Are you selling something on the Internet through a website? You are? good. Then you can now add Telos as one of the payment options as Cryptocurrency Checkout has just added Transcendence/Telos as one of their payment options.
Cryptocurrency Checkout is a service or plug-in or whatever you like to call it which will take hard steps away from people and enable them to add among other things, Telos payment option with ease to their websites.
There are good tutorial videos on how to set up Telos payment to various different eCommerce platforms as well as showing how to install Telos payment to your own website that doesn’t have any e-commerce solution in advance.
In addition to providing payment solutions to those selling something on websites, Cryptocurrency Checkout also provides links to buy stuff with your Telos coins, like you could now, for example, buy Amazon or Gameshop gift cards with your Telos coins.
To start with the simpler one, you can now rent Xminer for a month (30 days) for 297 500 Telos Coins.
Sounds pretty harsh, but then again, Pascals test was showing 32 000 Euros (he originally erroneously talked of a 3 200 Euros) of a profit in a month if Xminer be running alone. Now I am pretty sure that won’t be the case but let’s say there be 10 Xminers running and you would still be making a pretty nice profit there with this deal.
The more complex deal, however, is Bluebox Rental Special which was announced in a discord announcement by Pascal that left lots of questions to be asked, and which are not really answered in Bluebox Rental Specials own page in Peertoro either:
So it is only for mining, yet after 64th node you will get another one?
But fear not, for TELOSNEWS.COM is here to explain what this deal is.
You start by paying 124 950 Telos Coins, and you get a Bluebox Rental Special + option for one 100k Telos Node (notice the word “option”, I will get back to that later)
From this point on, you don’t necessarily have to pay anything anymore, but you can just keep it as it is.
However, you can pay once a month another 124 950 Telos, and there are two reasons why you might want to do that.
First is that each time you pay (but it is optional if you want to or not), you will get an option for another 100k Telos node.
Second is that If you don’t pay, you do get to keep the machine just like it is, except there is one condition for you to keep it: It must make enough profit that 20 percent of that income will cover 5 Euros a month of hosting cost. In other words – it must make at least 25 Euros of profit a month.
In case that machine doesn’t make enough profit in a month, that it makes for example only 20 Euros of profit, in that case, Peertoro will take that machine back to themselves and keep all the profits.
What does this second option have to do with you perhaps wanting to pay the monthly optional fee is because more Telos nodes you have, more unlikely it is that your bluebox would make less than that 25 Euros of profit. As Pascal put it, get 2-3 nodes and it will probably work forever.
So you don’t have to pay those monthly fees, but then you won’t get more 100k Telos Nodes either, and then the risk of making less than 25 Euros in a month and therefore losing a box is higher.
To get back to that word that you are getting “options” for 100k Telos Nodes.
This word is used since right now when you rent Bluebox Special, you are actually not getting any nodes, but you are getting 100k worth of Telos Coins stored for you in case you wish to set up a node in the future.
This is because right now Bluebox Rental Special is only able to mine XBTX, and it will only later be upgraded into being able to both mine and host nodes, at which point those “optional” nodes will be added to your Bluebox Rental Special.
Also, if you decide to pay enough many times that you reach the Bluebox maximum of 64 Nodes, then you will next time get another Bluebox Rental Special for yourself.
Notice something important. This Bluebox Rental Special deal is different from previous Rental deal in that in previous deal you would get to keep the boxes after 15 months of payments, but with Peertoros Bluebox Rental Special, you will never own the boxes, but they will always be on rental with you, with the condition that they have to make that 25 Euros of profit a month, or you will lose them back to Peertoro.
Is this a good deal then? That depends.
On one hand, yes, on the old deal you do get to keep the boxes eventually, but then again, with this one, you can simply pay just that 125k and take a risk of losing it some point and if you don’t lose it ever, then this was much cheaper than the other box.
For if you compare the other boxes price and this one, then basically due to getting 100k Telos node with each 125k payment, you are actually paying only 25k each month you decide to pay. So lets say you decide to pay 3 times in total, then you basically paid only 75k in total from your Bluebox Rental Special, and if that is enough to keep it going on forever, then that was a pretty good deal indeed if mining and running Telos Nodes is all you plan to do with it.
On the other hand you can question if it makes sense to buy much of those nodes, when you could instead of paying 125k, pay just 90k to get 90% of a 100k Master Node through Peertoros 90 percent node offer, which I still think is a no-brainer and I still don’t understand why anyone is anymore putting up 100k nodes up themselves, when they could just buy that one for cheaper price and get a lifetime hosting on top of that.
