Author: bugala to be rebranded as a

Ah shoot.. This is disappointing news. will be rebranded as a, which can’t be said to have been a surprise, for after all, at point gunsrus started to accept Cryptorelated videos too, it was a bit strange to still keep the name as gunsrus only unless you can start using cryptos as bullets for your guns of course.

Well, despite the name change, remember to keep up the spirit and keep in mind that democracy is like two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat, while true democracy is two wolves and a sheep with a gun deciding what to eat.

Telos reaches number 2 spot on MNOs Best ROI of 2019.

I wouldn’t call this news the most reliable possible knowing that MNO has lately been lazy to update and their numbers keep showing whatever they happen to show, and my suggestion would be to instead use to check the real numbers regarding TELOS, since that place has stayed much more accurate while MNO has not.

Anyway, it appears MNO made ” Masternodes 2019 Year in Review”- report.

One of those reports is statistics of ROI for coins with $100k – $1M market cap.

And on this list, TELOS became number 2 with over 1200% ROI!

I of course trust this is only because MNOs numbers are, as usual, off, and in reality, it should be number 1!

What is interesting in this MNOs ROI report is that they are not just taking into account the usual ROI system, but they are actually taking the whole concept into their statistics, which is basically what did it cost at beginning of year to buy one node, how much TELOS it would make, how much staking those TELOS would make, and what if you then at end of year sold it all away.

By other words, the 1200% ROI of TELOS means that if you had been wise enough to buy 100 Euros worth of TELOS at the beginning of the year 2019, you would at end of the year 2019 been able to get 1 200 EUROS out of it, and you would also still have hair left on your head.

Of course, this is still not a completely real ROI since it is missing the first reward time and hosting cost, but close enough anyway.

There, number 2, but only because of a typo, it actually should be one line higher says I.

Zendesk support to Peertoro – Later to other Telos services.

As can be seen from a picture below, there is now a zendesk support at

From now on if you have any issues regarding peertoro, like “can you check if my payment happened”, please make a ticket at zendesk instead of asking it on discord.

This will help make sure all the questions get answered instead of forgotten to a limbo.

Zendesk support is also planned to come in the future to other Telos services hosted by Pascal.

there at the bottom right corner, you can see the support-button. It will appear after staying a while on the web page.

Alejandro Finol has a new article “Teloscoin (TELOS) — A unique opportunity to invest (Shor /Medium/Long) term”

It seems Alejandro Finol, whose articles we have previously told you about too in TELOSNEWS.COM in here and here, have now upped his game a bit.

Not is his text slightly more readable than before, but he is also writing a very timely article in which he advises to buy Telos now to make some quick profits since he gives some proof about how it is likely that 100 SAT is the bottom, and how it is likely that from this point on way is only up.

Well worth reading and also sharing to your friends who are interested in Cryptos but haven’t dipped their toes into Telos coin yet.

Read from one of these places:



Lucky Seven Monday article: “FREE LIBRA COIN, New generation of decentralized stablecoins coming this year”

Another Monday have passed this week, and another article from Lucky Seven was done.

As the articles name already suggests, it will be talking about Free Libra Coin.

There has been one article in TELOSNEWS.COM about it before too, but it is good there is now a bit longer one available too, especially, since I still fail to understand all related to it.

Read it from one of these places:






2 Blueboxes being raffle ticketed, act quick, time is almost up.

Time is a bit tight, so you have to react very fast, but there are two blueboxes going to be given by random to people who are willing to do something little.

The first one will be given at today’s Kryptofriday that have already started streaming when this update is published.

In Todays kryptofriday, one Bluebox is given, on what condition is a bit unclear. Basically original announcement by Pascal mentions watching, sharing and liking – as in probably the kryptofriday stream?
However, Kryptofriday’s own announcement doesn’t mention anything about the condition upon which winner is picked. All Kryptofriday says is that it is going to be done live, one hour later from start of kryptofriday, which in practice means, one hour from now since Kryptofriday stream already started.

So my best guess is, if you go and follow the livestream, they either give more instructions, or then it is given to one of those simply watching it, so want to have a chance to earn 1000 Euros by watching a one-hour live stream? Today’s your chance for that.

However, if you are reading this too late already, then don’t worry, since there is also another box given tomorrow on a different condition.

This has to do with Bitdorado promotion.

