I’m not actually sure that update is completely complete yet, but I anyway today asked from Pascal about Withdrawals and Deposits, and he said it is okay to do them again. They are still being processed manually so it might take some time before they actually happen, but you can anyway do them.
Bitdorado Mobile App, which Lucky 7 wrote you about in his latest article, should now be available for download from both Apple’s Appstore, and Googles Playstore.
Lots of obsolete Pools will be removed and if you had any coins on any of the pools that are becoming obsolete now, they will be moved to different pools, mainly to Coin & Grow pools of the same coin.
Due to this update, Bitdorado is asking you not to Withdraw or Deposit anything until update is done. Current estimation is that you can Withdraw and Deposit again tomorrow at 16:00 cet.
Alternatively you can watch TELOSNEWS.COM, as TELOSNEWS.COM will post a newsitem when Witthdraws and Deposits are available again.
Bitdorado has something called Coin & Grow pools, which I think are excellent for beginners to Cryptos. well, would be if it wasn’t too hard to figure out how to use them and this is why I am making this Tutorial in hopes of helping you out in both understanding what Coin & Grow pools are, and how you can benefit from them.
I am not going to be giving an indepth explanation of what everything is, but I am mainly focusing on telling what Coin & Grow pools are and how they work.
In this tutorial I am using a Computer with a web browser. If you are instead using Mobile App to access your Bitdorado account, then things might be a bit different.
Bitdorado has plenty of pools in it that you can access through your account menu:
Clicking on “Pool” option in Account will expand the view to show “Pool Deposit”-option (Circled in the picture on left). By clicking that you will get to a place from where you can join Pools.
The pool you wish to join is selected from a Dropdown menu, pay attention to the above pictures “TELOS” (Circled on top right of the picture) and below pictures “Coin&Grow”-pools (rectangled):
As you can see already from the picture above, there are plenty of other pools in Bitdorado too, but I am only going to explain about Coin & Grow pools here, besides, most of the others are anyway becoming obsolete.
The idea with Coin & Grow pools is that you put Cryptos into it, and these Cryptos will grow with a certain percentage each month. To put it simply, it’s a bit like putting 100 euro into a savings account, and one month later you have 101 euro because those 100 euro have yield 1 euro of interest (that would be 1% monthly)
This actual Interest rate however is bit difficult to understand without proper explanation, as these Coin & Grow pools are sort of two-part pools.
Remember how I told you to pay attention to that circled “TELOS”-pool. Now is time to recall it again. For this is the part 1 of this Coin & Grow Pool, for idea is that depending upon how much Teloscoins you put into this “TELOS”-pool, will also determine what kind of percentage your Coin & Grow pools will bring you.
The idea is that the more Telos you put into the “TELOS”-pool, the higher the TIER you will get & the best ROI you will get out of Coin&Grow.
If you have no or under 100k teloscoins in the “TELOS” pool, you will get nothing out of Coin&Grow, even if you had 20M coins in Coin&Grow.
To gain TIER 1, you will need to have 100 000 Teloscoins in “TELOS”-pool. For TIER 2, You will need 300 000 Teloscoins in “TELOS”-pool. TIER 3 – 1 Million Teloscoins TIER 4 – 3 Million Teloscoins TIER 5 – 10 Million Teloscoins
And those are all the TIERS you can reach.
Depending upon your TIER, depends how much you will earn from your Coin & Grow pools, and this varies between different coins.
To find out how much you will earn from each TIER, you will need to choose one of the Coin & Grow pools from the Dropdown menu, and after that you can see something like this:
In this above picture you can see that Coin & Grow Telos pool will give you 1% monthly profit if you have reached Tier 2, which requires 300 000 Teloscoins in “TELOS”-pool first.
This might seem like quite a low profit at first sight, but that is actually a 12% interest a year. Try getting that from your regular bank savings account and see how that turns out.
As a side mention, there is also a Premium Membership available to buy for 3.2 Million Teloscoins which will affect the profits by giving you one extra percent of profit. There are other benefits for Premium Members too, but I won’t go into more in this article.
