Category Archive : PiggyBank

Onat 42 Vpiggy tutorials

When I noticed I had missed one of lucky 7s articles when I was updating his article links, I noticed another oversight of mine, I had missed telling you about Onat 42s last two Vpiggy tutorials.

Onat 42 did some good tutorials about using Vpiggy to save you all the trouble of figuring those things out yourself, that if you are simply just wanting to get one of the specific things done with your Vpiggy, Onat 42 saves you all the hassle by simply telling how to get them done.

So far he has written following Vpiggy tutorials:

vPiggy – different types, different purposes different ways to get (this is helping in choosing which vPiggy model to get)

how 2 Update to the newest Version (will be updated with every update) / how to install the latest bootstrap

#3 How to set up a 3rd party wallet on the Piggy

#4 how to prepare your Wallet on the vPiggy correct for the best staking result

These articles could be extra helpful now that with the price of Telos being so much down right now, I am quite confident that vPiggys are world cheapest option for Virtual Computers, for normally you might need to pay 30 euros a month from a cheap version only already, and here you have a one-time payment option of just 35 000 Telos (if you are Bluebox owner), which is roughly 2-3 months virtual computer rent, and you already covered the cost for life.

Onat 42 article “how 2 Update to the newest Version (will be updated with every update) / how to install the latest bootstrap”

And here we have it, faster than any of you thought we already have another article from Onat 42 who started writing only a day before his next release.

This article is basically a continuation to an article from a day before that was a practical approach to Vpiggy. While the article from the day before concentrated on actually getting a Vpiggy, and how to use a Vpiggy, this one now tells, like the title suggests, how to keep your Vpiggy up to date.

It is an excellent thing to have instructions like these for those of us who are not so interested in digging too deep into everything but just want simple instructions on how to get things done without needing to learn everything about it first.

Check it from here:


onat_42 article “vPiggy – different types, different purposes different ways to get”

There’s a new writer in town writing about the best subject available – Teloscoin!

The writer’s name is Onat_42 and he has dedicated a whole section in Publish0x for Telocoin.

His first article is, as the title of the article suggests, about Vpiggys which have been covered by TELOSNEWS.COM before as well. However, onat_42 approaches the subject from a more practical point of view, like how to get them in practice.

So if you got interested in Vpiggys having read about them from TELOSNEWS.COM, it might be a wise next step to head on to read onat_42’s article about both how to actually get them and use them.

Head on to read it from:


and based upon his own writing, in the future, there should be more articles coming from onat_42 which we will be looking forward to reading.

Piggydrop Weekly Raffle for Piggybank and Bluebox/GreenBox owners

A couple of days ago it was announced and also already the first one held of a Piggydrop where one lucky Piggybank, Bluebox, or Greenbox owner can win 10 000 Telos, and this Raffle is currently going to be held weekly for now.

To join this Raffle requires you to first of course to own one of the Bluebox, Greenbox, or Piggybanks, for example the Virtual Piggybank I yesterday mentioned would do. Then in addition to that, you need to go to Community Discords bb Piggybank owner channel and tell that you are one of the Bluebox/Greenbox/Piggybank owners and wish to join the Piggydrop raffle, and that’s it, then you are set to once a week have a chance to win 10 000 Telos, at least for now.

Virtual Piggybanks available from

When you put Piggybank to a cloud and get a Remote Desktop Access to it, what do you get?

Well, I admit I at first missed it myself since I was just looking that you are getting a Piggybank on a cloud with a remote access, which is exactly what it is, but what I missed at the start was that there is actually a more familiar name to this kind of access called Virtual Computer or Cloud Computer or Remote Access Computer or…

And when I realized that, I understood what a great deal here is on offer for Telos users.

For only roughly 100 Euros with the current Telos price, you are getting a lifetime Cloud Computer access. This is dirt cheap. Or I would actually argue more expensive than any other deal, for, after all, next day you could have sold those 35k Telos for 35K Euros. So you decide if it’s dirt cheap or extortion. Is it 100 euro bargain or 35K Euros of lost profit.

