Month: July 2022

Dashboard 1.3.1 released

New Dashboard version for the public was finally released and it can be downloaded from Github link.

There are a couple of changes in this version, one of the major, although not so visible to a common user is that all the tx databases are now being converted into SQLite databases. This in short means that things should work better, as in faster and more stable.

There is also one peak into the future feature in this since in this version there is now in the menu an option called “Oldtimers NFT”. While it is in the menu, and you can go and check about it, it is, however, not for real there yet.

I guess partially for the needs of this OldTimers NFT option, there is now also some messaging systems in dashboard.

There is an announcement system so that Transcendence can send messages, for example, to inform about new Dashboard version releases. And there is also some private messaging system. I suppose this is to make it easier to ask about some specific NFT cards between potential buyer and a seller as an example.

XBTX Miner is another new option in Dashboard Menus, but nothing has been told about it, and when clicking, it is talking about Linux, so this is probably meant only for, maybe Bluebox 2 owners or something, and might not have any use for a common user in a wrong computer environment.

Quite much new stuff basically, although still looks like very much in a beginning, but this is a huge step forward in seeing Pascal’s vision about what he is after with the Dashboard, and with less imagination than last time, you can see how this can become a pretty useful all-in-one app for crypto users.

small change, but a new loading screen.