Part 2 in the Coin & Grow process : now add some cryptos to one of the C&G pools
To give you an example:
You put
You get from Coin&Grow Monthly
1 Million Teloscoins
This activates the TIER3 but gives no Coin&Grow profit itself.
“Coin&Grow Telos”
500 000 Teloscoins
15 000 Telos (3% from 500 000)
TIER3 gives 3% in Coin&Grow Telos
“Coin&Grow PIVX”
10 000 PIVX
200 Pivx (2% from 10 000)
TIER3 gives 2% in Coin&Grow PIVX
Here you have put 1 Million Teloscoins to “TELOS”-Pool to activate you TIER3, and put 500K Teloscoins to Coin&Grow Telos-pool and 10k PIVX to Coin&Grow PIVX-pool.
Just to underline this. When you have enough Teloscoin in “TELOS”-pool to activate one of the TIERS, like in this example case the TIER3, you can put an unlimited amount of coins to as many Coin & Grow-pools as you like, and you will get profit based upon TIER3 from all of them. If you then later add more Teloscoins to the “TELOS”-pool to reach the next TIER, all these Coin & Grow pools will yield you based upon the new TIER you have reached. And naturally, if you take Teloscoins away from “TELOS”-pool enough to not have enough for your TIER, you will then drop to whatever TIER your amount of Coins will be enough for.
Now what comes to that 1 Million Telos in “TELOS”-pool that you used to activate your TIER. While those 1 Million won’t give you any Coin & Grow gains themselves, they will however give the gains that the “TELOS”-pool itself gives.
“TELOS”-pool itself is a so-called staking pool. So it gains staking profits. This profit varies and depends upon many factors, so I cant give you any actual percentage. By my own guess, which isnt based upon calculations, I would say that right now it is gaining you maybe 2 percent profit each month, but by default it will get worse in the future since usually the amount of new coins are chosen to decrease rather than increase.
That depends upon what you want and what your skills and resources are.
Truth is, if you have the skills there are plenty of people making more than what Coin & Grow makes. Bitcoin multiplied by 5 in two months, Dogecoin multiplied 10 times, and Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) multiplied 10 times in just one day. And when not talking about trading, with some Tech-how you can get pretty decent profits too, especially if you have only a small sum to use.
And Obviously nobody will promise you 9% percent interest without making sure they get more themselves.
But that is only if you have the skills.
What Coin & Grow offers is a fixed rate and stability. No matter what, you will always get the certain percentage you are getting. This is especially important to take into consideration when comparing with Tech-know alternatives. For you might be getting 3% monthly now by setting up a node for example, but by default that profit gets less in time, which makes the question if it is better to have 2% now for good, or 3% for only some time?
Personally, I am very excited about Bitdorado since I happen to be the perfect target audience for it.
I don’t want to spend my time on technical things, I don’t want to keep following which thing bring me most currently and then switch to the next one when the current one doesn’t make the most profit anymore, and I don’t necessarily care if I don’t get the maximum profit that I could, as long as I know exactly what I am getting and that amount is enough.
I also love the easiness of this. I just put the coins in once, and at least theoretically, even 10 years later I will still be getting the same percentage each month.
if you are the target audience like I am, then Bitdorado Coin & Grow is an excellent deal. If you are not, then it might be even a very crappy deal. You decide.
As written before, there were 3 Bounty votes on Dashboard. These votes however are now over and to my great disappointment, it appears TELOSNEWS.COM news item about them had no effect at all since the end results stayed exactly the same as at the time when they were reported here.
By other words:
“Telos LED-Screen advertising” received 150 Votes and this is probably considered a succesful vote.
“New Listing at Probit Exchange” received only 9 votes, and I doubt that listing is going to happen with that amount yet.
And last and obviously least, “Creating Complete Whitepaper” didn’t get a single vote meaning that only one allowed to complain about missing whitepaper anymore is Bitcoin_Bond_007 who had promised to give half of the price as long as the other half had come from votes, which didn’t.