About two weeks ago Bitdorado promised to give two blueboxes away randomly for people who Follow / Retweet / Like this tweet from bitdorado about that competition, and last Saturday first bluebox was given to a lucky random pick winner, and tomorrow the second box will be given.

So go now to that tweet couple lines above and Follow the account, Retweet the tweet, and like it, to get included on tomorrow’s random pick. So far looks like only around 50 people had done so, so chances to win a thousand are amazingly good compared to the usual probability in these kinds of things.

Hop hop to Kryptofriday stream to win the bluebox dream!

Bitdorado OTC trading opened.

Bitdorado isn’t yet open the way other crypto exchanges are, but parts of it are already opening, and OTC (Over-The-Counter) Trading is now available.

What this OTC in Crypto World, and specifically in Bitdorados case means is that you can send an offer to buy or sell some crypto coins, and bitdorado will send you an offer about what price they are willing to do the trade for.

Idea is that normally when we are talking of, especially, low volume coins, if you try to buy a bigger amount the problem is that the price goes up because there aren’t many coins on sale, or if you want to sell many at once, then the price goes down since likewise, there aren’t that many sellers either.

By doing Over-The-Counter trade you are doing the trade outside of any exchange and you will be doing the deal directly with Bitdorado. Hence your deal won’t affect the price since either the coins you are buying are not available through any exchange, but they are given directly by bitdorado from their big bag of savings not visible to anyone, or likewise, bitdorado will pay you euros directly from their pocket, in which case none of the sale orders available in exchanges are being filled, since once again, your coins will end up directly to bitdorados big bag of coins.

However, do notice that currently Bitdorado demands that OTC deals need to be valued at a minimum of 5 000 Euros to do them.

Notice also that if you are a Premium Member of Bitdorado, which should be available for 400 000 Telos now that the cheaper 200 000 Telos memberships to my understanding are already gone, then instead of asking an offer from Bitdorado, you can make the deal based upon Coingeckos current price.

And do notice, if you have one of the eligible bitdorado edition items, like bluebox bitdorado edition, you are not eligible for this membership OTC offer, since the bluebox you own is the member, not you yourself.

Bitdorados OTC-trading offer is available to both Buying and Selling, although the form shows only Buying as an option. But it doesn’t really make a difference since to sell for example TELOS against BTC, You just choose the “Buy BTC”-option and Buy them with TELOS, making it the same as selling your TELOS against BTC.

Available currencies to trade currently are:

FIAT currencies are planned to come to the mix in the already near future, but I guess that will depend upon getting licenses to do so first.

Buy and Light, the first third-party XBTX token project?

One of the more mysterious announcements happened about a week ago when Pascal made an announcement about the first third-party XBTX token project called Buy and Light.

Not much details were given upon what this is and what it means to Telosland, but I guess it is a good thing.

There was a video attached, which you can find from below, and a mention of a address, which gives even less info than Pascal’s announcement did.

Perhaps in the future we will know more. offers a possibility to upgrade Blueboxes to bitdorado editions

Here is something very interesting. If you haven’t noticed it before, in Telos land there is this extended warranty thing called available to buy. This will protect you in the case if for example one of your Blueboxes decides to break.

To make buying even more attractive than before, there is now an upgrade attached to the deal.

If you have a Blueboxes, then you can buy deal and get them upgraded.

Buy a basic membership and you can get 1-10 Blueboxes upgraded to Bitdorado edition. Buy Gold membership and you can get 10-30 Blueboxes upgraded. more than that, buy a Platinum Membership and get them upgraded.

Upgrading these Blueboxes to Bitdorado editions means that your Blueboxes will become premium members of Bitdorado.

Do notice that there is a difference between you yourself or your Bluebox being a premium member of Bitdorado, with you yourself as a premium member being the better option, except, you can only get one premium membership for yourself while to Blueboxes you can get an endless amount of them as long as you have Blueboxes to make become a premium member.

I do plan to write more extensively at some point about Bitdorado premium membership and what it means, but for now, know it is a good thing and worth seeking after for.

Lucky Seven Monday Article: “THE HIVE – Web browser for new age”

As have been mentioned in TELOSNEWS.COM too, there is a new browser called “The Hive” coming to Telosland, and it sounds pretty good and interesting.

Lucky Seven has this time, or rather week ago, dedicated his Monday article to this browser that you can read from one of the following links:






Telos Revolution coin fork coming in July

There was a lot of misunderstanding regarding this announcement, so let’s hope I can clarify the situation a bit.