All in all, I would say it boils down to three differences: rental deal gives you more flexibility in using it and makes you own the box at some point, but you need to pay every month or lose it until full payment is complete.
Peertoros Bluebox Rental Special, as long you don’t plan to set up more than a couple of those 100k nodes, this will be much cheaper option to enter into Blueboxing and XBTX mining, but there is the risk of you losing it if profits drop, and more nodes you add, pricier it becomes compared to rental offer, but then again, you can choose when you want to pay and when not, which is great flexibility in paying when you can pay or not pay, whenever you feel like it.
Peertoros 90 percent node offer is a no-brainer, there is no need to think if it is worth it. If you are planning on getting yourself just a Telos Node, then this is the way to do it. However, when comparing to Blueboxes, this is not so clear a situation, since while Peertoro is cheapest and a no-brainer, it doesn’t have the option to mine XBTX, nor does it have the option to host other nodes. Peertoros 90 percent offer is great, but it is very limited compared to what blueboxes can offer.
Android Wallet has been updated to version 2.1.8. This wallet should already be available all around the world through Google Play, and if you already have Android wallet on your phone, your phone should actually even notify you about this update.
As always, before you update, do remember to make a backup of your wallet to avoid accidentally losing access to your coins.
And TELOSNEWS.COM is still not telling you about Todays Monday Article, which isn’t out yet, but in case you missed the previous week’s Monday Article by Lucky Seven, then now is a good time to read it before he releases today’s article.
While TELOSNEWS.COM was a bit away for the last two weeks, Lucky Seven happened to be writing about the latest Transcendence progress, therefore keeping you guys updated on things which TELOSNEWS.COM wasnt during this time.
This article covers news about Polispay, Whitebit Exchange, Update on Future Blueboxes, MNO having added all Telos Tiers, Cryptocurrency checkout, and Midas Investment.
There was voting that ended two weeks ago already on whether Telos Rewards should be split into having also some small amount for a marketing set aside, like 2-5 percent for example.
This voting didn’t gain much attention, probably since it would have required a forced update and most people prefer to have forced updates only once a year as is the current plan in Telos blockchain.
The end result was that there were only 7 votes for it, and 9 votes against it. And as far as I recall, those Nay votes came only at the end, so I guess it didn’t really spark much other interest among people except that naysayers decided to make sure it wouldn’t happen by voting enough many times at the end.
Basically I was myself thinking about Nay option as well although I didn’t vote, but have to say, after looking at all those bounties not getting a dime makes me wonder if I should have after all went on to vote for Yes?
Well, my guess is this voting will come up again before next forced update at which point other things like collateral and reward split between Staking and Nodes will likely come up too, so then this treasury vote will likely get more interest among people and depending upon if starts getting more bounties filled or not, will likely affect my voting on the issue.
Personally I wish we wouldn’t need a forced treasury, but so far I have felt bit lonely in supporting those bounties.
About a week ago Polispay added Telos to their supported coins.
Polispay is pretty useful service providing not that many use cases, but those few are very good and well connected together, and after studying a bit about Polispay, it is no wonder Pascal wanted to co-operate with them since, indeed, they do seem to be having some very similar goals as Pascal has in payment area.
First of all, Polispay has a wallet that can hold multiple currencies in it. Nothing new there, there have been them before too.
However, this wallet then makes it possible to have its “Shift” system, which is actually an instant conversion/trade to other coins. Basically a feature that normally Exchanges have, but one that is now applied to a wallet.
Normally when you want to buy some BTC with Litecoins for example, it would take 10 minutes for Bitcoins to arrive at you if things work right, and if not, it could take even a day as have happened with Bitcoin couple of times. However, using Polispays Shift system you will instantly get your BTC to your wallet ready to use.
Having basically an instant payment system in place, this would naturally make a basis for an e-commerce payment system, which Polispay indeed is making right now, making it possible for you to add polispay merchant system as a payment option, and therefore enabling you to sell your stuff on your website against Telos coins for example.
This merchant system is not completely ready yet, but there is already a demo store showing it, so I suppose we might be talking of only of weeks before this Merchant system is ready to use. Of course, at first it won’t have all the features they plan it to have, but I am sure they will be working hard to get the rest of the features set up in relatively short after.
Also, this merchant solution is not limited to just e-commerce, but you could also use this in Brick and Mortar stores to accept for example Telos coins for payment.
Another interesting possibility this Shift system makes possible is the Credit Card system.
And yes, Polispay already has a Polispay Credit Card, a Mastercard to be more precise.
We are not yet there where Crypto enthusiasts have been dreaming of where you can just hold your Telos in your Wallet/Card, go to the grocery store, and use your Cryptos to pay your purchases, but Polispay makes us get pretty close to that already.
