10th of January Pascal announced that indiego.shop, the place from where you can buy as an example Indiego Retroconsole and related items, now accepts TELOS and XBTX as a payment.
However, in the XBTX case, it is only accepted as payment on days that the XBTX trading volume is at least 1000 USD.
On 2nd day of this year, Pascal made a pre-announcement about upcoming utility token he calls AML.
This is now a first token based upon Bitcoin Subsidium, which is what was the purpose of Bitcoin Subsidium in the first place.
AML token’s purpose is to work as a KYC solution so you wouldn’t need to do that every time you go to some new place requiring it.
But it doesn’t stop just there, but it will also have its own ecosystem making some interesting opportunities like normally companies pay other companies to get some personal data about you and others, and efficiency of this method varies. With AML ecosystem in place, it could become possible that you would yourself sell your personal data to each of these companies making you get the money instead of another company.
This would be win-win situation for you and the company, since company would get more reliable data about you, and probably cheaper too since the third party would be missing from between, and you would get the money from your data instead of someone else.
This could also open up some interesting opportunities like you getting more interesting advertisements to yourself instead of looking through all the general non-interesting advertisements nowadays shot at you.
Included in this ecosystem will be a new browser currently called “Hive”.
What all this Hive includes is not told as yet, but one feature which sounded like a good idea that was mentioned, for with Hive you can leave comments to websites even when the website itself doesn’t support it.
I can easily see how this could be useful for example when bumping to some webpage that seems to be marketing some interesting new product, but you don’t really know if they are a hoax or not and then you read the comments that tell you it is a hoax.
Or say there is yet another Scam Exchange opened, well, instead of having to check from bitcointalk if there is a topic about them being a scam, someone can already leave on that website a warning about it being a scam with a link to that bitcointalk thread. If Hive browser succeeds, it will be a much harder time for all the scammers in the future, so Hooray for Hive!
AML crowd sale will start on the 14th of February and end on the 21st of February, so one week time to buy, and payments will be accepted only in TELOS or XBTX.
Make sure to keep eye on TELOSNEWS.COM near that date since we will surely tell you more about the crowd sale when we know more.
In yesterday’s news item about Bitcoin Subsidium mining becoming public I was commenting that we will see in future if Difficulty to mine will go up or not. Well, that future didn’t take long as based upon the amount of hash rate already there and having been increasing all the time throughout the day, doubling several times already, it is obvious difficulty will increase a lot, and fast too.
To underline this, it was less than an hour ago we noticed a message on discord about, as far as we know, the first public Bitcoin Subsidium pool.
Yes, Bluepool been existing for some time already, but it is not public as not anyone can just point to it and join it, but you need permission, controlled by Pascal, to join it.
But suitably domain named xbtx.eu is now available for anyone to join and point their machines at, although I would have preferred them to add “pool” to their name since perhaps xbtx.eu could be needed for some sort of info page one day.
Since Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) mining is now open for anyone to do, Windows wallet has now been released as Pascal had already told us he would do when XBTX becomes public.
So far you could have only mined Bitcoin Subsidium if you had permission from Pascal, but as already announced before, Yesterday, 20th of December, changed that and now Bitcoin Subsidium has finally been publically released and anyone with any equipment can mine it themselves.
Will be seen in future if difficulty to mine will increase or if people decide to stay with Blueboxes, xMiners, and others offered by Pascal.
Anyway, If you like, you can now point even your regular home computer to CPU mining XBTX, although I’m not sure that makes any sense.
Bluebox owners are offered an option for one Afterburner boost per bluebox they own, and this boost can be chosen to be between 4 Mh/s – 50 Mh/s, the latter being more expensive option naturally, but good thing is that you can also first start by buying 4 Mh/s and then at later point upgrade it to higher speed versions.
Prices start from 378 Euros (+ German VAT), but you also can get a 30 percent discount when paying with Telos. XBTX is naturally an acceptable payment option as well, but you won’t get the 30 percent discount with XBTX.