First of all, nothing will happen until next July.

And on that next July, there is going to be a fork happening. This fork is a planned thing. It happened last July, and it will happen in future years Julys too unless something changes.

This mandatory fork on July has to do with some limits of blockchain technology which make it so that to make some fundamental changes to the coin, like changing Rewards, either requires them to having been planned in advance to happen automatically at some point, or then you have to do a fork to get them happen.

Because Telos wishes to be a democratic coin where everyone can vote what fundamental changes will happen with the coin, for example, rewards cant be planned in advance, since it can’t be known what will be voted by people in advance, and therefore the only option is to make a fork to get these fundamental changes to happen.

To avoid unpredictability, it had at the beginning been decided that fork would be done every year in July, bit like it is decided that there are political elections in countries every x years apart. Of course, if nothing is voted to change, then there is no need for a fork either.

Next July fork will, however, be slightly different since there will happen two different forks at the same time.

The first fork will be the usual mandatory fork where Telos fundamentals will be changed according to what people vote, just like last July.

You can right now go and vote to affect how Telos will work after next July and you can read more about the options from an earlier article about them in TELOSNEWS.COM.

Second fork will, however, be Pascal’s own fork that he will use as his playground to test some of his ideas to see how they would work.

This second fork will be called Telos Revolution, and NO, despite its name, it will not replace our Telos that we all have grown fond of.

Idea is simply that Pascal wants a Telos coin version which he will have full control. There will be no voting or anything regarding Telos Revolution, but it will be fully controlled by Pascal.

And NO, Pascal is not switching to support Telos Revolution instead of Telos, but he will continue developing and supporting Telos as usual, and Telos Revolution is just a playground for him.

Good news for us is, that as forks work in such a way that whatever coins you held at the moment that the Fork happened, you will then have them in both forks.

This means that if at the moment these two forks happen, you happen to have 100k Telos, You will then have 100k coins in Telos as well as 100k coins in Telos Revolution.

And even better, Pascal is actually planning on selling stuff against Telos Revolution too, meaning your money is sort of doubling.

So since there are two Telos coins, then should you start trading with them both then? Basically no.

The current plan of Pascals is that he doesn’t have plans on putting Telos Revolution into exchanges, which means that you can’t really trade with them, at least not the traditional exchange way. So that already shows that Telos revolution is not meant for trading, but just for Pascal to test his ideas, although he does give an option to use them to buy things.

What you should do is to continue using and trading with the Telos as usual, since Telos isn’t changing anywhere, it will stay as it is, and will continue to be supported and developed just like before. There will just come a test clone called Telos Revolution which main purpose may be being Pascal’s playground, but which happens to be positive to Telos owners as they can use their Telos Revolution coins to buy Pascals stuff too.

So only a good thing happening here, nothing bad. No need to panic or anything. Just enjoy this stroke of luck the current owners of Telos will have when the next fork, or two, happen next July.

Coins can now apply to Bitdorado exchange.

It was announced that Coins can now apply to get listed to the upcoming Bitdorado exchange.

Listing to Bitdorado will also result in being listed to pools, instatrade, OTC and bots. And also being added to Piggybanks and Blueboxes when applicable.

Listing can either be done against a fee, which varies from coin to coin, or coin can try to get listed through being voted, which actually costs too as voting costs and could in worse case cost even more than simply paying the negotiated listing fee.

If someone is interested in working as an agent to some coin in getting listed, this agent will get some percentage of this listing fee to himself, which is nice.

This also reminds me that those with Bitdorado memberships, either with having paid for one, or having got it otherwise, like from one of the bitdorado edition blueboxes, will also get a share of the listing fee if I have understood right.

Affiliate program for

Couple of days ago TELOSNEWS.COM told you about accepting TELOS and XBTX as a payment option, and now they have an affiliate program in place too.

If you like to get a 10 percent commission from a sale while giving 5 percent off to the customer, then you should make an affiliate link for yourself in

Now you have double a reason to market Telos. votings about the upcoming mandatory fork

So far, and by the current plan, in the future too, every July there will be a mandatory fork to update Telos.

This also gives the possibility to change some Telos fundamentals like happened last July too, and right now there are some votings going on at regarding these fundamentals, like Reward splits.

This article will be updated if more votings regarding the fork come up

Right now there are three different votes going on at that will end about 50 days later.

The first one is about the Reward split.