On a same day as lucky 7 published his previous article, he also published another one that was telling about the upcoming Bitdorado App.
Even if you are not really interested in Bitdorado App itself, but you are interested in Bitdorado, the article is still worth reading since it doesnt really talk anything App specific as far as I noticed, but is instead explaining of some of the things on Bitdorado on how they work. Hence if you are interested in Bitdorado, do read the article from one of the following places:
Basically the same stuff you have read from TELOSNEWS.COM, but instead of having to read multiple articles, all this info is combined into just one article.
As Telos is about to conquer Turkey, one of the first steps seem to be offering a limited edition Blueboxes.
These blueboxes differ from previous ones in that while previous ones gave you Cryptos, these ones give you Euros. Another difference is also that while previous ones were dependent upon how much Cryptos Bluebox in reality mines, these ones have a fixed income of a certain amount of Euros each month.
Following options are available in the following amounts:
Bluebox Turkuaz 1K – Costs 1 000 Euros, and will give you 2 percent (that’s 20 Euros) per month – limited to 20 boxes Bluebox Turkuaz 3K – Costs 3 000 Euros, and will give you 3 percent (90 Euros) per month- limited to 20 boxes Bluebox Turkuaz 10K – Costs 10 000 Euros, and will give you 4 percent (400 Euros) per month- limited to 15 boxes Bluebox Turkuaz 30K – Costs 30 000 Euros, and will give you 5 percent (1 500 Euros) per month- limited to 30 boxes Bluebox Turkuaz 100K – Costs 100 000 Euros, and will give you 6 percent (6 000 Euros) per month- limited to 15 boxes
Notice that these Monthly Euros are paid to Bitdorado Turkey account, so if you plan to get one, you also need Bitdorado Turkey account.
To order one of these boxes, you need to contact username Safayu99#0445 in discord, in either Turkish or English language.
And before you start sending him any money, do make sure you are talking to the right safayu99 since TELOSNEWS.COM can be read by scammers too, and what a golden opportunity here to pose as safayu99 to get your orders which are never delivered.
Amazingly I only noticed this to exist yesterday despite it having existed for, I suppose, months already.
Somehow I must have read it having been talking of the AML NOW website only when it have actually several times been talking of the AML NOW App as well.
With better later than never news, AML NOW App, which is actually a requirement nowadays if you wish to get inside to new Bitdorado Turkey, and will likely be a must for Dashboard soon too, is now, and have for a long time already been, available for download from both Google Play Store as well as Apple Appstore for your Android and iOS devices.
This is because as mentioned by Pascal in Discord talks many times already, Bitdorado has now become Bitdorado Turkey as part of Pascals plan to conquer Turkey’s Cryptospheres to Telos. You might have also noticed that in Bitdorado Exchange you can see its name as Bitdorado Turkey there, although otherwise it is same as before.
If you are one of the existing members of Bitdorado, no need to worry, you just log in to the new Bitdorado Turkey just like you logged in to the previous Bitdorado and you will find all your assets there in place, just like before.
However, notice the second change as well. Before you were able to log in using OTP-code you would receive to your phone as an SMS message, but this is no more. Now you need to Install either to your Android or iOS device an AML Now App, and you will receive this OTP code to your AML Now App. Also, a notice for existing users of the AML Now App, notice that you need to update to the newest version for this to work properly with Bitdorado Turkey.
Another important change is that new registrations are accepted again. For a long time already there were no new registrations accepted to Bitdorado, but with the change to Bitdorado Turkey, this has now changed and new members are very welcome again.
When it becomes more clear if there come changes to Bitdorado Pools, and if which of them still exist, etc. I will write to let you, especially people new to Bitdorado, another article telling about them, since right now I am myself too bit confused about them.
It is concrete in that people and in future, my guess Boston Dynamics, robots will be recruited to it. However, before getting to the robots, Nanonation first needs to get some more Telos in their banks.
