Since Transcendence/Telos is a Premium Backer at Masternode Buzz, there is a small piece of news about Telos and one twitter feed from Telos in Daily Buzz. Not much, but better than nothing anyway and you can read it yourself from here:
Telos Wallet 3.04 and Transcendence Dashboard Beta have been released to Github.
This is actually a bit of a old news already, but I didn’t want to write about this until I had tested Dashboard myself since I was actually expecting Dashboard to be much more than it currently is yet and was expecting to be writing a long article telling you all about it.
Now don’t get this wrong, Dashboard is still a great piece of work and I personally at least like it quite much in that it shows to be quite promising with the little there is already.
Wallet version 3.04 was released in hopes of fixing some unintended forking happening, and at least so far it seems it has worked.
Along with the Wallet 3.04, there is also now a Beta version of the long waited Transcendence Dashboard and I am finally starting to see what Pascal has been meaning all this time about not needing exchanges anymore, etc. that Dashboard could be one in all solution.

Yes, we are still far from that point, but the underlying technology is already there, and using just a little bit of imagination you can see how that all will happen, and indeed, I can see how there wouldn’t be a need for exchanges anymore, but all trades would happen as basically, OTC trades, even at the same time they would be like exchange trades as long as there’s a system to keep track of them and their prices.
Anyway, right now there is only quite a little on the Dashboard yet. There are lots of menu options that are shaded out as not there yet, but they will give you a hint about the future.
At this point Dashboard is basically only working as a Telos and Bitcoin Subsidium wallet.
What is interesting with this is that instead of Dashboard being a wallet in itself, it is actually more of an interface to work with the wallets. So in practice you will still have the usual Telos and XBTX wallets running, but they are basically invisible since you just don’t need to worry about them since basically Dashboard is supposed to take care of them.
This however is not true yet, as it is still only on Beta stage and missing some crucial pieces still, like if your wallet doesn’t get automatically connected to nodes, you actually need to go and do stuff on the wallet, since Dashboard doesn’t have these features implemented yet, although they are planned to come.
However, after you get your wallet running smoothly, you can see how handy Dashboard actually is. For instead of flipping back and forth with different wallet softwares, you can just choose from Dashboard which coin, Telos or XBTX, to look at, and Dashboard will show all the info regarding that coins wallet of yours.
What I also liked was that while the old QT-wallet was a bit limited in how to show transactions, that you could see them only one way basically, Dashboard, on the other hand, gives you a chance to display them in different ways, like you could choose to look only received or sent transactions, or only from the certain time period. Just choose the filters to use, see the result and even save it in sort of CSV form. Sort of CSV since it actually isn’t CSV, since CSV would be Comma Separated Values, but this is actually using Tab to separate values. However, when you open this file in Excel, for example, you can choose to have separation done using Tab instead of Commas, and it works.

Also, when you close or open the Dashboard, you can choose to run or stop running all the associated wallets with Dashboard.
So instead of starting XBTX wallet and Telos wallet separately, I simply open Dashboard and Dashboard opens them both automatically. Or when I close dashboard, it asks if I also want to close my Telos and XBTX wallets, choose yes, and they are both closed instead of me needing to close them separately.
This alone can be pretty handy feature if you for example have 10 different wallets that you just want to sync and see the situation once a month. Instead of opening them all separately and having possibly 10 different interfaces to deal with, just open Dashboard and get them all automatically synced and save the transactions using just one interface instead of 10.
Now there is however a downside to this too, for opening all these wallets and running them at the same time will also take lots of memory. It seems to me that running Telos and XBTX wallet at the same time takes about 5 Gb of memory, so that needs to be taken into consideration. If you have less than that of memory, there is an option to run only one of the wallets at a time however.
Couple of Instructions regarding DASHBOARD that you might run into:
The first problem you might encounter is your AntiVirus not letting you run some parts of the Dashboard or wallets. In this case, you need to check your Antivirus settings and there should be some place where you can choose to give permission for some files manually. You might need to give permission to all files regarding Dashboard as well as regarding wallets, including wallet.dat files. My own AntiVirus (F-Secure) actually even tends to delete wallet.dat files if I don’t tell it to ignore them first, and that is a pretty scary thing to happen.
