Author: bugala now accepts TELOS and XBTX as a payment option.

10th of January Pascal announced that, the place from where you can buy as an example Indiego Retroconsole and related items, now accepts TELOS and XBTX as a payment.

However, in the XBTX case, it is only accepted as payment on days that the XBTX trading volume is at least 1000 USD.

Social Media Share buttons added to TELOSNEWS.COM

Thanks to Bitcoin_Bond_007 of YourBrainOnBlockChain who asked for it, and G0dz0r who showed the plugin, you have now been able for a week already to share TELOSNEWS.COM articles very easily on social medias by just clicking on one of those social media share buttons above TELOSNEWS.COM articles, the ones like in this one.

Biki 2.5 Million TELOS give away!

Biki Exchange, that was told about in one of the previous articles in TELOSNEWS.COM, and which rushed TELOS price up a bit to make it a top gainer in coinmarketcap for a while, have now announced a 2.5 Million TELOS give away!

This give away is separated into two different events.

The first one that started the 10th day, and that ends already tomorrow, is the Invite your friends part whereby inviting at least 10 people to Biki Exchange, you will get 1 000 TELOS as a reward. This is open for the first 1 000 people only, and 1 Million TELOS is reserved for that.

The second part will start tomorrow, and lasts one week until the 22nd of Jan.

In this second part, it is all about trading. There are 1.5 Million TELOS given to people who trade TELOS at Biki Exchange during that time, and this means both buys and sells, and this 1.5 Million is divided based upon how much each trade. So if you traded 1 Million Telos during that time, you will likely be getting quite a big chunk of that 1.5 Million to yourself.

In last 5 days time, there have been roughly 1 Million Telos per day traded, which would mean that if same continues, in a week there would be 7 Million TELOS traded, and that would mean that if you bought (or sold) TELOS during that time, then for each 5 TELOS you would buy (or sell), you would get 1 extra TELOS on top of that. So 20 percent extra TELOS for your buys. Now that’s some cheap TELOS!

Expect the price to rise again I guess.

Project Identity “teaser” website.

During this year Pascal has been talking to us about Project Identity, which also includes the Hive Web browser.

What exactly will this Project Identity be, we will see in the future. So far we know it has a lot to do with KYC and private information in which you could choose to sell your own private information instead of others collecting and selling it on your behalf.

More than a week ago Pascal told he had opened a placeholder website for Project Identity at, which looks to me more like a teaser website, since it does show something, but what, is for each one themself to decide.

Interested? Go check yourself! voting about Magnetic Links to Telos Blockchain

There is a new voting in titled: “Increase the OPCODE size limit to make Magnetic links fitting into an transaction”.

What this means is that Pascal has told about a plan of adding so-called Magnetic Links to Telos Chain which would make Proof of Storage option possible, by other words, making it possible to save stuff like Videos to a Chain opening up possibilities like selling Videos.

Notice however that these files would not be stored to Telos Blockchain itself, but Telos would have so-called Magnetic Links which would have links to another Chain that would be storing these, for example, videos.

This is precisely to avoid Telos BlockChain from bloating too much since imagine every user putting just one movie there and we would already be facing such a size of a Blockchain that no one would have Hard Drive big enough to contain it.

In my opinion, these magnetic links sound like a great addition to Telos Blockchain, but in case someone doesn’t like the idea, Pascal has opened voting about it giving a possibility to say no to it.

Basically the idea of this voting is to find if anyone wants to say no, so in case you agree to it, and no one disagrees, you don’t need to do anything but just leave it alone.

But if there does come some people who start saying “Nay” to it, then in that case you need to show your “Yea” support to it by voting if you want to see it happen.

First utility token based upon XBTX called AML pre-announced

On 2nd day of this year, Pascal made a pre-announcement about upcoming utility token he calls AML.

This is now a first token based upon Bitcoin Subsidium, which is what was the purpose of Bitcoin Subsidium in the first place.

AML token’s purpose is to work as a KYC solution so you wouldn’t need to do that every time you go to some new place requiring it.

But it doesn’t stop just there, but it will also have its own ecosystem making some interesting opportunities like normally companies pay other companies to get some personal data about you and others, and efficiency of this method varies. With AML ecosystem in place, it could become possible that you would yourself sell your personal data to each of these companies making you get the money instead of another company.

This would be win-win situation for you and the company, since company would get more reliable data about you, and probably cheaper too since the third party would be missing from between, and you would get the money from your data instead of someone else.

This could also open up some interesting opportunities like you getting more interesting advertisements to yourself instead of looking through all the general non-interesting advertisements nowadays shot at you.

Included in this ecosystem will be a new browser currently called “Hive”.