From Peertoro you can order the same 4 Mh/s for roughly 45 000 Telos, so we are talking of about the same price either one you use, but there is one notable difference between Peertoro and Afterburner option. For while Peertoro is a lifetime deal with a condition, Afterburner option, on the other hand, is a lifetime deal, that even if Afterburner would make only very little, you would still get to keep it.
Also, I suppose because of Afterburners, Peertoro offers have significantly changed. Before the 4 Mh/s version was pretty much the ultimate version already with a price tag of several thousand Euros if I correctly recall, now 4 Mh/s version is the minimum offer, but with only that 45 000 TELOS price.
Before there were offers starting from 10 Kh/s and if you happened to be one of the lucky ones to have bought that, you are now being upgraded to 4 Mh/s version free of charge. Talk about a good deal those who bought that one, I personally skipped that one having part of a xMiner from YourBrainOnBlockChain deal, but it seems I should have taken it after all…
Since people keep moaning about not having a roadmap available for Telos and XBTX, Pascal finally decided to make one to please this crowd.
While this new aesthetically pleasing roadmap does look nice and is even available in both dark and white background, you however shouldnt expect too much from it.
It is an good addition and shows some clear tehcnical nature goals, but it is missing all the new things coming, like cryptomages, profitcycle, etc.
But it is still good to have one, and thanks from that Pascal!
Oh, and of course thanks to Discord Mod Tybiboune too who actually made the graphics.
the version for light backgroundand the version for black background – not sure what is the difference but I am starting to feel there is some hidden racism in here by leaving all the yellow, red and gray shades out of choices.
So what do the Roadmap then say?
For Telos Wallet, it is basically telling that there is going to be the regular update requiring a fork a during summer, which we have already known since last summer. However, it also mentions developing so-called magnetic links into Telos, which is something new and makes it possible to basically integrate cloud storage systems and other things into Telos without actually needing to store all that stuff in Telos, for which there wouldn’t be space enough for.
For XBTX it is mainly saying that there is going to be a wallet, a one that can create and manage assets on-the-go.
For XBTX assets, which is basically a continuation from XBTX wallet part, it is giving some bit more info, including some names we didn’t know before.
There is going to be a VEND ticket for Vending machines. Then there is going to be CO2, which is a token for Greenboxes. And then there is going to be Kudos which is token for Profitcycles. As last there is also a mention of a Bilbo token – what that is, your guess is good as mine.
General updates section basically mentions preparing systems for arbitrage trading, tax reporting, and fraud prevention.
Transcendence Cloud & Transcendence Wallet part, however, reveals us something bit more exciting sounding stuff by revealing us a lot about the future wallet that’s been in the making for a long time already.
It will have built-in KYC, AML 5 compliance, built-in MN hosting and hashpower renting, to put it short, all-in-one solution wallet.
In steps to make this all, Amicloud will be rebranded into Transcendence Cloud, which is unfortunate since as Amiga fan I always liked the Amicloud name.
To make it, even more, an all-in-one solution, it also mentions merging IndieGO store, Transcendence Cloud and multi-coin wallet all together, and as the last step for 2020 all-in-one plan, it will also merge MinxAI, Tradingbot, and Bitdorado API all into the same wallet.
When this all is done, it sounds like it truly is going to be pretty much all-in-one wallet, and getting into the world of Transcendence will be very easy. Just download and install the wallet, and through that wallet you can do all the things you could want to do, including handling other coins even it seems.
Keep in mind, this roadmap was basically just about boring technical stuff, this was still leaving all the exciting stuff mentioned, like not a single mention about Cryptomages which is about to go to open public beta beginning of next year, so one can wonder what more is there in store for Telos for next year, since at least the technical plans seem to be in good state, but what all surprises and new products are still waiting for us there, we will see in 2020.
Peertoro has a new offer which is somewhat similar to what Bitmain actually offered at one point, although in Bitmains case the deal never panned out well for the customers as far as I know, and it also was limited to a certain amount of profit right from beginning, which is not the case in Peertoros offer, which has unlimited profit prospect.
The deal is that you pay once, and after that, there by default won’t be any more payments, but this power will mine XBTX to you all the way to eternity.
