Day: August 2, 2021 releases a news item about mainly Telos R has released a news item mainly about Telos R that has spread to quite many other places too, Crweworld, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider being the first three that I have seen, and Reddit also getting a thread about it already.

The article tells about some technical stuff in Transcendence/Telos land, like Dashboard and AML-Now, but the main focus is on telling about Telos R and related things.

While the news item doesn’t really tell much more about Telos R than you can already see from the article I wrote about it earlier, There is however one specific mention there. For it mentions that Telos R swap rate is 2 000 000 : 1, while earlier it has been said that swap rate between Telos R and Telos would be 1:1, this is a change in plan that Pascal confirmed in Discord after this was asked.

While this news item can be a good reminder of what the main focuses in Telos land are right now, what really caught my eye, and which might be the most interesting part of the whole article, is the contact details.

For in these contact details there is under this “Media Contact”-part mention of “PR”, and this PR contact detail is ““.

I asked on the latest Freaky Friday live session from Pascal about this, and he did confirm that this PR firm is in sort of try out for Telos PR right now and I hope to write another article to introduce you to Cryptoshib and tell more about it as long as Cryptoshib answers my questions. But just to mention that one interesting thing about this Cryptoshib is that Pascal thinks it is possible this Cryptoshib owner might own some Telos coins already from 2018, which is pretty much from the beginning times of Telos.