What all this Hive includes is not told as yet, but one feature which sounded like a good idea that was mentioned, for with Hive you can leave comments to websites even when the website itself doesn’t support it.

I can easily see how this could be useful for example when bumping to some webpage that seems to be marketing some interesting new product, but you don’t really know if they are a hoax or not and then you read the comments that tell you it is a hoax.

Or say there is yet another Scam Exchange opened, well, instead of having to check from bitcointalk if there is a topic about them being a scam, someone can already leave on that website a warning about it being a scam with a link to that bitcointalk thread. If Hive browser succeeds, it will be a much harder time for all the scammers in the future, so Hooray for Hive!

AML crowd sale will start on the 14th of February and end on the 21st of February, so one week time to buy, and payments will be accepted only in TELOS or XBTX.

Make sure to keep eye on TELOSNEWS.COM near that date since we will surely tell you more about the crowd sale when we know more.

Midex Exchange open and Telos included.

On last September TELOSNEWS.COM told you about Midas Investment having added Telos to their list of coins and that article also mentioned about their plans of opening own exchange where your coins would automatically be staking as long as they are in their Exchange.

Well, they have now at the beginning of this year opened their Exchange – Midex, and done the smartest move any exchange can do by adding Telos as one of their traded coins.

Screenshot of that looks awfully familiar in its looks.
Well, as long as it works, plus easier to use when they don’t look too far apart from each other.

Telos number 1 Gainer in Biki Exchange

Not really a piece of news since we all knew that would happen, but right when Telos trading started at Biki Exchange, in its first 24 hours (30th of December), Telos became the number 1 gainer from all the coins in Biki Exchange.

as expected, Telos is numero uno!

Telos the Biggest Gainer in Coinmarketcap list

By end of last year, probably about 30th of December, most likely thanks to Biki exchange Telos launch, Telos reached number 1 spot on biggest gainers list:

now rest of the world knows what we have known for a long time already!

To clarify this a bit, the number one spot itself isn’t so big an achievement, for, after all, we are talking of a top gainer for one hour which quite many coins can manage in one point or other in their life.

But what is significant here is that if you check the 24-hour volume of all these coins in this list, you can notice none of them are tiny. This is because question is not that we haven’t been number one gainer even other times compared to coinmarketcap list, or that there wouldn’t be even higher gainers even right now existing, since obviously rock bottom hit 1 sat coins reaching 2 sats would be 100 percent gain – yet worthless, but thing is that coinmarketcap doesn’t take into calculation coins that have less than 50 000 USD trading volume in last 24 hours.

And this is why being biggest gainer even for just one hour is significant, since most coins will never make it to number 1 in coinmarketcap biggest gainer list, not even for one hour, so Telos has once again broken one threshold in its way to becoming the true number one crypto coin.

Christmas present from Pascal and Bitcoin Bond 007

You might remember we reported you about a free gift to customers of Pascal earlier.

Well, TELOSNEWS.COM has just received a Christmas gift from Pascal and YourBrainOnBlockChain.

While I didn’t get it until today since I left on 23rd for Holidays and on that very same day this had arrived at the local post office waiting for me to pick it up today, it still counts as a Christmas Gift.

Thank you very much, Pascal and YourBrainOnBlockChain!

now the only question is if I should use it to make some splendid sauce for a stake or if the price will in future go up too much that I would regret later having eaten a million.

To drink, or not to drink, that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler to make it into a sauce for a stake
and suffer the loss of outrageous fortune,
or to keep it in my arms through the troubles
and by resisting save them. To end – to win. Exchange lists TELOS has officially announced, for example through their Medium account, that they have now listed Telos to their Exchange.

This deal is one of the fruits from Malta AI & Blockchain Summit Pascal visited earlier this year as was told by TELOSNEWS.COM earlier to you. is one of the bigger exchanges as you can see from coinmarketcap page about them and also shows signs of becoming even bigger. For many it might be surprising to hear this since most have not heard about them yet. But this is because Biki have concentrated on Asian market so far, although lately it seems they are starting to expand their user base towards rest of the world too.

You can already deposit Telos in there, but actual Trading wont start until 3 days later on 30th day at which point it will be possible to do trading between TELOS/USDT.

Announcement is well worth a read since it gives a nice short introduction to Telos including some never before seen comments from Pascal, as well as has a nice list of links that you can use to start following

Read Medium Announcement

You might also be interested to read Lucky Sevens slightly edited version of the announcement:





Lucky Seven Monday Article: “Transcendence blockchain roadmap — New view on crypto roadmaps”

Despite it being the Christmas the very next day, Lucky Seven still delivered the Monday Article.

This Monday article deals with the new Transcendence Roadmap for 2020.

