Category Archive : Telos Paper Magazine

Telos making a Paper Magazine – Writers needed!

It was just yesterday when I in my Roundup about Gamescom rumors article was commenting that one of the things Dev had been thinking was making own paper magazine and I commented we probably hear about it in coming weeks if something happens.

Well, here we are a day later only and it seems Dev is not thinking about it anymore but is actually planning to make it.

While everything is very much in the planning stage at this moment, as far as TELOSNEWS.COM have seen, Devs latest plan regarding the Magazine would be to make it a general crypto magazine for total beginners including some Telos related articles.

The plan is also to release this magazine in both English and German language editions, and also to get it to shops magazine shelves.

There was even a mention of a tv commercial for this magazine, but that was probably more of a thought than an actual plan at this point still.

The current name for the magazine is “Bitcoin Insider”, but it might still change.

Since Magazines don’t tend to write themselves, there is now a call for people who can write, make graphics, or do anything else Magazine related.

You can write whole new articles, or you can scourge the internet and rewrite existing articles in your own words.

If you feel like you could do something for this magazine, then feel free to join the official Telos discord channel and post about yourself to a #Job-postings channel.