Except, there is a limit. If your ordered power is not able to mine at least one block of XBTX from bluepool during a month, then this deal will by default be canceled.
However, fear not, for before this deal is canceled, you are offered a chance to buy more Mining power so you wouldn’t lose your old deal.
So you could first buy just 10 Kh/s, and when one day it won’t be enough to get one block during a month, you can simply order another 10 Kh/s of mining power, and then this total of 20 Kh/s will be mining XBTX for you until one day again this 20 Kh/s won’t be able to get you a block during a month, at which point you will again be offered a chance to buy more mining power, and so it continues until you decide not to buy more mining power anymore.
At the time of writing this, the price for almost life-time 10 Kh/s costs only 47 600 Telos, and buying more power will be cheaper, as an example buying just 30 Kh/s will already be only 95 200 Telos, which is only double the price of 10 Kh/s.
Keep in mind that if I correctly recall from memory, Xminers mine at about 960 Kh/s power, so this is not a bad deal at all if you can’t afford the whole Xminer for yourself, or even if you can, since after all, you don’t need to take care of anything, nor pay the electricity or maintenance cost, or worry about machine breaking, just pick the profits and that’s it.
As xMiners are pretty much sucking all the new XBTX coins coming, there is now a Bluepool to let the little fellas have something too.
Basically 20 percent of new coins are put aside, out of xMiners reach, to the bluepool, from which these coins will be distributed equally to each device, regardless of their power, just like master nodes basically, or at least that is how I have understood the Bluepool.
Anyway, Lucky Seven has this time on his Monday article that actually did come out on Monday for a change, dedicated the whole article to telling about Bluepool.
To start with the simpler one, you can now rent Xminer for a month (30 days) for 297 500 Telos Coins.
Sounds pretty harsh, but then again, Pascals test was showing 32 000 Euros (he originally erroneously talked of a 3 200 Euros) of a profit in a month if Xminer be running alone. Now I am pretty sure that won’t be the case but let’s say there be 10 Xminers running and you would still be making a pretty nice profit there with this deal.
The more complex deal, however, is Bluebox Rental Special which was announced in a discord announcement by Pascal that left lots of questions to be asked, and which are not really answered in Bluebox Rental Specials own page in Peertoro either:
So it is only for mining, yet after 64th node you will get another one?
But fear not, for TELOSNEWS.COM is here to explain what this deal is.
You start by paying 124 950 Telos Coins, and you get a Bluebox Rental Special + option for one 100k Telos Node (notice the word “option”, I will get back to that later)
From this point on, you don’t necessarily have to pay anything anymore, but you can just keep it as it is.
However, you can pay once a month another 124 950 Telos, and there are two reasons why you might want to do that.
First is that each time you pay (but it is optional if you want to or not), you will get an option for another 100k Telos node.
Second is that If you don’t pay, you do get to keep the machine just like it is, except there is one condition for you to keep it: It must make enough profit that 20 percent of that income will cover 5 Euros a month of hosting cost. In other words – it must make at least 25 Euros of profit a month.
In case that machine doesn’t make enough profit in a month, that it makes for example only 20 Euros of profit, in that case, Peertoro will take that machine back to themselves and keep all the profits.
What does this second option have to do with you perhaps wanting to pay the monthly optional fee is because more Telos nodes you have, more unlikely it is that your bluebox would make less than that 25 Euros of profit. As Pascal put it, get 2-3 nodes and it will probably work forever.
So you don’t have to pay those monthly fees, but then you won’t get more 100k Telos Nodes either, and then the risk of making less than 25 Euros in a month and therefore losing a box is higher.
To get back to that word that you are getting “options” for 100k Telos Nodes.
This word is used since right now when you rent Bluebox Special, you are actually not getting any nodes, but you are getting 100k worth of Telos Coins stored for you in case you wish to set up a node in the future.
This is because right now Bluebox Rental Special is only able to mine XBTX, and it will only later be upgraded into being able to both mine and host nodes, at which point those “optional” nodes will be added to your Bluebox Rental Special.