Next thing is that running the Dashboard requires about 5 Gb of free memory (just based upon my own test and only at the time I tested, it might take more in the future) Having less than this amount of memory can result in strange behavior, errors, and crashes.
If you can’t have enough Memory, you can try opening only one of the wallets
When you start Dashboard for the first time, it will make a certain folder called “Transgui”-folder to a certain location.
This location is usually located at:
Notice that “Username” refers to the user name you are having on your computer and to see AppData, you need to enable seeing hidden files.
In here you will find a file called “cfg_autostart.exe” open this to your notepad and you will see a line reading “XBTX=true” now change this line to “XBTX=false” save the file and start your dashboard as usual and it will now not try to start XBTX wallet and hence saves you a lot of memory.
Then the problem you might encounter is that your wallet doesn’t get any connections.
To fix this, You need to locate your Blockchain folder. When you first time started your Telos Wallet, or if you have never started it, then in case when you first time started the Dashboard, it is asking for a folder where to save the Telos Blockchain.
Locate this folder and inside this folder you will see a file called “transcendence.conf” open this file and in this you need to add addnode lines. as an example:
Thing is, you cant use just any numbers, but these numbers need to be actual node addresses.
To find them, you could first try if ones in the Telos Explorer work for you:

If ones on the Explorer don’t seem to work for you, then you can go to Transcendence/Telos community discord and search from there for the most recent list of Add nodes.
With these instructions and a fair warning that we are talking of a Beta version that might still contain some bad bugs in it, go and try Dashboard.
For some time now some or someone has been bloating Telos blockchain, possibly by purpose. This has been done by simply making a whole load of small transactions for each block.
Thing is, even if you send a bigger sum but it comes only from one wallet it takes only a small amount of space since the situation is basically the same as if you would be using pen and paper.
“One Million Euros from Pascal to TELOSNEWS.COM” doesn’t take much space from paper.
“1 Telos to ZenH2O”
“1 Telos to Tybiboune”
“1 Telos to Lucky7”
“0.01 Telos to BitcoinBond_007 (he has enough Telos already)”
Takes much more space from paper, even moved sum was only 3.01 Telos (which will soon be more than the first examples Million Euros).
This same is also true for Blockchain. For every time someone sends Telos to some other address, there is always a mark of it. And if you own more than one address, you can keep sending Telos between your own addresses and Blockchain keeps bloating.
Actually, at the time of the last fork, Telos Blockchains’ size was about 4 Gb, now it is about 6 Gb. So it does matter.
To get rid of this most likely intentional bloater, there is now voting on Patreon with basically two options.
The first one is to increase the transaction fee. I’m actually not sure what is the current fee, but by a quick look at Explorer, it would seem to be something like 0.0001 Telos per Kb.
To use the pen and paper analogy, the more paper you need to use to write all the transactions, the more you need to pay since paper costs something for each line.
One transfer from one address to another takes roughly 0.25 Kb of blockchain space, and currently you would pay roughly 0.000025 Telos from it.
The first suggestion is to increase this fee somewhere from 1 – 10 Telos per Kb.
This would mean that transfer from one address to another would still usually be ridiculously cheap 0.25 to 2.5 Telos, which is nothing for a regular user who keeps sending bigger sums at once from one address to another.
However, for this bloater, who in one example block I checked from explorer where he made 2000 transactions with a total of about 100K Telos, this bloating would suddenly cost him about 500 – 5 000 Telos each block he does it. That is a 0.5 – 5 percent fee, and if he does that 20 – 200 times, he be out of Telos since all of that 100K Telos would have been burned and he couldn’t bloat the chain anymore.
The second option is to reduce Zero Fee Transfers. I have to say I am not entirely sure what that means, since I would imagine it simply means that each block has some certain amount of zero-fee transfers.
However, if this is the case, then I don’t really see how this would help against the bloater since as I mentioned, the example block I looked at had more than 2000 transactions. So even if there would be 100 zero-fee transactions currently, bloater is still willing to pay for the rest 1 900 transfer fee and it doesn’t seem to be a problem for him, and why would it with this low fee we currently have.
