Month: March 2021

3 Bounty Votings on Dashboard

There are currently 3 different Bounty/Votings on Dashboard that you can participate in.

First one to close, less than a week later, is TELOS LED-SCREEN ADVERTISINGS voting.

Which, as the name already suggests, is about collecting some Telos to Fund some modern-day billboard advertising, which nowadays is being handled by LED-Screens instead of actual physical posters.

I first thought what a silly idea to use Billboards to advertise Cryptos until Discord user Bitcoin_Bond_007 told me how these things work nowadays. Apparently, due to the LED-Screen nature, you could have them show only for one specific hour, and only in some specific locations, making it both cheap and effective.

As an example, suppose there is a Crypto coin conference in Berlin. Now imagine then that this conference opens on Friday at 7 PM. Well, how about having LED-screens showing Telos from 5 pm to 7 pm on all the roads that lead to the conference place?
You only need a couple of those Led-Screens and only for a very short time, meaning the price is not that high, and yet, the audience is very targeted!

I admit, I had completely missed where modern day billboards are nowadays, but likely not everyone was as out of date like me and this have so far received 150 votes, which in Telos means 150k Telos since one vote costs 1k Telos. So looking good, but could use some more still.

Second one to close, bit less than a month later (21st April), is “New Listing at Probit Exchange”-voting

This is about getting Telos listed at Probit Exchange, which CoinMarketCap seems to be ranking as number 26 exchange at the time of writing this.

Similar to the previous voting, in this one too each vote costs 1k Telos and so far it has got only 9 votes. So if you like to see Telos listed on more Exchanges, here is your chance to make it happen by giving it some more votes.

Last one to close (22nd April) is “Creating Complete WhitePaper”-vote

This is for all you who have been complaining about Telos not having proper White Paper.

As you might know, Pascal doesn’t really like making a White Paper, hence there is now a vote/bounty for this specific purpose to hire someone proper to make a proper White Paper.

Like in the previous two, each vote costs 1k Telos and the vote target is 50 votes, but the real target is actually 100k Telos. It is just that BitCoin_Bond_007 has promised to give the other 50k, as long as voting gets the first 50k.

Currently Whitepaper vote has 0 votes, meaning that either you people who complain about missing proper white paper stop complaining about it, or you go and do some voting.

Lucky7 Article “Buy Teloscoin with Visa & Mastercard in seconds”

Sometimes some articles come in such a nice timing like Lucky7s article about Indacoin having added Telos to their list of supported coins saving me the trouble to write to you about it.

To put it short, what makes this special is that, like the title suggests, using Indacoins services you can now buy Telos directly with your VISA and Mastercards. Time to get those credit card debts growing!

Lucky 7 Article “Teloscoin (TELOS) listed on Coinsbit”

Lucky 7 has also written a short article/news item about Teloscoin listed to Coinsbit like TELOSNEWS did too, however, Lucky 7 points out something TELOSNEWS had oversight of, the DAO-teams role in it, since basically Coinsbit exchanges listing of TELOS was the first fruits of the DAO-team.

Read it from Cryptoacid.

Coinsbit Exchange listed TELOS

And here we go, first one of the many more to come of the Exchanges that finally got into their senses and listed the best coin of them all to their exchange.

You can now find from Coinsbit Exchange the following TELOS pairs:

According to Coingeckos list of top Crypto Exchanges, at the time of writing this, Coinsbit exchange is number 31 Exchange in their list, but with TELOS listed there they are now well on their way towards number one spot.
After all, there’s plenty of turd along the way to pass, the ones who say they look for the best coins to list and for last well over two and half years have missed the best one of them all.

Well, goodbye to those ones. Wont be missed, except when out of paper.

Lucky 7 article “New Transcendence era started with DAO voting”

After some time, we are again able to enjoy another Lucky 7 Article.

This one is about the just started DAO team voting.
What does the DAO stand for has escaped me, but idea is to have some more or less official team members for Transcendence/Telos.

Read the article for more.