Day: December 31, 2020

U Today “Teloscoin To Launch Non-custodial Wallet Enabling Users To Buy, Hold and Sell Cryptocurrencies” – article

And another one joins the lift up the quality of your Cryptoarticles the same way as the previous ones that you can read from here, here, and here.

The newest comer for more quality articles is U Today with its paid press release article about Teloscoin.

The article is mainly about the Dashboard that at the time of this article’s release, about a week ago, was still in the future, but today we actually already have first versions of the dashboard released. However, I will write more about it in one of probably near future articles since I have by purpose let daring techies try it out first to fix the worse most obvious problems before telling you readers to give it a try.

Anyway, the article is a lot about the dashboard and it also reveals some future plans, like the BlockINS that will give a chance for decentralized plugins and of which I am hearing only now for the first time, hence despite articles nature being paid press release, it is still worth a read.