It was not mentioned how much time there is to vote, so better cast your vote sooner than later.
Last sunday our dear old Pascal made an announcement. And if you ever looked for some close to free money, you better read this.
Only on Sundays, and only until the price of Telos hits 2 cents (it wasn’t clarified did he mean Euro or US cents, I just assume Euro cents, unless he meant Rouble cents perhaps), you can OTC buy from him Telos for the current price shown at Coingecko, and get 20 percent extra Telos.
These Telos can be bought against lots of different currencies, at least following were mentioned: BTC/ETH/ZEC/XBTX/EUR/USD
But minimum buy is 100K telos, which in practice I suppose means 120K Telos as you would be getting the extra 20K on top of the 100K.
This means that you can buy 120K Telos for the price of 100K Telos, and then instantly sell those 120K Telos for that normal price, making you 20 percent extra profit, as long as there are enough buyers on market.
And as long as you and Pascal are quick enough, you can then again buy 120K Telos batch from Pascal to make even more profit that same day.
As long as people are willing to take advantage of this, it should increase the price of Telos to 2 cents.
To get on to this offer, first of all, make sure it is Sunday, then go check the price on CoinGecko, and then go to Discord and DM GrumpyDev with your OTC Buy interest of at least 100k Telos, for that is what the OTC stands for: “Off The Counter”, meaning it is done outside the exchanges, as in usually meaning directly from one guy to another.
By the way, if you ever thought of setting up Telos Masternode, now would be an excellent time. Just pay the price of one node, get it set up, and have still 20K telos to play with. That is like instant one year profit already.
Well, that took some time.
More than a month ago TELOSNEWS.COM warned you about doing Withdrawals and Deposits to and from exchanges until Telos fork was done.
And, while it started from Graviex, it also ended with Graviex. For Graviex was the first one to hold the drawing/withdrawals, as well as the last one to fix them.
Other exchanges had actually updated and fixed everything even weeks ago already, but I didnt want to tell you it is okay to withdraw/deposit until it would be safe for every major Telos exchange to do so, since after all, TELOSNEWS.COM is also meant for the lazy people who just want to know if it works or not, and nothing between.
And so it happened that someone had not read his TELOSNEWS.COM properly and decided to make a withdrawal from Graviex to his wallet, and lucky to him, and the rest of us too, it actually happened successfully. Us hence knowing that Graviex Telos deposit/withdrawals are working again.
Time for some trading again people!
A couple of days ago it was announced and also already the first one held of a Piggydrop where one lucky Piggybank, Bluebox, or Greenbox owner can win 10 000 Telos, and this Raffle is currently going to be held weekly for now.
To join this Raffle requires you to first of course to own one of the Bluebox, Greenbox, or Piggybanks, for example the Virtual Piggybank I yesterday mentioned would do. Then in addition to that, you need to go to Community Discords bb Piggybank owner channel and tell that you are one of the Bluebox/Greenbox/Piggybank owners and wish to join the Piggydrop raffle, and that’s it, then you are set to once a week have a chance to win 10 000 Telos, at least for now.
When you put Piggybank to a cloud and get a Remote Desktop Access to it, what do you get?
Well, I admit I at first missed it myself since I was just looking that you are getting a Piggybank on a cloud with a remote access, which is exactly what it is, but what I missed at the start was that there is actually a more familiar name to this kind of access called Virtual Computer or Cloud Computer or Remote Access Computer or…
And when I realized that, I understood what a great deal here is on offer for Telos users.
For only roughly 100 Euros with the current Telos price, you are getting a lifetime Cloud Computer access. This is dirt cheap. Or I would actually argue more expensive than any other deal, for, after all, next day you could have sold those 35k Telos for 35K Euros. So you decide if it’s dirt cheap or extortion. Is it 100 euro bargain or 35K Euros of lost profit.
A couple of years ago I was myself looking at getting a Remote Access Virtual Computer since I was having difficulty getting connected to some specific websites, and on holiday vacation we noticed the vacation place had an excellent connection to those websites, so I started looking at getting Virtual computer from that precise location, and I did find they were for rent, but the price was much more than the one-time payment of 100 euros, for it was much more than that each year.
