Day: April 26, 2021

3 Bounty Votings finished

As written before, there were 3 Bounty votes on Dashboard. These votes however are now over and to my great disappointment, it appears TELOSNEWS.COM news item about them had no effect at all since the end results stayed exactly the same as at the time when they were reported here.

By other words:

“Telos LED-Screen advertising” received 150 Votes and this is probably considered a succesful vote.

“New Listing at Probit Exchange” received only 9 votes, and I doubt that listing is going to happen with that amount yet.

And last and obviously least, “Creating Complete Whitepaper” didn’t get a single vote meaning that only one allowed to complain about missing whitepaper anymore is Bitcoin_Bond_007 who had promised to give half of the price as long as the other half had come from votes, which didn’t.