Currently, we have 90/10 split meaning that each reward is split so that 90 percent of that Reward goes to Master node owner, while 10 percent goes to someone who was staking his coins.

Options for this voting currently are

Keep it as it is
100 % POS

Especially the last two, or could say even last three options are quite game-changing ideas where Proof of Stake would clearly get much bigger picture than it currently has at same time as the relevance of Master Nodes would go down a lot, and especially on last option Master Nodes would be ditched completely out of the equation while on second last option it basically means only few Master Nodes would be worth keeping instead of staking.

Right now, at the time of writing this, most votes were with 80/20, but also Keeping as it is and 10/90 had some votes too. However, with the current amount of votes – 12 to be exact from which 7 are on 80/20, it can still end in any way.

Second voting is about Collateral Split of Tiered Nodes. By other words, how much collaterals and which Tiers would be available after the July fork:

Keep them as they are
1K/ 3K / 10K/ 30K / 50K
100K/ 300K / 1KK / 3KK / 10KK 
1K/ 100K / 1KK/ 3KK / 10KK
1K / 10KK
Go POS only

Options somewhat boil down to either keeping the same, Halving the highest Tier – basically a small steps towards the original 1k only nodes, or taking one of the options with 10 Million Collateral nodes.
and of course the no Master nodes at all option as was the 100 % POS option in the first voting.

Currently, all 5 votes are on keeping them as they are option. So while amount of votes are still small enough that it can end to anything, it seems there is strong support for keeping them as it is, or perhaps people are just not wanting the 10 Million Collateral option.

Third voting is about the amount of Reward. Right now each new block produces 100 New coins (used to be 200 before the previous fork), but what will be the new one:

Keep them as it is (100 each block)

With current options we have an option to lower them a bit, half the rewards, rise them a bit, or almost double the rewards getting close to original amount of rewards.

This voting is currently most scattered among these three, with 7 votes divided between keeping them as it is (4), 80 (1), and increasing to 180 (2).

With this low amount of votes, it can still happen anything, but it looks like keeping things about as they are seem to be what most people prefer, and especially on first voting the 80/20 seems to be having somewhat strong neck compared to rest, so it might well stay that way.

In case you wish for some other options still for votings, you can send a message to votings-channel in official discord to request them, maybe they will be added, maybe not.

Some of these votings are bit interconnected together like if we take 10/90 split between master nodes and staking (the opposite of current one), then, for example, 1k/10kk collateral becomes much more viable option as then we would be talking of there possibly being only a couple of master nodes in the whole world, as from profit point of view it would make sense to have only couple of 10 Million master nodes since otherwise Staking would make you more already. This could basically means some sort of super master node with all kinds of security and power around it since income is good enough to make worth paying more to keep it superb.

All in all, except for couple of radical options, it seems changes to Telos will be somewhat small, like Rewards changing somewhere between double to half, which isn’t that big a change.

Go and vote now, there is no complaining after the voting is over if you didn’t participate in it on time.

Lucky Seven monday article “BITDORADO by Transcendence is around the corner”

Another Monday article from lucky seven has been ready for over a week by now already.

This article is all about Bitdorado, the exchange TELOSNEWS.COM has not yet covered properly, so this article will fill that hole a bit at least.

read it from one of the following places:






Pegasos Online hosting service shut down

This is bit old news already, but on 19th of January Pegasos Online developer shut his service down due to too few paying users.

Pegasos Online was a hosting service where you were able to host among others, your Telos master nodes, and where you were able to pay the monthly fee with Telos.

Pegasos Online used to be part of Pegasos coin project which was the first coin that got eaten by operation Pac-man, where Telos eats all other coins by merging them to Telos. While eating Pegasos coin didn’t yield such a good result as Pascal had hoped, it was still a piece of Telos history that is now gone.

Farewell! Let’s eat something else says Pac-man.

Biki Exchange video interview about Pascal and Telos

Biki Exchange has done a very nice interview video about Pascal regarding Telos.

While the Video starts bit slow (if you are impatient, consider skipping first 4-5 minutes), it is well worth watching since at point it finally starts getting to the point, it tells us even things we didn’t know before like Pascal tells a lot about Hive browser and related, including things not told publically before.