For this reason, recruiting starts with humans. As an added bonus they decided to take a bit of a model from the US army system, in as while US Army pays for your studies, Nanonation pays your Nanonation citizenship making recruiting yourself in the army an alternative way to get to Nanonation. Don’t forget that it does cost 100K Telos after all, so not a bad recruitment bonus and might make some people interested to join just for that.
To be an effective army, guns are naturally needed, but no worries, all you need to do is to buy through nanonation webshop one of the compatible 3D printers, and nanonation will send you working gun models to print them out, and the rest of the instructions on how to use, assemble, shoot, and practice can be found from the former gunsrus.tv, nowadays bitstreams.tv.
The point with own Army is to be able to defend Nanonation in case some cryptocurrency laws are being passed that are simply unacceptable to Nanozens, as well as to fight against some other wrongs in the world.
After all, the question Nanonation posed is if Nanonation can solve some real-world problems, and depending upon you and other recruits, the answer might well be yes.
Regarding this, you should check the newest votings that were put up in nanonation just today. One if Nanonation should declare war against EU to free its people from tax office bureaucracy, and another if people should be freed from crappy exchanges which would be started by an attack to Binance headquarters.
If you are interested in joining the army and solving some real world problems, you can do it through this link, starting from April 1st.
There are currently 3 different Bounty/Votings on Dashboard that you can participate in.
First one to close, less than a week later, is TELOS LED-SCREEN ADVERTISINGS voting.
Which, as the name already suggests, is about collecting some Telos to Fund some modern-day billboard advertising, which nowadays is being handled by LED-Screens instead of actual physical posters.
I first thought what a silly idea to use Billboards to advertise Cryptos until Discord user Bitcoin_Bond_007 told me how these things work nowadays. Apparently, due to the LED-Screen nature, you could have them show only for one specific hour, and only in some specific locations, making it both cheap and effective.
As an example, suppose there is a Crypto coin conference in Berlin. Now imagine then that this conference opens on Friday at 7 PM. Well, how about having LED-screens showing Telos from 5 pm to 7 pm on all the roads that lead to the conference place? You only need a couple of those Led-Screens and only for a very short time, meaning the price is not that high, and yet, the audience is very targeted!
I admit, I had completely missed where modern day billboards are nowadays, but likely not everyone was as out of date like me and this have so far received 150 votes, which in Telos means 150k Telos since one vote costs 1k Telos. So looking good, but could use some more still.
Second one to close, bit less than a month later (21st April), is “New Listing at Probit Exchange”-voting
This is about getting Telos listed at Probit Exchange, which CoinMarketCap seems to be ranking as number 26 exchange at the time of writing this.
Similar to the previous voting, in this one too each vote costs 1k Telos and so far it has got only 9 votes. So if you like to see Telos listed on more Exchanges, here is your chance to make it happen by giving it some more votes.
Last one to close (22nd April) is “Creating Complete WhitePaper”-vote
This is for all you who have been complaining about Telos not having proper White Paper.
As you might know, Pascal doesn’t really like making a White Paper, hence there is now a vote/bounty for this specific purpose to hire someone proper to make a proper White Paper.
Like in the previous two, each vote costs 1k Telos and the vote target is 50 votes, but the real target is actually 100k Telos. It is just that BitCoin_Bond_007 has promised to give the other 50k, as long as voting gets the first 50k.
Currently Whitepaper vote has 0 votes, meaning that either you people who complain about missing proper white paper stop complaining about it, or you go and do some voting.
To put it short, what makes this special is that, like the title suggests, using Indacoins services you can now buy Telos directly with your VISA and Mastercards. Time to get those credit card debts growing!
Lucky 7 has also written a short article/news item about Teloscoin listed to Coinsbit like TELOSNEWS did too, however, Lucky 7 points out something TELOSNEWS had oversight of, the DAO-teams role in it, since basically Coinsbit exchanges listing of TELOS was the first fruits of the DAO-team.
And here we go, first one of the many more to come of the Exchanges that finally got into their senses and listed the best coin of them all to their exchange.