If you are asking from me, this a real killer deal for anyone already owning one of the Telos products that lower the price to 35K Telos in case you are looking for a Remote Virtual Computer access. I would have jumped to a deal like this couple of years ago had one like this been available.
In addition to this Virtual Computer, you could use this simpler way too. For one thing you could do is to simply use this as a wallet for different coins.
The good thing about this is that what I have learned when using my own Windows machine as a wallet, sometimes something might cause some unexpected behavior, for example, my Antivirus decided to automatically erase my wallet.dat file, since it decided it was a suspicious file (I guess it figured Telos price was suspiciously lower than it should be). Well, good thing I had a backup, except it deleted that one too. But luckily I had also one file named differently than wallet.dat, and that one my antivirus didn’t recognize.
Anyway, that is just an example of what could happen, and one way to likely prevent something like that is to use Virtual Piggybank as your wallet machine.
And as long as you don’t use it for anything else but as a wallet, you are likely going to be able to avoid all the hackers getting into your computer to steal your wallet.dat files, etc.
So it can be pretty good solution from security point of view as well.
Not to mention that part of the service is that every 30 days there will be a backup done of your virtual piggybank, so even if something nasty would happen, you wouldn’t lose more than 30 days of stuff done (although I still recommend you make backups for yourself manually too, especially since the newest auto backup will replace the previous one always)
The next possibility, which is also interesting from a cost point of view, is that you can actually use this to mine some coins the same way you can use the previous Piggybanks that were sent to you.
This means that basically you could buy this already just in case you happen to ever need a virtual computer, and while waiting for that, simply use it for mining, and at point you finally need a virtual computer, you might have actually made more money back than you ever used to buy it.
All in all, a very interesting product for many different needs, even at start it doesn’t seem like much. Just another piggybank until you realize it isn’t.
Now do notice couple of things however.
First of all. Sad thing is, if you do use this as your wallets, it, unfortunately, works the same as with your home computers in that you do need to update the wallets yourself. ARES will simply provide you with Piggybank and access to it, but other than that, for security reasons, they won’t be able to touch your virtual machine, so you have to touch it yourself, including updating your wallets.
But at least Virtual Piggybank does come preinstalled with XBTX and TELOS wallets, so the first time installation is saved from you.
Also, the Operating system is Ubuntu 20, which might be good or bad, depending on your taste. I would myself have preferred AEROS.
But other than that. What a great deal!
The pricing starts from 35K or 150K Telos. Idea is, if you don’t own any Telos product suitable for discount (Piggybank, Bluebox) then the price is 150K Telos.
If you do however own Bluebox or Piggybank, then the price is only 35K Telos (dirt cheap, except of course you are losing huge profits that you would have got by selling those Telos a week later).
There are currently three different options. Piggybank S, M, and L, S giving the least and L naturally the most.
S is 35K/150K and includes 2.6 GB Ram and 60 GB Hard Disk space and 1 Virtual Core,
While L version is 80k/250K and offers 8GB Ram and 250 Gb Hard Disk Space and 2 Virtual Cores.
35K is actually not even the cheapest price, but there are some other discounts available too, like if you are a Bitdorado Premium Member. But you can find more details about those from Virtual PiggyBanks order page, where you should anyway have hurried up already at halfway this article.
And another one joins the lift up the quality of your Cryptoarticles the same way as the previous ones that you can read from here, here, and here.
The newest comer for more quality articles is U Today with its paid press release article about Teloscoin.
The article is mainly about the Dashboard that at the time of this article’s release, about a week ago, was still in the future, but today we actually already have first versions of the dashboard released. However, I will write more about it in one of probably near future articles since I have by purpose let daring techies try it out first to fix the worse most obvious problems before telling you readers to give it a try.
Anyway, the article is a lot about the dashboard and it also reveals some future plans, like the BlockINS that will give a chance for decentralized plugins and of which I am hearing only now for the first time, hence despite articles nature being paid press release, it is still worth a read.
the 1st TELOScoin Game and Application development contest that you can read more from is over and results are in and seeable from Teloscoin Twitter feed that was actually tweeted quite long ago already, but sometimes news travels a bit faster and then other times a bit slower.
