Day: January 27, 2021

Sunday Funday and Telos price about to hit 2 cents!

Last sunday our dear old Pascal made an announcement. And if you ever looked for some close to free money, you better read this.

Only on Sundays, and only until the price of Telos hits 2 cents (it wasn’t clarified did he mean Euro or US cents, I just assume Euro cents, unless he meant Rouble cents perhaps), you can OTC buy from him Telos for the current price shown at Coingecko, and get 20 percent extra Telos.

These Telos can be bought against lots of different currencies, at least following were mentioned: BTC/ETH/ZEC/XBTX/EUR/USD

But minimum buy is 100K telos, which in practice I suppose means 120K Telos as you would be getting the extra 20K on top of the 100K.

This means that you can buy 120K Telos for the price of 100K Telos, and then instantly sell those 120K Telos for that normal price, making you 20 percent extra profit, as long as there are enough buyers on market.
And as long as you and Pascal are quick enough, you can then again buy 120K Telos batch from Pascal to make even more profit that same day.

As long as people are willing to take advantage of this, it should increase the price of Telos to 2 cents.

To get on to this offer, first of all, make sure it is Sunday, then go check the price on CoinGecko, and then go to Discord and DM GrumpyDev with your OTC Buy interest of at least 100k Telos, for that is what the OTC stands for: “Off The Counter”, meaning it is done outside the exchanges, as in usually meaning directly from one guy to another.

By the way, if you ever thought of setting up Telos Masternode, now would be an excellent time. Just pay the price of one node, get it set up, and have still 20K telos to play with. That is like instant one year profit already.