As I told in a previous news item about Alejandro Finol Telos related article, I told TELOSNEWS.COM would tell you when he writes more and that moment ladies and gentlemen have now happened.
In his second article about Transcendence/Telos/XBTX, he is telling about Blueboxes. Not a bad pick of choice to explain.
Bitcoin goes down and now we see the real Altcoins that are not tied to Bitcoins success. Just look at Masternode.Buzz “Best Performing Masternodes #Week49” – article and you can see that already the 8th best-performing master node is on the negative side of profit.
when considering how many master node coins there exists, this really makes you wonder how only so few are able to escape the clutches of bitcoin.
But good news, Telos is one of them and not just one of them, but the number one, making actually more than twice the profit compared to the second one. But what really matters is not how much profit Telos made, but that Telos stayed on the plus side while others that followed bitcoin went down.
It was only the previous news item where I told about Lucky Sevens Monday Article of “Do you trade TELOSCOIN and why not?” which seems to having been more timely than he even thought when right after publishing we receive the news of Telos being number one performing master node coin begging the question of “Why not?” again.
Number #1 – Telos – making more than twice the profit of the second one.
Now that’s a darn good question, I already advised half a year ago to go and Buy Telos expecting the price to go up and yet only very few bought any, and one guy even sold a huge amount. And here we are today showing that the advice was right and sound. Ha, sucks to be the seller!
Will you listen this time or still stay on the missing side?
Its been existing for about three weeks already but it is never too late to join it: the Telegram Group for Transcendence/Telos (and XBTX) have been set up by ZenH2O and you are free to join it.
If you feel Discord is just not enough or you just prefer Telegram otherwise, this is a good option and as far as I have checked it, there is usually quite a load of unread messages waiting there every time I remember the thing exists and check it.
Have you bought some Telos related products from Pascal? Like Bluebox, Xminer, Peertoro hosting?
If you did, you can ask for some free wine then.
Pascal has made a limited amount of Telos and Bitcoin Subsidium wine to be given to his customers.
As long as you have ordered something from him, you can head on to Official Discord Channel and choose channel #weihnachten and tell you want one too, or write your address to discord username Bitcoin_bond_007 which is even better, as he will be handling the posting from now on.
For German customers, this offer is completely free, but for the rest of the world Pascal asks you to pay 2 500 TELOS for postage, other than that, it is free for the rest too.
So hurry up and get one for yourself while stocks last still, which I don’t guarantee there is any left even at the moment you read this for this offer been available for several days already.
PolisPay has Epay Debit Bank Cards in which you can load money and use them to pay stuff for example in groceries.
While we are still not able to directly buy stuff with Cryptos, it is only 1-step away from that.
If you have Telos stored in Polispay system, then if you are at grocery store and have internet connection available, you could be said to being able to pay your Groceries with Telos since idea is that you would log in to you Polispay account, and there you choose to convert (=sell) Telos to Euros. After this is done, these Euros will be at your use with your Debit Card.
So almost like paying with Telos even technically, you are paying with Euros.
To make this even more appealing, Pascal has ordered 100 Debit Cards from Polispay with Telos Design.
If you wish to have one of these, you can order one from here (not available to all countries), but do hurry up, for as title already says, there are only 100 of these available and due to TELOSNEWS.COM already reporting about this bit late they might soon all be gone.
While today is a Wednesday, this article indeed was released on Monday, although actually for over a week ago already since I am catching up with the news still having been so busy for about two weeks now already.
Lucky Seven talks about Greenbox this time, the box that hasn’t received much attention so far, probably mainly because it is basically a business solution more than a personal solution.
Only very few people worry about their carbon emission enough to look to get some CO2 certificates to balance their carbon, but Businesses, on the other hand, worry much more about this because they are being forced to worry about it. If they don’t get CO2 certificates, their factory might be shut down as too polluting, hence Greenbox is an excellent idea for businesses, and not so much for people, especially for those who notice there is something fishy about all this fuss about Carbon emission like when Brazil forest fires went on and people were afraid that the lungs of earth were depleted and we will run out of oxygen, some expert advised us by freely from memory said “Don’t worry, Brazil forest didn’t mean much to oxygen since there anyway weren’t enough CARBON to produce the oxygen”, wait, weren’t we supposed to reduce the Carbon and now they say there weren’t enough of it?