The amount of prizes that were available were 24 000 Euros in total, however, seems people don’t really like prizes since only two participated in the whole competition and hence after a tight fight against no one, they both won the first prize of 3 000 Euros worth of Telos in their own category.
That’s right, you heard it exactly as it was. There were four categories, and only two people sent any entries. So two categories first prize of 3 000 Euros worth of Telos, not to mention the second and third spots of 2000 and 1000 Euros worth of Telos, no one even tried to get.
For example, had you wrote any half baked Telos article, you would have already got 3000 Euros worth of Telos. That’s something to think about when you next time cant fall asleep.
Anyway, Congratulations to the winners of 3000 Euros worth of Telos that You, the reader, could have got too, which instead of You went to the following:
Software # 1 – Luxleather with his Telos Paper Wallet – which you can still use to send new year wishes to all your relatives in a nice Telos paper form.
Games # 1 – – in which the name of the creator/winner is actually left out on Twitter as well as on website, hence we let him stay a mystery.

Anyway, congrats to the winners of hopefully already tomorrow 3 Million Euros worth of Telos coins. And regrets for the guys who didn’t participate in the competition when they could have won without competition.
Well, it was “the 1st” so let’s hope it’s not the last and on the “2nd” you can finally get yourself to do something and get one of those nice prize money that You didn’t get this time.
Yesterday I told You the truth about Santa, but I left out how it happened.
I’m really sorry if I’m the first one to tell You how it is, but someone has to tell You the truth…
Graviex has announced that Telos Deposits and Withdrawals are currently on hold, this is due to a request from the Telos team due to preparation for the coming fork.
This withdrawal/Deposit holding should happen with other exchanges too, so right now, effective immediately is that you should neither Deposit nor Withdraw any Telos from any exchange.
You can however keep trading with Telos as usual on these exchanges, as long as you already have them there, or you are buying some. Just don’t try to Deposit any Telos to any exchange, or try to withdraw any Telos from any exchange.
TELOSNEWS.COM will tell you when it is safe again to Deposit/Withdraw from exchanges, so do keep your eyes on news here.
And thus Bitcoin Subsidium Classic (XBTXC) is born, or depends how you look at it since technically XBTXC been around longer than our current XBTX which basically replaced XBTXC couple of months ago as is the habit with coin forks most of time.
Anyway, when XBTX was forked from GPU minable coin to GPU resistant coin in favor of making it CPU minable coin, it left an empty spot open for those people who actually favored GPU mining.
Hence Pascal figured that hey, why not actually make XBTX Classic as well. That would mean that instead of having just this new current CPU minable XBTX fork that replaced the old XBTX fork, we would also have the old fork existing at same time.
And this could be said to have happened two days ago when XBTXC was listed to Birake and Bitdorado Exchange to be traded against BTC.
Meaning you can now trade your XBTX Classic coins against BTC and vice versa.
Nice thing about this is that as long as you had some XBTX when the last XBTX fork happened, then you will already own some XBTX Classic too.
That if you had 1000 XBTX at the time of fork, then you will also have 1000 XBTX Classic coins now in addition to whatever you are currently holding of the current XBTX.
Question is if there will happen much with XBTX Classic or not, and will it be updated ever, for example in case there is some serious bug found, and that remains to be seen.
I quess it would depend upon whether people actually do some trading with the classic or not, and that might be partially dependent upon what Pascal does with it.
As far as I can recall, I think Pascal have mentioned that he basically does plan to support XBTX Classic too if people are interested, by accepting XBTXC as a payment method for his products.
Oh, and question that is probably burning on many readers mind is in how to access these XBTX Classics they already have.
Well, if you are like me, that you had them stored in Birake/Bitdorado Exchange, instead of actually having a wallet, then you just have to wait and hope that the exchange at some point decides to support it in such a way that you can get access to your Classic coins as well.
Otherwise, if I understood right, there will be a new wallet released soon that will show the classic coins you have, although basically I guess you could use some previous fork XBTX wallet version as well to access them.