Also, if you decide to pay enough many times that you reach the Bluebox maximum of 64 Nodes, then you will next time get another Bluebox Rental Special for yourself.
Notice something important. This Bluebox Rental Special deal is different from previous Blueboxing.net Rental deal in that in previous deal you would get to keep the boxes after 15 months of payments, but with Peertoros Bluebox Rental Special, you will never own the boxes, but they will always be on rental with you, with the condition that they have to make that 25 Euros of profit a month, or you will lose them back to Peertoro.
Is this a good deal then? That depends.
On one hand, yes, on the old deal you do get to keep the boxes eventually, but then again, with this one, you can simply pay just that 125k and take a risk of losing it some point and if you don’t lose it ever, then this was much cheaper than the other box.
For if you compare the other boxes price and this one, then basically due to getting 100k Telos node with each 125k payment, you are actually paying only 25k each month you decide to pay. So lets say you decide to pay 3 times in total, then you basically paid only 75k in total from your Bluebox Rental Special, and if that is enough to keep it going on forever, then that was a pretty good deal indeed if mining and running Telos Nodes is all you plan to do with it.
On the other hand you can question if it makes sense to buy much of those nodes, when you could instead of paying 125k, pay just 90k to get 90% of a 100k Master Node through Peertoros 90 percent node offer, which I still think is a no-brainer and I still don’t understand why anyone is anymore putting up 100k nodes up themselves, when they could just buy that one for cheaper price and get a lifetime hosting on top of that.
All in all, I would say it boils down to three differences:
Blueboxing.net rental deal gives you more flexibility in using it and makes you own the box at some point, but you need to pay every month or lose it until full payment is complete.
Peertoros Bluebox Rental Special, as long you don’t plan to set up more than a couple of those 100k nodes, this will be much cheaper option to enter into Blueboxing and XBTX mining, but there is the risk of you losing it if profits drop, and more nodes you add, pricier it becomes compared to blueboxing.net rental offer, but then again, you can choose when you want to pay and when not, which is great flexibility in paying when you can pay or not pay, whenever you feel like it.
Peertoros 90 percent node offer is a no-brainer, there is no need to think if it is worth it. If you are planning on getting yourself just a Telos Node, then this is the way to do it. However, when comparing to Blueboxes, this is not so clear a situation, since while Peertoro is cheapest and a no-brainer, it doesn’t have the option to mine XBTX, nor does it have the option to host other nodes. Peertoros 90 percent offer is great, but it is very limited compared to what blueboxes can offer.
YourBrainOnBlockChain just yesterday started posting pictures about Xminer Preorders. As far as we understand it, backed with the website for preordering existing already, although in German language only, it should mean you can now pre-order Xminers for a price of 12 000 Euros through YourBrainOnBlockChain, including a lifetime hosting.
Keep in mind that this should be the only way to buy those Xminers against Euros since Pascal have said he will sell Xminers only against XBTX – 10 000 Euros worth of XBTX.
The price might seem a bit steep, but when you consider this will be having mining power equivalent of 320 Blueboxes, and as Pascal at one point in Discord pointed out, that if Xminer had been mining at that specific moment, it would have been making about 6 000 Euros worth of XBTX a month.
On top of that, Pascal has said he will limit the amount of Xminers, to possibly just 5 in total, making it keep its value and mining power, so not that bad price after all.
True, might be too heavy a price for most of us to get there, but if you can buy it, sounds like it could be the best deal of the year you are going to make.
Some changes are about to come to Blueboxes, mainly affecting the future Blueboxes, not so much the current ones.
First of all, the price of the co-location service is about to go up from 10 Eur pricing to 30 Euros.
That is still not much, since, after all, you are getting free electricity, maintenance and all, not to mention that might well be that just sending that Bluebox to your house could cost more than that, so still dirt cheap, no change in there.
Another change coming is that if you pay your order with Telos, you will get 30 percent discount on the price of a Bluebox, this, however, does not apply to the rental deals, only if you buy the box straight away. This actually makes the difference between rental and direct buy go quite much bigger now, as before you were basically paying roughly 20+ percent extra, while now you would be paying about 50 percent extra using rental compared to direct buy with Telos.