Be whatever way it is, I am anyway for those CO2 certificates since idea is that those certificates mean you bought new trees and similar, and that is a good thing anyway, whether there is any worry about Carbon emission or not.
Since people keep moaning about not having a roadmap available for Telos and XBTX, Pascal finally decided to make one to please this crowd.
While this new aesthetically pleasing roadmap does look nice and is even available in both dark and white background, you however shouldnt expect too much from it.
It is an good addition and shows some clear tehcnical nature goals, but it is missing all the new things coming, like cryptomages, profitcycle, etc.
But it is still good to have one, and thanks from that Pascal!
Oh, and of course thanks to Discord Mod Tybiboune too who actually made the graphics.
the version for light backgroundand the version for black background – not sure what is the difference but I am starting to feel there is some hidden racism in here by leaving all the yellow, red and gray shades out of choices.
So what do the Roadmap then say?
For Telos Wallet, it is basically telling that there is going to be the regular update requiring a fork a during summer, which we have already known since last summer. However, it also mentions developing so-called magnetic links into Telos, which is something new and makes it possible to basically integrate cloud storage systems and other things into Telos without actually needing to store all that stuff in Telos, for which there wouldn’t be space enough for.
For XBTX it is mainly saying that there is going to be a wallet, a one that can create and manage assets on-the-go.
For XBTX assets, which is basically a continuation from XBTX wallet part, it is giving some bit more info, including some names we didn’t know before.
There is going to be a VEND ticket for Vending machines. Then there is going to be CO2, which is a token for Greenboxes. And then there is going to be Kudos which is token for Profitcycles. As last there is also a mention of a Bilbo token – what that is, your guess is good as mine.
General updates section basically mentions preparing systems for arbitrage trading, tax reporting, and fraud prevention.
Transcendence Cloud & Transcendence Wallet part, however, reveals us something bit more exciting sounding stuff by revealing us a lot about the future wallet that’s been in the making for a long time already.
It will have built-in KYC, AML 5 compliance, built-in MN hosting and hashpower renting, to put it short, all-in-one solution wallet.
In steps to make this all, Amicloud will be rebranded into Transcendence Cloud, which is unfortunate since as Amiga fan I always liked the Amicloud name.
To make it, even more, an all-in-one solution, it also mentions merging IndieGO store, Transcendence Cloud and multi-coin wallet all together, and as the last step for 2020 all-in-one plan, it will also merge MinxAI, Tradingbot, and Bitdorado API all into the same wallet.
When this all is done, it sounds like it truly is going to be pretty much all-in-one wallet, and getting into the world of Transcendence will be very easy. Just download and install the wallet, and through that wallet you can do all the things you could want to do, including handling other coins even it seems.
Keep in mind, this roadmap was basically just about boring technical stuff, this was still leaving all the exciting stuff mentioned, like not a single mention about Cryptomages which is about to go to open public beta beginning of next year, so one can wonder what more is there in store for Telos for next year, since at least the technical plans seem to be in good state, but what all surprises and new products are still waiting for us there, we will see in 2020. is currently having 1 new vote and 1 new bounty.
Voting has to do with Stakegrinding, which in simple terms means that someone is able to get much more staking rewards than he should and which was reported by TELOSNEWS.COM in an earlier article.
This problem can be fixed immediately, and it can be done in two different ways.
The hard way is that a new fork is needed which means that all the nodes and all would need to be set up again for the new fork.
The easier way is to simply turn the staking off completely. No staking, no rewards, not even for the stake grinders, but this means no staking then.
However, since Telos anyway has 70 percent of its coins locked to master nodes, and damage isn’t that bad, instead of doing an immediate fix, the problem can be fixed next summer when next fork is anyway going to happen.
Personally I think this problem is such a minor one, and we can expect more similar-sized problems to happen in future, that I don’t really see sense in fixing every small problem with such heavy features but let the problem exist until next natural fork and while that happens, fix the small problem along.
You anyway now have a chance to voice your opinion by picking one of 4 options:
Fix immediately by removing staking.