You are still not able to use your Cryptos directly to buy your groceries but with polispay, all you have to do is to open your polispay wallet cellphone app and choose to “charge” your credit card. This Charging in practice means that you choose to charge for example 10 000 Telos coins to your credit card, which in practice means that your 10 000 Telos would be sold against FIAT of your choice instantly, and then this FIAT amount could be used with that card anywhere where Mastercards are accepted.
In other words, due to the instant nature of sales happening immediately in polispay with Shift. with one extra step, you are practically able to buy groceries with your Cryptos in any place where Mastercard is accepted.
If the card or merchant options are not interesting to you, then Polispays Vouchers that have been provided in co-operation with Bitcou Gmbh might interest you instead. You can buy Gift Cards to Nintendo eShop, Playstation, or XBOX even, and to make most of the stuff available to you, there are also Amazon gift cards available among others.
Paying these Gift Cards has been made easy. You can buy them against any supported Cryptocurrency, that includes Telos too, and you could as example simply use your cellphone to open menu option from polispay wallet where you can buy these gift cards.
As is usual in the crypto world, Polispay has its own Polis coin as well. Nothing unusual there. POS system, so you can add Polis nodes, which I think Pascal already mentioned will come in future as options to both Peertoro and Blueboxes.
Polis coins will be used for example to pay fees that come from using Polispay Credit Card, Fees that will all be payable only with Polis coins.
Not at all a bad addition to Telos options this one!
Last time, about month ago, when I checked, Telos master node ROI was up to 1 400% and today it have dropped to 59,41% only, this according to
So what happened?
It was those sons of an MNOs that went on and updated their Telos nodes to finally include all 5-Tiers and that crashed my ROI instantly.
And it even took them just about 2-months to get it done while at same time places like went on to become existing from scratch and including all 5 tiers of master nodes already at beginning part of that time.
Makes you wonder how much point there is to keep yourself up-to-date on master node stats with a place like that that took so long to simply get Tiers done when other places got them done much faster including doing much more than they did.
Anyway, we at least got it, upon which governance bounty was done and also fulfilled, upon which Pascal wants to thank everyone who participated on it.
In addition, Pascal also decided to pay listing to
Will it take 2 months from them to implement Telos Tiers as well remains to be seen, but while waiting for that, we anyway have where we can check all those stats and one that have been there for a long while already.
After having taken a look at OpenLibra, Pascal decided it was not good enough and decided to make his own Free Libra Coin alternative for it.
Free Libra Coin is a stable coin that will be stabilized with other Stable Coins and anyone is free to join it. Pascal will naturally take care of adding Telos and XBTX to it but other developers need to take care of adding their own coins there.
The idea with Free Libra is that it is not controlled by humans since humans always error. Instead, it is controlled by an AI, created by erroneous humans. This should make it always fair as Minx AI will simply be looking to sell attached coins for the best price on best-priced exchange to keep the price stable.
People can transfer their coins into Free Libra Coins, in which case new Free Libra Coins will be created based upon the price of Coins you are transferring there.
Free Libra will work fully on POS only protocol, which means only clients and wallets, no nodes. And people with existing coins in their wallets will get compensated for keeping their wallets open when new coins are created due to new coins being transferred into libra coins.
In addition, using Free Libra Coins will have zero fees.
And here you thought I was going to give you a link to Lucky Sevens newest Monday article, which I actually am because today’s Monday article is not out yet.
Today is Monday, and so was a week ago as well, and as usual, although last week not until Tuesday, Lucky seven wrote his weekly article, which was a very timely article that time since it was telling about Xminer which had been announced only very shortly before.
To read about Lucky Seven telling you about Xminer, head on to one of the following links:
YourBrainOnBlockChain just yesterday started posting pictures about Xminer Preorders. As far as we understand it, backed with the website for preordering existing already, although in German language only, it should mean you can now pre-order Xminers for a price of 12 000 Euros through YourBrainOnBlockChain, including a lifetime hosting.
Keep in mind that this should be the only way to buy those Xminers against Euros since Pascal have said he will sell Xminers only against XBTX – 10 000 Euros worth of XBTX.
The price might seem a bit steep, but when you consider this will be having mining power equivalent of 320 Blueboxes, and as Pascal at one point in Discord pointed out, that if Xminer had been mining at that specific moment, it would have been making about 6 000 Euros worth of XBTX a month.
On top of that, Pascal has said he will limit the amount of Xminers, to possibly just 5 in total, making it keep its value and mining power, so not that bad price after all.
True, might be too heavy a price for most of us to get there, but if you can buy it, sounds like it could be the best deal of the year you are going to make.