A couple of years ago I was myself looking at getting a Remote Access Virtual Computer since I was having difficulty getting connected to some specific websites, and on holiday vacation we noticed the vacation place had an excellent connection to those websites, so I started looking at getting Virtual computer from that precise location, and I did find they were for rent, but the price was much more than the one-time payment of 100 euros, for it was much more than that each year.

If you are asking from me, this a real killer deal for anyone already owning one of the Telos products that lower the price to 35K Telos in case you are looking for a Remote Virtual Computer access. I would have jumped to a deal like this couple of years ago had one like this been available.

In addition to this Virtual Computer, you could use this simpler way too. For one thing you could do is to simply use this as a wallet for different coins.

The good thing about this is that what I have learned when using my own Windows machine as a wallet, sometimes something might cause some unexpected behavior, for example, my Antivirus decided to automatically erase my wallet.dat file, since it decided it was a suspicious file (I guess it figured Telos price was suspiciously lower than it should be). Well, good thing I had a backup, except it deleted that one too. But luckily I had also one file named differently than wallet.dat, and that one my antivirus didn’t recognize.

Anyway, that is just an example of what could happen, and one way to likely prevent something like that is to use Virtual Piggybank as your wallet machine.

And as long as you don’t use it for anything else but as a wallet, you are likely going to be able to avoid all the hackers getting into your computer to steal your wallet.dat files, etc.

So it can be pretty good solution from security point of view as well.

Not to mention that part of the service is that every 30 days there will be a backup done of your virtual piggybank, so even if something nasty would happen, you wouldn’t lose more than 30 days of stuff done (although I still recommend you make backups for yourself manually too, especially since the newest auto backup will replace the previous one always)

The next possibility, which is also interesting from a cost point of view, is that you can actually use this to mine some coins the same way you can use the previous Piggybanks that were sent to you.

This means that basically you could buy this already just in case you happen to ever need a virtual computer, and while waiting for that, simply use it for mining, and at point you finally need a virtual computer, you might have actually made more money back than you ever used to buy it.

All in all, a very interesting product for many different needs, even at start it doesn’t seem like much. Just another piggybank until you realize it isn’t.

Now do notice couple of things however.

First of all. Sad thing is, if you do use this as your wallets, it, unfortunately, works the same as with your home computers in that you do need to update the wallets yourself. ARES will simply provide you with Piggybank and access to it, but other than that, for security reasons, they won’t be able to touch your virtual machine, so you have to touch it yourself, including updating your wallets.

But at least Virtual Piggybank does come preinstalled with XBTX and TELOS wallets, so the first time installation is saved from you.

Also, the Operating system is Ubuntu 20, which might be good or bad, depending on your taste. I would myself have preferred AEROS.

But other than that. What a great deal!

The pricing starts from 35K or 150K Telos. Idea is, if you don’t own any Telos product suitable for discount (Piggybank, Bluebox) then the price is 150K Telos.

If you do however own Bluebox or Piggybank, then the price is only 35K Telos (dirt cheap, except of course you are losing huge profits that you would have got by selling those Telos a week later).

There are currently three different options. Piggybank S, M, and L, S giving the least and L naturally the most.

S is 35K/150K and includes 2.6 GB Ram and 60 GB Hard Disk space and 1 Virtual Core,

While L version is 80k/250K and offers 8GB Ram and 250 Gb Hard Disk Space and 2 Virtual Cores.

35K is actually not even the cheapest price, but there are some other discounts available too, like if you are a Bitdorado Premium Member. But you can find more details about those from Virtual PiggyBanks order page, where you should anyway have hurried up already at halfway this article.

You missed your chance – No more Peertoro, Blueboxes, or Piggybanks to new customers!

Yep, Title is almost right.

Today Pascal announced that Peertoro, Bluebox, and Piggybanks won’t be sold to new customers anymore.

Notice that these will still be sold to already existing customers, just not for new ones.

However, when TELOSNEWS.COM interviewed Pascal about this decision, he did say that while this is basically so, there might come in future some Bluebox batches that might be sold to new customers too, just that the price might be bit high. So perhaps he one day sells some piggybanks too.

Other than that, unless you are one with very deep pockets, you missed your chance. There will be Greenboxes and special editions of stuff available in future for new customers too, but for example Green boxes intended price is 100k Euros.