Fix Immediately by making a new fork (requires reinstalling all nodes)
Wait until next fork, but fix it by removing staking completely.
Wait until next fork, and just fix it.
The second new one in is a Donation bounty for marketing.
Telos is going to be listed at exchange, and instead of usual just get listed, this time plan is to list Telos by specific timing (decided mainly by, and by a marketing campaign.
Marketing campaign, however, costs, especially when idea is to place banners at places like MNO and coinmarketcap.
Therefore if you like the marketing campaign to be bigger, you now have a chance to donate to it.
As an additional incentive, I myself promise to donate 1 telos for every 2 Telos put to that bounty up to 100 000 Telos by the last day of this year.
Right now there are 100 000 Telos, so on the last day of this year I will be putting 50 000 Telos there more, but if you readers put there another 100 000 Telos still, then instead of putting just 50 000 Telos, I will be putting 100 000 Telos there.
First, the last four digits on the price of Telos at Graviex were 1030, and then just one hour later, the last four digits were 0105!
What had happened, did the price crash? No, Graviex had just dropped the extra digit from its Telos price, so price actually went up.
Yep. Graviex has this system where it instead of using 8 digits after the full unit has 9 digits. This means that as the 8th digit is commonly called Satoshi, Graviex’s last digit is actually 0.1 Satoshi.
This is good for coins which price goes around 1 Satoshi since people can still make some profit without price reaching even that 1 Satoshi, but for coins with higher price, like Telos, this can be confusing to many who haven’t got used to it as they might look price has become ten times better than before when in reality it is just the same as elsewhere.
But no worry anymore, since Graviex gives an option for Coin developers to request removal of this extra Graviex digit, this is what Pascal did, and now price even in Graviex is based upon 8 digits instead of 9.
Notice, however, that to execute this digit change Graviex had to cancel all active orders. So if you were trying to buy/sell anything, your order has been canceled and you need to place the order again.
Due to long delivery times of parts for Xminers, and Pascal wanting to have a peaceful Christmas Holiday, Pascal decided to not take any more Xminer orders after Sunday, 7th of December, which was Yesterday.
If you however really, really want to get your hands on one before next year, you could ask from YourBrainOnBlockChain if they can still arrange you one.
Now this is our chance to spread the Telos knowledge around by spreading this article everywhere as it seems Telos is not only one planning on getting blockchain based trading card game out, but we are ahead of such small named companies as microsoft, as in we are already at beta testing stage when they have only yet started.
As Pascal said – share until the fingers are bleeding.
Peertoro has a new offer which is somewhat similar to what Bitmain actually offered at one point, although in Bitmains case the deal never panned out well for the customers as far as I know, and it also was limited to a certain amount of profit right from beginning, which is not the case in Peertoros offer, which has unlimited profit prospect.
The deal is that you pay once, and after that, there by default won’t be any more payments, but this power will mine XBTX to you all the way to eternity.
Except, there is a limit. If your ordered power is not able to mine at least one block of XBTX from bluepool during a month, then this deal will by default be canceled.
However, fear not, for before this deal is canceled, you are offered a chance to buy more Mining power so you wouldn’t lose your old deal.
So you could first buy just 10 Kh/s, and when one day it won’t be enough to get one block during a month, you can simply order another 10 Kh/s of mining power, and then this total of 20 Kh/s will be mining XBTX for you until one day again this 20 Kh/s won’t be able to get you a block during a month, at which point you will again be offered a chance to buy more mining power, and so it continues until you decide not to buy more mining power anymore.
At the time of writing this, the price for almost life-time 10 Kh/s costs only 47 600 Telos, and buying more power will be cheaper, as an example buying just 30 Kh/s will already be only 95 200 Telos, which is only double the price of 10 Kh/s.
Keep in mind that if I correctly recall from memory, Xminers mine at about 960 Kh/s power, so this is not a bad deal at all if you can’t afford the whole Xminer for yourself, or even if you can, since after all, you don’t need to take care of anything, nor pay the electricity or maintenance cost, or worry about machine breaking, just pick the profits and that’s it.
The price of bluebox has gone up and for a reason. Or actually, with the latest Telos prices, the price of Bluebox might have even gone down, depending on how you look at it.