Other things he tells about in this Video are PiggyBank, Cryptomages, Kryptobay, AmiCloud, Bluebox, Access to Quantum Computers, Greenbox,

All in all, you could say that this video works as a very nice second part video for the Introduction to Telos video that we told you about in an earlier article since there is surprisingly little overlapping between these two videos and while the introduction video is mainly concentrating on things already here, this video tells a lot about things coming in near future.

Basically if you want to introduce someone to Telos, I would first show him the previous video, and right after that, this one:

copy-paste link:

Lucky Seven Monday Article “AML Token pre-announced by Transcendence blockchain”

While not exactly this Mondays article, but previous weeks Mondays article, here it is now told by TELOSNEWS.COM as well.

You might hear about it a week late, but you anyway heard about it now.

This article is all about upcoming AML Token, the same thing mentioned in this article as well.

Read from one of the following sources:






Piggybank v3 available – Free for owners of v2

Piggybank v3 has been released.

As have been with previous versions, this version too is free for those who already own previous version – v2. To get one of the free “upgrades”, contact the place where you bought your v2 from.

New v3 is much more expensive than the previous ones, previous ones stayed clearly under 100 Euros as far as I recall, while this new one’s price has jumped all the way to 349,95 Euros!

Is this the final price, or is this just a lifted up price for a while so old owners would get their upgrades done first remains to be seen, but in announcement Pascal already announced that price of V3 is much higher than V2, so even if there would come a price drop, expect it to still be costly.

However, while the price has gone up, so have the power and according to the announcement V3 is 20 times more powerful than V2, so that might explain a bit about the price rise.

20 Times more speed also makes me wonder if there are some hidden surprises again waiting for the owners since that wouldn’t be the first time Pascal sells us something and then a month later he tells us “oh yeah, if you open the box you can see a gold bar inside there”.

In addition to 20 times more powerful, it was also told that we can expect software updates for the piggybank v3 like additional wallets for coins that are supported by soon upcoming Bitdorado Exchange.

So perhaps the price isn’t based upon hardware price anymore but based upon the real value of the stuff inside, that would be my guess. For even the 349,95 price tag makes very much sense when part of the deal, at least for now, is that you can get one of your XBTX wallet address whitelisted for Bluepool, which makes this the cheapest option currently to get access to a bluepool, and as Pascal put it, gets your piggy bank filled itself.

Video of Piggybank v2:

xMiner v2 for Windows available

Here is a slight confusion available for you all: xMiner is a hardware device meant for mining, while xMiner v2 is actually a software meant for mining at Bluepool.

Bluepool have been mentioned before too in TELOSNEWS.COM but what all Bluepool will hold is still to some extent a mystery and previous reports might have some errors in telling about it.

xMiner v2 is software for Windows (64-bit version only) that enables the user to mine with CPU or GPU in Bluepool specifically.

However, since Bluepool is a sort of insiders club where not just anyone can get access to so it would stay nicely profitable, you cant just download the software and start mining, but your wallet needs to get whitelisted first to get the access to the bluepool.

To get your wallet whitelisted, you either need to have bought one of the eligible things from Transcendence Project, which currently would be a Bluebox, xMiner (the hardware one), Piggy Bank v3 (for a limited time only), or you need to buy Bluepool Membership which currently costs 476 000 Telos and if announcement is to be trusted, will be climbing all the way to the price of 1.6 Million Telos soon, making it even at this point already, let alone in future, much cheaper to simply buy yourself one Bluebox to get the access.

When you are mining in bluepool, 80 percent of your mining power is used for your own mining, meaning that 80 percent of what you are about to get, you will get, and the rest 20 of that power will go to be distributed among all pool members – including yourself.

This is basically good since especially at the point when bluepool is going to start mining more than just XBTX, you will get your share of all these other coins too, meaning that you mine just one with for example CPU, and you get access to a whole load of different coins.

The rest 20 percent is being distributed based upon shares you own to bluepool. For example, if you own bluebox, you will get one share for each bluebox you own, so own 5 blueboxes and you get 5 shares.
xMiners, on the other hand, will get 10 shares each, after all, they cost about 10 times more.

This the situation with the Bluepool currently. If you wish to get on mining, go download xMiner v2 from here, and then you need to request your wallet address to be whitelisted either by contacting the place where you bought your eligible bought from or by asking from Pascal at discord.

Notice that during software testing it was noticed that Windows 10 deleted some of the files after unzipping since Windows defender thinks mining software as Malware, so depending upon your settings, especially on windows 10, you could encounter some trouble, so do it with your own risk and only if you know what you are doing.