Some changes are about to come to Blueboxes, mainly affecting the future Blueboxes, not so much the current ones.
First of all, the price of the co-location service is about to go up from 10 Eur pricing to 30 Euros.
That is still not much, since, after all, you are getting free electricity, maintenance and all, not to mention that might well be that just sending that Bluebox to your house could cost more than that, so still dirt cheap, no change in there.
Another change coming is that if you pay your order with Telos, you will get 30 percent discount on the price of a Bluebox, this, however, does not apply to the rental deals, only if you buy the box straight away. This actually makes the difference between rental and direct buy go quite much bigger now, as before you were basically paying roughly 20+ percent extra, while now you would be paying about 50 percent extra using rental compared to direct buy with Telos.
There is slight unclarity in the announcement, but as far as I recall this has been talked before too, and therefore not just future Blueboxes, but all Blueboxes, even the already existing ones, will get access to so-called Bluepool.
So far Bitcoins Subsidium has been mined individually by each Bluebox, but in future this mining will be done through a pool called Bluepool. Then every box will get an equal share of mining rewards.
This is however not all. As you should be aware by now if you been reading previous articles in TELOSNEWS.COM, xminers are about to come and make blueboxes efforts quite ridiculous compared to them as one xminer mines Bitcoin Subsidium with the same speed as 320 Blueboxes was Pascals estimation.
Does this mean there is no point in mining with Blueboxes anymore? No. Because Bluepool will have so-called bubble miners, which will be having roughly 20 percent of the total Bluepools mining power, and this 20 percent is divided equally between all devices. So no matter if you are using more or less powerful miner, you will be getting an equal share from that 20 percent.
Yes, this does mean drop to 1/5th of what you are getting during current pre-mine since right now 100 percent is shared between blueboxes, although independently, but it is still quite nice that they are taking care of the small ones too and even in future giving a decent share to small ones, which in this case are blueboxes, as well.
And regarding rewards, you will be able to affect the amount a bit as starting from next batch you can order more nodes to your Blueboxes, up to 64 with full-on nodes or 32 if using 50/50 split between nodes and mining. Notice however that this option is available only if you pay your Bluebox with Telos, meaning it isn’t available through the rental deal.
WhiteBit Exchange, an Exchange that is both bigger and more serious than any previous Exchange where Telos have been traded so far, have just today added Telos to their traded coins, making them finally a serious exchange. Before they were just trading with all kinds of not so important coins.
In WhiteBit you can also trade BTC against USD, and WhiteBit have been mentioned even in a Forbes hosted article.
To start things off nicely, first 50 people to join through the link that is also used in this article, and to do their KYC on WhiteBit, will get their trading fees off for first 30 days.
Pascal has sent a message a couple of days ago already to everyone who owns an Android wallet.
The message is to first make a backup of your Android wallet, and then delete your current Android wallet and reinstall it.
This is to fix a problem where some of the wallets have seed nodes to nodes that didn’t survive the switch to the Tiered nodes system, and it appears that just resetting your blockchain alone won’t do the trick but you actually have to delete the old one and reinstall anew.
Of course, if your Android wallet works fine, then I guess there is no need to do this, but if you seem to be having problems with your Android wallet, then this the way to fix it.
Yesterday was Monday, and Monday means another Lucky Seven article that TELOSNEWS.COM is only telling you on Tuesday this time. Sometimes have to give some headstart for others to make it fair.
This article is about something profound, the foundation upon which a Coin will moon and stay there or not, and what are the foundation use cases currently upon which Telos stands.
Well worth a read to assure you Telos is the coin in which to invest, like lately many have noticed and almost doubled the price.
So your Germany isn’t what it used to be anymore and you weren’t able to follow what they spoke about in KryptoFriday Episode 20.
No worry, Discord Username “Running_Wilson” did some investigative journalism and watched the episode and sent a summary to TELOSNEWS.COM about what all they discussed.
First of all there was a lot of talk about the upcoming wallet update with details about what the next version should hold as well as even about stuff that are planned to become only maybe a year later yet.
Notice by the way that this wallet update is NOT mandatory, so if you don’t want it, you don’t have to take it but you can as well do with your current wallet.
Due to the massive nature of the update, it is not going to be named regularly as 2.1 or something, but instead, in homage to certain movie franchise, it is going to be named version 33 1/3.
This new Wallet will be based upon PIVX 4, and it will include loads of improvements to interface, functionality, and looks.
One of the most telling changes is the reduced amount of memory needed. Before you would have needed 2Gb Ram, now you need only 200 Mb. That is memory reduction to only 10 percent of what it used to take!
