Day: August 4, 2021

1 000 people to Pass AML-NOW KYC for free

Transcendence Dashboard tends to have this bit of a Chicken and Egg problem.

Basically it is meant as your way into getting into the Telos world, but before you can get into the Dashboard, you need some Telos to pass the AML-Now KYC, meaning you already need to be in the Telos World to get into Dashboard which is the good entry to the world of Telos.

However, about two weeks ago Pascal Tweeted that 1 000 users can get their AML-Now KYC done for free, which would solve this problem temporarily at least and finally make Dashboard work as the entry to Telos world as now you don’t need the Telos first to use the Dashboard, at least until those 1 000 free entries are used up.

To use this free option, when AML-Now KYC is asking for your Telos Transaction ID, you need to write “1000” to it.

Do notice that there is a sort of catch to this free entry. For while it is free indeed, it also means you are not getting the AML-Now tokens that those who do pay the fee get, and AML-Now tokens are expected to be worth much more than the fee.