There is slight unclarity in the announcement, but as far as I recall this has been talked before too, and therefore not just future Blueboxes, but all Blueboxes, even the already existing ones, will get access to so-called Bluepool.
So far Bitcoins Subsidium has been mined individually by each Bluebox, but in future this mining will be done through a pool called Bluepool. Then every box will get an equal share of mining rewards.
This is however not all. As you should be aware by now if you been reading previous articles in TELOSNEWS.COM, xminers are about to come and make blueboxes efforts quite ridiculous compared to them as one xminer mines Bitcoin Subsidium with the same speed as 320 Blueboxes was Pascals estimation.
Does this mean there is no point in mining with Blueboxes anymore? No. Because Bluepool will have so-called bubble miners, which will be having roughly 20 percent of the total Bluepools mining power, and this 20 percent is divided equally between all devices. So no matter if you are using more or less powerful miner, you will be getting an equal share from that 20 percent.
Yes, this does mean drop to 1/5th of what you are getting during current pre-mine since right now 100 percent is shared between blueboxes, although independently, but it is still quite nice that they are taking care of the small ones too and even in future giving a decent share to small ones, which in this case are blueboxes, as well.
And regarding rewards, you will be able to affect the amount a bit as starting from next batch you can order more nodes to your Blueboxes, up to 64 with full-on nodes or 32 if using 50/50 split between nodes and mining. Notice however that this option is available only if you pay your Bluebox with Telos, meaning it isn’t available through the rental deal.
There is Bluebox, Greenbox, and upcoming Blackbox. And these are now joined with X… Miner.
Xminer was somewhat announced this week by Pascal and Xminer is, as the name suggests, meant for mining. It is basically a very powerful PC in X-shaped cover and its main purpose, or at least as far as we have been told, is to mine XBTX.
Price is pretty heavy, 10 000 Euros, and payment is accepted only in XBTX. Price might sound steep, but Pascals estimation was that if this Miner be mining right now, it would make about 6 000 Euros a month of profit currently, so not that bad price after all.
On top of that, we have to remember that Pascals plan is to keep XBTX mining very restricted, that you need to get one of his Willy Wonka tokens to be able to mine XBTX at all with your own equipment, and this will include that.
For this reason, this might well be a long term investment, unlike those other unnamed miners we have learned to know that get old in a year or two already, if they even be worth it even at beginning.
Only very little info about this machine is known yet, and Pascal already told that he is hiding some surprises from us. This reminds me about Blueboxes when Pascal was completely hiding from us that it could also work as a Miner, until suddenly he announced we would be able to mine a whole new coin-XBTX.
There might well be some worthwhile surprises waiting there, if it be anything like the Blueboxes secret was.
Miner takes roughly 500 Watts in normal mode but is completely silent since it is water-cooled, and if you don’t mind the electricity bill, you can make it work up to 1 000 Watts of power.
If you do mind the electricity bill, there is also a Co-Location option available like in Blueboxes. Split is 80/20 and you don’t need to worry about electricity or even where to keep it anymore.
When will this be available for order? Your guess is good as mine. All I can say is that probably soon.
Dev had a scheduled call with Tangem today, and in this call they agreed upon making Tangem Notes for both Telos and Subsidium.
Tangem Note is an interesting little product with possibility for some specific useful uses.
Tangem Note is a card with a chip that you can use to store your Cryptocurrencies, in this case, Telos or Subsidium. Naturally, you can also transfer these funds between cards or other things by using your phone.
All in all, if you think these as gift cards upon which you can load more funds, you are somewhat close to what it is. Basically idea is to work as a form of cash for cryptocurrencies that instead of having a lot of cash in your wallet, now you will just be holding Tangem Note in your wallet, and whenever you need to pay, you give this Tangem Note to cashier and he reduces required amount of funds as he would from a gift card.
Naturally, if you know you have exactly for example 20 Euros worth of Telos in this card, you could instead of transferring the funds, simply give the card to pay your 20 Euros worth of stuff.