But don’t worry, you may have missed this chance, but is still fully open for all the customers to benefit from it.

Many times I advised you to buy some of that stuff, but did you listen?
Now there’s only one thing left to say:

NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA – Told you so!

ps. special thanks to mod tybiboune for donating the pictures.

Piggybank v3 available – Free for owners of v2

Piggybank v3 has been released.

As have been with previous versions, this version too is free for those who already own previous version – v2. To get one of the free “upgrades”, contact the place where you bought your v2 from.

New v3 is much more expensive than the previous ones, previous ones stayed clearly under 100 Euros as far as I recall, while this new one’s price has jumped all the way to 349,95 Euros!

Is this the final price, or is this just a lifted up price for a while so old owners would get their upgrades done first remains to be seen, but in announcement Pascal already announced that price of V3 is much higher than V2, so even if there would come a price drop, expect it to still be costly.

However, while the price has gone up, so have the power and according to the announcement V3 is 20 times more powerful than V2, so that might explain a bit about the price rise.

20 Times more speed also makes me wonder if there are some hidden surprises again waiting for the owners since that wouldn’t be the first time Pascal sells us something and then a month later he tells us “oh yeah, if you open the box you can see a gold bar inside there”.

In addition to 20 times more powerful, it was also told that we can expect software updates for the piggybank v3 like additional wallets for coins that are supported by soon upcoming Bitdorado Exchange.

So perhaps the price isn’t based upon hardware price anymore but based upon the real value of the stuff inside, that would be my guess. For even the 349,95 price tag makes very much sense when part of the deal, at least for now, is that you can get one of your XBTX wallet address whitelisted for Bluepool, which makes this the cheapest option currently to get access to a bluepool, and as Pascal put it, gets your piggy bank filled itself.

Video of Piggybank v2:

Melchionda Networks Telos Coin interview part 3 – Piggybank 2.0, Tangent TELOS Cards, Greenbox, and a bit more.

And part 3 of the interview happened last night, this time they talked about Piggy Bank, Tangent TELOS Cards, Greenbox and after those also mentioned and a bluephone a bit. Video also shows what was known already long before, that even Dev follows TELOSNEWS.COM to keep himself up-to-date on what is happening with his projects.

Now my Germany is really failing me when it comes to the competition they are running there. You can check the rules to attend the competition from first parts video, but as far as I misunderstood, winner was supposed to be told in next video, or in this last video, which it obviously wasn’t since competition is still going and as far as I misunderstood it, it would be announced on next video, which puzzles me greatly since I don’t think they mentioned anything about more videos coming, unless they perhaps mean they are planning to make an English version of the same three-part video, which I saw as a rumor at one point.

So who knows, maybe we will still today see part 1 of English-language version of the same?

Anyway, if you are not speaking German, you can check instructions from this earlier article on how to turn on Youtubes about decedent auto-translator, which didn’t help me figure out when the competition winner will be announced.

Premium Buzz Backer Telos article for August

Once a month makes an article about progress in Transcendence project. This is because Transcendence is Premium Buzz Backer, and they make a monthly update on each backer. Quality of these articles vary, but it is always nice to read about Telos anyway.

This time, in September, they release the August update which mainly tells about stuff that happened in July. Which shows why you should keep reading TELOSNEWS.COM to keep you up to date on things sooner than month-two after.

In this months article, it mentions about Piggybank2.0, Telos update to 2.0, partnership with Crypto Masters Club, and also gives a brief mention about Indiego Appstore and Cryptomages.

PiggyBanks in delivery – PiggyDrop coming

As so many have asked in Discord whether their Piggybank should have been delivered already or when it is going to be delivered, TELOSNEWS.COM is now telling you that PiggyBanks are on their way, if not on the way yet, then about to be delivered.

By the end of next week, you should have got your PiggyBank orders, if not, then it is time to ask where my PiggyBank is.

After all PiggyBanks have arrived to their new happy owners, there will be a PiggyDrop (that is Airdrop for those illiterate ones) among PiggyBank owners.

It was also informed that after they have got rid of all the current Boards, there will come Revision 3 board which will once again be free for current customers. This Rev 3 board should boost the performance to normal desktop computing without increasing the power consumption too much.