Another one that might interest those interested in running master nodes is that setting up master nodes is made much easier with this wallet. Basically you are going to be getting quite far with just point n click system, as you click on the tier you want to set up and stuff you used to need to enter manually, will now get automatically set up for you.
There is even a plan that in future even the server-side would be automatically done by wallet, but that is not going to happen in this update yet.
Graphics will be very different from the current looks and will also include some useful rotational banners which can show places like Peertoro and Kryptobay, or even exchanges where Telos is available to be traded at.
In addition to wallet update, there was also talk about Polis co-operation in which Pascal confirmed that there was co-operation happening between Polis and Telos.
In the past Pascal hadn’t specifically noted Polis, but now it happened to be that Polis had adopted some same things Pascal was planning to adopt to Telos too, so why not co-operate instead of reinventing the wheel and both can benefit.
Polis should integrate Telos into it during next week (does it mean this or the next one? well, I guess we will soon find out) and Pascal have already taken a look at Polis App and says it looks very good.
There was talk also about Polis Credit Card into which Telos will likely get too since Polis guys are already hard working on that. If this happens, then you could pay with Telos on the go.
But as already mentioned, this is co-operation, so it isn’t onesided benefits, but as Telos is setting up its own exchange, with German licenses all, this was naturally of great interest to Polis too, and similarly it is planned that Polis will be included in Telos projects, like peertoro and Blueboxes will soon also include Polis Nodes in their offers.
Then there was also mention of the latest price development where the Price of Telos had gone from 45 SAT to 70-75 SAT, and it was wondered if we will reach even 80 SAT soon.
Today’s Kryptofriday starting at 21:00 German time, that be about 5 hours from now, will again be having Pascal as a quest.
What will they talk, I have no clue, and will there be an English version like last time? That wasn’t announced either. But do keep an eye on TELOSNEWS.COM, for if there will be an English version, this article will be updated to tell about that.
There is Bluebox, Greenbox, and upcoming Blackbox. And these are now joined with X… Miner.
Xminer was somewhat announced this week by Pascal and Xminer is, as the name suggests, meant for mining. It is basically a very powerful PC in X-shaped cover and its main purpose, or at least as far as we have been told, is to mine XBTX.
Price is pretty heavy, 10 000 Euros, and payment is accepted only in XBTX. Price might sound steep, but Pascals estimation was that if this Miner be mining right now, it would make about 6 000 Euros a month of profit currently, so not that bad price after all.
On top of that, we have to remember that Pascals plan is to keep XBTX mining very restricted, that you need to get one of his Willy Wonka tokens to be able to mine XBTX at all with your own equipment, and this will include that.
For this reason, this might well be a long term investment, unlike those other unnamed miners we have learned to know that get old in a year or two already, if they even be worth it even at beginning.
Only very little info about this machine is known yet, and Pascal already told that he is hiding some surprises from us. This reminds me about Blueboxes when Pascal was completely hiding from us that it could also work as a Miner, until suddenly he announced we would be able to mine a whole new coin-XBTX.
There might well be some worthwhile surprises waiting there, if it be anything like the Blueboxes secret was.
Miner takes roughly 500 Watts in normal mode but is completely silent since it is water-cooled, and if you don’t mind the electricity bill, you can make it work up to 1 000 Watts of power.
If you do mind the electricity bill, there is also a Co-Location option available like in Blueboxes. Split is 80/20 and you don’t need to worry about electricity or even where to keep it anymore.
When will this be available for order? Your guess is good as mine. All I can say is that probably soon. is a Telos service that have got into a shadow of all the other Telos projects so well that when I was maybe a week ago thinking of which Telos projects TELOSNEWS.COM have not covered yet, didn’t even come to my mind.
It is good that someone, in this case, Lucky Seven, is finally lifting this use case up as well since it deserves more attention than it has been getting.
Read about Telos coin provided insurance policy which in addition to giving you extra warranty coverage, also gives you a discount in many places:
Android version of Telos wallet has got an update to version 2.1.7 and should be out by now, as long as google have done its job and got the updated version on the distribution as is should have.
If you already have Android Telos wallet on your phone, it should automatically tell you there is an update available.
The update is small but important. The main improvement is with the Syncing system. Before if your display blanked (energy-saving method), it might have lost the sync with the network, now it shouldn’t do that anymore as Telos Wallet app should now be recognized as a “foreground” app.
I have to admit, I never noticed they had listed Telos in the first place, but nice to see anyway that they came back to their senses and relisted Telos. after all, they say they have only the best coins, so it would be like shooting at their own leg if they wouldnt have the best one.