This also brings the good and the bad thing about the Tangem note. While it is very handy as a crypto replacement for cash, it also suffers the same problem as cash as since anyone can use it, it also means that if someone steals it, he can then use those funds as they would be his, for which reason it is not recommended to keep too much money in your tangem note at any time, just like you wouldn’t keep too much cash in your wallet either as there is always a risk someone robs you.
However, same as cash, your damage is reduced only to what you have in your Tangem Note, since each Tangem Note comes with a unique Private Key, and this private key is put there already at manufacturing process to it in such a way that no one can ever copy or change it. Therefore, for example, a risk of someone cloning your card is not possible.
In addition to being a replacement for cash, Tangem Note can be used for other things too, like you could use it for ID purposes for example in some big event by adding some info about each person. This could work as a cheap way for ID proof for personnel in some big event as an example.
It is holding blockchain stuff inside it after all, so basically anything that is possible with a blockchain is possible to add to this card. You could have even in previous rumors article mentioned Telos third coin having access to a video, then you scan the card with your phone and can play the video, making it basically possible to sell digital videos by selling these Tangem Notes.
Anyway, at this point main usage for a regular user is that it will work as a good way to introduce people to Telos by having a chance of giving Telos gift cards, or you could even sell telos by putting 10 000 Telos to each card and then sell them to people against Euros. Or you could put to one of the cards 1 Million Telos and take it to your bank for safekeeping and one day either you or people who inherit you could open the bank vault, take the note, and become Telos Millionaire without worrying anything about Passwords, etc.
Basically the only downside to this note is that unfortunately it doesn’t do staking. So whatever you put there, will stay exactly that and not become more like with piggybank they would.
This kind of Card is now coming for Telos and Subsidium, based upon announcement, still during this year.
keep following TELOSNEWS.COM and there be a news item when this happens.
Looks like today is promising to become a good day for those looking to read articles about Telos, for we already have one article to read today and as it is Monday, we expect Lucky Seven to release his usual Monday article at a later point too.
Now you can go and read the whole article, which is pretty long actually, and after you are done reading, perhaps come back to check if Lucky Seven has already released his Monday article, for TELOSNEWS.COM will, of course, tell you about that too when it happens.
Bluebox update to Firmware2.0 should be going on right now.
This update will bring Allanons latest dashboard to blueboxes which will take payout addresses that user have given to the dashboard. This applies to Telos and XBTX as well as any future coins that will be added to Blueboxes.
This means that while payments have so far been processed manually, from this point on, payments will happen automatically to these before mentioned addresses.
However, notice that if you haven’t given for example Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) payment address yet, you need to give one by logging in to your user account at https://portal.blueboxing.netand updating it in “profile” section where the wallet is asked at. Oh, and make sure there are no empty spaces, neither in front, after, or even at the middle of the address, otherwise current system won’t recognize it as a wallet address.
In addition, user can choose a payment threshold, as for example 10 XBTX, which means that when bluebox have made 10 XBTX, then this amount will automatically be paid to the given address – minus the 20 percent fee to the company. By other words, it will be a somewhat familiar system to those who in their past used those ancient technology bitcoin mining pools.
As already mentioned, updating is already in process, and this takes no extra effort from users, but the update will be handled by the company.
First will be updated blueboxes of users who are planning to pay their standing orders using XBTX. After these customers Bluebox update have been handled, next blueboxes will be updated according to their serial number order, which in practice means that earlier you bought your bluebox, sooner your bluebox will be updated.
Dev however promised that if someone is in urgent need of their XBTX to buy a new kidney, he can in that case move that ones bluebox update up in the list.
New blueboxes that have not been delivered yet, will automatically have firmware2.0 on them from now on.
In this same announcement Dev also mentioned that while Running Telos master nodes on bluebox at home you need at least 10 Mbps Upload speed, mining Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) will however take much less. For XBTX mining you will only need 10 Kbs download and 60 Kbps upload speed. So if you having trouble with internet connection speed, then the option to fully mine XBTX only is the way to go currently.