Reason for the higher price for new Blueboxes nowadays is because they will be hosting 2 x 100k Telos nodes by default.
Current price for a bluebox, as time of writing this, is shown as 1 690 Euros, which makes me think that with current price of Telos coins it seems to me like the price of Blueboxes went down rather than up, for while you do need to pay more to get the bluebox for yourself from now on, buying those 200 000 Telos coins is not very cheap nowadays, making the price of the bluebox itself somewhat low.
Melchionda Network made a video showing his Top 2 favorite Master Node coins.
TELOSNEWS.COM thinks that showing just the Top 1- Telos, had been enough, but then again, some people prefer putting their money into more than just one project, so why not show them the second option too, which in this case is Polis.
Video shortly describes a bit about Telos, and then shows how to set up a Telos node using their
The video itself is actually pretty good in being a very useful instructional video to show how to set up your own master nodes (with their service), but unfortunately, it is in the German language again. I hope he makes an English version of this too one day.
However, Youtube does have the auto-translate option, which makes you be able to pretty much follow his instructions, especially since video is any way at the same time showing what he is doing. Of course, translation is not perfect however like translation insists on talking about Telescopes all the time.
So far Pascal have manually been processing all the payments. When you ordered something, he would give send you an exact invoice. Similarly, if you had Rented some service, he would each month send you a new invoice.
This, however, consumes a lot of time as you can imagine, and in an effort to save some time, these are now changing into the Do-It-Yourself system.
From now on, when you buy anything from either or form, you are not supposed to wait for the invoice anymore, but instead, when you order your product, you are supposed to check from Coinmarketcap the current value of Telos or XBTX, and send the equivalent amount of Telos/XBTX to cover the bought.
And do notice, you are not supposed to cut the possible 30 percent discount from this price but just pay the full price, and you will get this 30 percent discount as a cashback at a later point.
Another change will be in Rentals. So far you have been sent an invoice once a month to continue your rentals, from now on you need to take care of yourself to pay the rental price each month.
Every now and then Pascal will look through his rental deals, and if he notices you haven’t paid that months rental, then he assumes you have wished to cancel your deal and he will shut down the deal.
This change does not however affect those who have bought (not rented, but bought) blueboxes in several payment installments, these customers will still get invoiced as before.
However, do notice that to save time from sending invoices to these customers too, Pascal have now withdrawn this offer from new customers. So old customers will still get their Bluebox payments as usual, but no more new ones will be sold with that offer anymore. Now you either buy the box full, or you don’t.
If you don’t like this new system but would rather still get invoiced before paying, you can check what YourBrainOnBlochChain offers, after all, they are the alternative to ordering from or
As the title says, the quality of Melchionda network programs is going to take a notch down.
Well, you can stay on top only for so long and after Pascal Papara being there most of the last Krypto Fridays episode, what else is there to do to keep it on same level anymore, hence the expected dropdown on quality where Pascal is now replaced with John McAfee.
The good news is however that you are free to ask John McAfee whatever you want, I was basically thinking of asking him for one million dollars.
And Melchionda Network also said he is planning on mentioning Telos in that live stream, so not all is lost but there might still be some quality content along the rest there. Who knows, perhaps even John McAfee will start talking about Telos, making the program much better than first expected.
This live stream live call with not Pascal Papara but with John McAfee will start tomorrow at 5 pm (CET) and this time I suppose they will even talk in some understandable language like English instead of their usual not so understandable German language. We finally don’t need to rely on YouTubes auto-translate, unless of course, you happen to be a German with no English language skill.
Remember to tune in on right time. it might not be as good as the Pascal episodes are, but we should still show our support to Melchionda Network in hopes we will in the next program again see some more quality, Pascal content.
A video that seems to have escaped our attention, and already from a year ago?
This is why we need TELOSNEWS.COM which, had it been around a year ago already, would have told you already in time that there is such a video existing.
Right now it seems most Telos community members are not aware of this video at all.
So here you are, a Telos Video from a year ago which seems to be more relevant today than it was a year ago, as Cryptomages and Bitdorado mentioned in this video are only just about to be released now.