As mentioned in previous article, there is one more fork happening to TELOS in 2020 still, and this is also giving a chance to change TELOS fundamentals.
After weekend worth of discussion, or mainly lack of it, there is now vote going on about POS/MN split, that you too can participate.
As already mentioned before, discussion/vote is happening at Community Discord channel where you can now vote by picking your letter of choice under the announcement (see the picture below).
Collateral change is currently not happening and stays as it is, only thing that is going to change, unless discussions changes, would be the mentioned POS/MN reward split.
It wasn’t said when this voting will end, but I guess, soon. After all, there isn’t much of this year left anymore.
So by guess I would say you should rather vote instantly rather than later. I wouldn’t be surprised if by end of coming weekend, or even sooner, it would be too late to vote anymore.

a Third one have already joined in lifting up their medias quality by releasing Telos VIM3-board article, actually about a week ago already.
About the previous two you can read about from here, and here.
Basically this is more of the same as the previous two, but refreshingly, each place has its own unique version of the story, and this third one is actually best of all the three, probably thanks to our dear Mod Tybiboune giving some last minute final touches to the article to make it slightly better than it originally wasn’t.
Anyway, if you like to learn as much as you can about the Special Edition VIM3-board, this one is well worth a read again.
Pascal have announced we are going to be getting one more Telos fork by end of this year still. Why exactly haven’t been told, but my guess is because there seems to be one exploit in current fork that have been taken advantage of.
You might want me to tell you what it is, but actually I am not technical enough to know it exactly. Hence I don’t even try, besides, less people know about it the better.
Now due to this fork going to be done, it also gives us a chance to change some of the Telos fundamentals, and Pascal is already suggesting changing Masternode Tiers from current 100k/300k/1M/3M/10M to 30k/100K/300K/1M/3M.
Due to this fork happening so soon in future, it is unlikely that there will come actual voting about any of the changes this time, but Pascal have informed people to come and talk to Community Discord Channel about changes if they wish to suggest something or give their opinion about possible changes.
In Previous news item it was told how cryptocompare had upped its article quality by having some sponsored Telos article, and now we see Bitcoinist taking the same road with their VIM3 board Telos article.
It seems TELOSNEWS.COM is being challenged by some puny publications, but clearly they are still far away from the content quality that only TELOSNEWS.COM can provide you have took a notch up on quality of their articles by releasing an article about Teloscoin.
Sadly it seems it takes a sponsored article to make them finally write something worth writing about, but regardless, they finally did it, they wrote something worth reading.
The article mainly tells about VIM3 boards, which all the good news medias have of course already reported about a long time ago, but it also gives some brief mentions of other Telos things, so well worth a read.
Today new trading pairs for Telos have appeared to both Bitdorado Exchange, as well as Birake Exchange. These new pairs being TELOS/BIR and TELOS/ETH.
This means that those people who have been wanting to change their Birake and Ethereum coins into Telos coins, but have so far not done it since it is so difficult to first exchange to Bitcoins and then to Telos, can now directly trade all their BIR and ETH coins for Telos coins.
Welcome aboard. Better late than never!
Yesterday I mentioned that Pascal announced in discord that Telos marketing is about to switch a gear.
And two days ago I told you about a new marketing video released about Alexandria Proof of Storage.
Today I am telling you about another video released, this time about Greenbox.
I guess this is to show that marketing gear have changed.
This Greenbox video is available from Transcendence Blockchain Linkedin Account, which in itself is bit of a news item enough to mention that such a thing exists.
Video in short tells about Greenbox in short form, pointing out you can earn money and Co2 tokens at same time, and that your Co2 tokens can be even publicly seen, which can be enticing to companies wishing to show they have some other green values too than just the color of their money.
By other words, Greenbox saves the earth, makes you the good guy, and is something that any company should get one for themselves unless they are situated in North Korea. For after all, you just compare the satellite image of South and North Korea at evening and you can notice that while others talk and have Earth Hour once a year, North Korea keeps having Earth Hour every day all day long.
Buy plenty of Greenboxes and save the earth while making my Telos value high and me filthy rich. Earth, me, and the future generations thank you.