get back to that later)
From this point on, you don’t necessarily have to pay anything anymore, but you can just keep it as it is.
However, you can pay once a month another 124 950 Telos, and there are two reasons why you might want to do that.
First is that each time you pay (but it is optional if you want to or not), you will get an option for another 100k Telos node.
Second is that If you don’t pay, you do get to keep the machine just like it is, except there is one condition for you to keep it: It must make enough profit that 20 percent of that income will cover 5 Euros a month of hosting cost. In other words – it must make at least 25 Euros of profit a month.
In case that machine doesn’t make enough profit in a month, that it makes for example only 20 Euros of profit, in that case, Peertoro will take that machine back to themselves and keep all the profits.
What does this second option have to do with you perhaps wanting to pay the monthly optional fee is because more Telos nodes you have, more unlikely it is that your bluebox would make less than that 25 Euros of profit. As Pascal put it, get 2-3 nodes and it will probably work forever.
So you don’t have to pay those monthly fees, but then you won’t get more 100k Telos Nodes either, and then the risk of making less than 25 Euros in a month and therefore losing a box is higher.
To get back to that word that you are getting “options” for 100k Telos Nodes.
This word is used since right now when you rent Bluebox Special, you are actually not getting any nodes, but you are getting 100k worth of Telos Coins stored for you in case you wish to set up a node in the future.
This is because right now Bluebox Rental Special is only able to mine XBTX, and it will only later be upgraded into being able to both mine and host nodes, at which point those “optional” nodes will be added to your Bluebox Rental Special.
Also, if you decide to pay enough many times that you reach the Bluebox maximum of 64 Nodes, then you will next time get another Bluebox Rental Special for yourself.
Notice something important. This Bluebox Rental Special deal is different from previous Rental deal in that in previous deal you would get to keep the boxes after 15 months of payments, but with Peertoros Bluebox Rental Special, you will never own the boxes, but they will always be on rental with you, with the condition that they have to make that 25 Euros of profit a month, or you will lose them back to Peertoro.
Is this a good deal then? That depends.
On one hand, yes, on the old deal you do get to keep the boxes eventually, but then again, with this one, you can simply pay just that 125k and take a risk of losing it some point and if you don’t lose it ever, then this was much cheaper than the other box.
For if you compare the other boxes price and this one, then basically due to getting 100k Telos node with each 125k payment, you are actually paying only 25k each month you decide to pay. So lets say you decide to pay 3 times in total, then you basically paid only 75k in total from your Bluebox Rental Special, and if that is enough to keep it going on forever, then that was a pretty good deal indeed if mining and running Telos Nodes is all you plan to do with it.
On the other hand you can question if it makes sense to buy much of those nodes, when you could instead of paying 125k, pay just 90k to get 90% of a 100k Master Node through Peertoros 90 percent node offer, which I still think is a no-brainer and I still don’t understand why anyone is anymore putting up 100k nodes up themselves, when they could just buy that one for cheaper price and get a lifetime hosting on top of that.
All in all, I would say it boils down to three differences: rental deal gives you more flexibility in using it and makes you own the box at some point, but you need to pay every month or lose it until full payment is complete.
Peertoros Bluebox Rental Special, as long you don’t plan to set up more than a couple of those 100k nodes, this will be much cheaper option to enter into Blueboxing and XBTX mining, but there is the risk of you losing it if profits drop, and more nodes you add, pricier it becomes compared to rental offer, but then again, you can choose when you want to pay and when not, which is great flexibility in paying when you can pay or not pay, whenever you feel like it.
Peertoros 90 percent node offer is a no-brainer, there is no need to think if it is worth it. If you are planning on getting yourself just a Telos Node, then this is the way to do it. However, when comparing to Blueboxes, this is not so clear a situation, since while Peertoro is cheapest and a no-brainer, it doesn’t have the option to mine XBTX, nor does it have the option to host other nodes. Peertoros 90 percent offer is great, but it is very limited compared to what blueboxes can offer.
And here you thought I was going to give you a link to Lucky Sevens newest Monday article, which I actually am because today’s Monday article is not out yet.
Today is Monday, and so was a week ago as well, and as usual, although last week not until Tuesday, Lucky seven wrote his weekly article, which was a very timely article that time since it was telling about Xminer which had been announced only very shortly before.
To read about Lucky Seven telling you about Xminer, head on to one of the following links:
YourBrainOnBlockChain just yesterday started posting pictures about Xminer Preorders. As far as we understand it, backed with the website for preordering existing already, although in German language only, it should mean you can now pre-order Xminers for a price of 12 000 Euros through YourBrainOnBlockChain, including a lifetime hosting.
Keep in mind that this should be the only way to buy those Xminers against Euros since Pascal have said he will sell Xminers only against XBTX – 10 000 Euros worth of XBTX.
The price might seem a bit steep, but when you consider this will be having mining power equivalent of 320 Blueboxes, and as Pascal at one point in Discord pointed out, that if Xminer had been mining at that specific moment, it would have been making about 6 000 Euros worth of XBTX a month.
On top of that, Pascal has said he will limit the amount of Xminers, to possibly just 5 in total, making it keep its value and mining power, so not that bad price after all.
True, might be too heavy a price for most of us to get there, but if you can buy it, sounds like it could be the best deal of the year you are going to make.
There is Bluebox, Greenbox, and upcoming Blackbox. And these are now joined with X… Miner.
Xminer was somewhat announced this week by Pascal and Xminer is, as the name suggests, meant for mining. It is basically a very powerful PC in X-shaped cover and its main purpose, or at least as far as we have been told, is to mine XBTX.
Price is pretty heavy, 10 000 Euros, and payment is accepted only in XBTX. Price might sound steep, but Pascals estimation was that if this Miner be mining right now, it would make about 6 000 Euros a month of profit currently, so not that bad price after all.
On top of that, we have to remember that Pascals plan is to keep XBTX mining very restricted, that you need to get one of his Willy Wonka tokens to be able to mine XBTX at all with your own equipment, and this will include that.
For this reason, this might well be a long term investment, unlike those other unnamed miners we have learned to know that get old in a year or two already, if they even be worth it even at beginning.
Only very little info about this machine is known yet, and Pascal already told that he is hiding some surprises from us. This reminds me about Blueboxes when Pascal was completely hiding from us that it could also work as a Miner, until suddenly he announced we would be able to mine a whole new coin-XBTX.
There might well be some worthwhile surprises waiting there, if it be anything like the Blueboxes secret was.
Miner takes roughly 500 Watts in normal mode but is completely silent since it is water-cooled, and if you don’t mind the electricity bill, you can make it work up to 1 000 Watts of power.
If you do mind the electricity bill, there is also a Co-Location option available like in Blueboxes. Split is 80/20 and you don’t need to worry about electricity or even where to keep it anymore.
When will this be available for order? Your guess is good as mine. All I can say is that probably soon.