Basically TELOSNEWS.COM have told you about this too, but especially at bottom of article, Lucky Seven have nicely put all the text on roadmap for a quick and easy read.

Check it from one of these locations:






The CointTribune article about Greenbox (in french)

We now have one article about Telos in French language.

The CoinTribune released an article about greenbox in their web publication. Is this a result of a before in TELOSNEWS.COM mentioned Cointelegraph greenbox article, that would be our guess, but regardless, at least as far as I recall and know, this is also the first French language article about Telos.

If you know your french, head on to The CoinTribune to read it, and if you don’t, google translate does a fairly good job from French to English.

Cryptocanary Telos human review

Cryptocanary is a website where users can review Crypto Currencies, and username “bullish“, who already have reviewed 10 coins has now made a human review of Telos in there.

Go check it, Telos is reviewed very positively.

First public Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) pool

In yesterday’s news item about Bitcoin Subsidium mining becoming public I was commenting that we will see in future if Difficulty to mine will go up or not. Well, that future didn’t take long as based upon the amount of hash rate already there and having been increasing all the time throughout the day, doubling several times already, it is obvious difficulty will increase a lot, and fast too.

To underline this, it was less than an hour ago we noticed a message on discord about, as far as we know, the first public Bitcoin Subsidium pool.

Yes, Bluepool been existing for some time already, but it is not public as not anyone can just point to it and join it, but you need permission, controlled by Pascal, to join it.

But suitably domain named is now available for anyone to join and point their machines at, although I would have preferred them to add “pool” to their name since perhaps could be needed for some sort of info page one day.

New Video from Bitcoin For Beginners: “Under The Radar Crypto Coin With 40+ Use Cases! (Telos Coin Review 2020)”

For a long time I have been longing for a video to introduce people I know to Telos since it is a bit difficult to explain shortly.

As I saw this Bitcoin For Beginners Youtuber, I liked how he was able to explain other coins very well, and as he’s price was reasonable compared to others I asked from, I paid him to make one.

And here is the result, and not bad at all!

Keep spreading this video and show it to your friends to introduce them a bit about Telos. It is quite impossible to tell everything about Telos and lots of use cases are missing due to that, but this will work as a nice way to introduce Telos to people. At least I will be linking this to a couple of friends right away – You do the same.

In case you need an easy to copy-paste link to this video:

Bitcoin Subsidium Wallet available for Windows

Since Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) mining is now open for anyone to do, Windows wallet has now been released as Pascal had already told us he would do when XBTX becomes public.

Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) mining is now public!

So far you could have only mined Bitcoin Subsidium if you had permission from Pascal, but as already announced before, Yesterday, 20th of December, changed that and now Bitcoin Subsidium has finally been publically released and anyone with any equipment can mine it themselves.

Will be seen in future if difficulty to mine will increase or if people decide to stay with Blueboxes, xMiners, and others offered by Pascal.

Anyway, If you like, you can now point even your regular home computer to CPU mining XBTX, although I’m not sure that makes any sense.

Cointelegraph article “Blockchain Firm Releases Low Power Mining Device to Fight CO2 Emissions”

Cointelegraph have released another Telos related article, this time article about Greenbox.

Go and spread it around people!

Afterburner mining boost available for Blueboxes

As reported in earlier article about XBTX mining power being available from Peertoro, there is now a new option for Blueboxes to add to their mining power, the Afterburner boost.

Bluebox owners are offered an option for one Afterburner boost per bluebox they own, and this boost can be chosen to be between 4 Mh/s – 50 Mh/s, the latter being more expensive option naturally, but good thing is that you can also first start by buying 4 Mh/s and then at later point upgrade it to higher speed versions.

Prices start from 378 Euros (+ German VAT), but you also can get a 30 percent discount when paying with Telos. XBTX is naturally an acceptable payment option as well, but you won’t get the 30 percent discount with XBTX.

From Peertoro you can order the same 4 Mh/s for roughly 45 000 Telos, so we are talking of about the same price either one you use, but there is one notable difference between Peertoro and Afterburner option. For while Peertoro is a lifetime deal with a condition, Afterburner option, on the other hand, is a lifetime deal, that even if Afterburner would make only very little, you would still get to keep it.

Also, I suppose because of Afterburners, Peertoro offers have significantly changed. Before the 4 Mh/s version was pretty much the ultimate version already with a price tag of several thousand Euros if I correctly recall, now 4 Mh/s version is the minimum offer, but with only that 45 000 TELOS price.

Before there were offers starting from 10 Kh/s and if you happened to be one of the lucky ones to have bought that, you are now being upgraded to 4 Mh/s version free of charge. Talk about a good deal those who bought that one, I personally skipped that one having part of a xMiner from YourBrainOnBlockChain deal, but it seems I should have taken it after all…