You can now find from Coinsbit Exchange the following TELOS pairs: TELOS/ETH TELOS/BTC TELOS/USDT
According to Coingeckos list of top Crypto Exchanges, at the time of writing this, Coinsbit exchange is number 31 Exchange in their list, but with TELOS listed there they are now well on their way towards number one spot. After all, there’s plenty of turd along the way to pass, the ones who say they look for the best coins to list and for last well over two and half years have missed the best one of them all.
Well, goodbye to those ones. Wont be missed, except when out of paper.
After some time, we are again able to enjoy another Lucky 7 Article.
This one is about the just started DAO team voting. What does the DAO stand for has escaped me, but idea is to have some more or less official team members for Transcendence/Telos.
And here we have it, faster than any of you thought we already have another article from Onat 42 who started writing only a day before his next release.
This article is basically a continuation to an article from a day before that was a practical approach to Vpiggy. While the article from the day before concentrated on actually getting a Vpiggy, and how to use a Vpiggy, this one now tells, like the title suggests, how to keep your Vpiggy up to date.
It is an excellent thing to have instructions like these for those of us who are not so interested in digging too deep into everything but just want simple instructions on how to get things done without needing to learn everything about it first.
His first article is, as the title of the article suggests, about Vpiggys which have been covered by TELOSNEWS.COM before as well. However, onat_42 approaches the subject from a more practical point of view, like how to get them in practice.
So if you got interested in Vpiggys having read about them from TELOSNEWS.COM, it might be a wise next step to head on to read onat_42’s article about both how to actually get them and use them.
Before you get too excited about this, do notice couple of things.
First of all, Pascal dislikes Roadmaps, Whitepapers, and similar, he just rather does things, and this dislike once again shows on the Roadmap he made, not to mention, it says this is a WIP, as in Work-In-Progress, meaning not finalized.
Instead of having this new shiny thing to show off to everyone, it shows out that Pascal doesn’t really care much about making a roadmap but it was made rather as a burden than a pleasure.
For example, he didn’t bother to use even autocorrection to fix some of the simplest miss spellings, and you can also notice that the same page might be there twice, not to mention what he writes is not always easy to figure out what he means.
This all mentioned and taken into consideration, this roadmap however is well worth a read. While many spots might stay a bit unclear, and it definitely isn’t for the newcomer to understand it, it does contain lots of good information and tells about Pascals plans for the future, or at least to 2021, and it even explains some of his past decisions.
To recap what is my interpretation of this roadmap is, that first of all Pascal has had right from beginning a somewhat clear plan of where to head at and how things would work in the end, which is a good thing to know.
It also seems that Halal Cash Coin seems like something Pascal at least seems to be hoping a lot from, interesting especially when considering that it was only a couple of days ago that he mentioned he had sort of given up on it as byrocracy didn’t seem to be moving at all, but now that byrocracy did move, things are different again.
Another thing that comes out continuously is the message about Mass Adoption and there is even a sort of newbie guide which tells you how to get to Telos passive income in many easy ways, however, this part wasn’t clear enough to actually show to some newbie, but this all anyway seems to point to me the same as Pascal seems to have been talking on Discord too couple of times lately, that I think Pascal thinks we are starting to be on a point when Mass Adoption can begin.
A fair warning therefore that these might well be the last days to get Telos for cheap anymore. My guess is that as long as Pascal’s plan is a working one, I don’t think there will be cheap Telos available in 2022 anymore, but seems to me like Pascal will start his mass adaption plan during this year, 2021, but when?
A piece of slightly bad news on the other hand is that it is mentioned that Cryptomages next test period might not be until Q4 of 2021 due to other projects taking priority, so that is a long way to wait for those eagerly waiting, especially since what we saw last year looked good.
On a more interesting new ideas side, there is talk about both Nano Nations Universal Basic Income plan as well as talk about a New Internet to replace the current one and a bit of explanation why Pascal dislikes the current internet, which in short seems to have went to wrong road.
Although this roadmap doesn’t really reveal that much about the future in the sense that it is supposed to be a roadmap, if you like to get some insight into what is Pascal’s plan with all things Transcendence, this roadmap is well worth a read.