PolisPay adds XBTX
Polispay Wallet added Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) as one of the supported coins already about a month ago (telosnews have lately been a bit slow at reporting news to you).
When Considering that there is currently no officially supported mobile wallet for Telos or XBTX, Polispay is a pretty good option to go to if a mobile wallet is what you are after at.
Not to mention that there is no officially supported noob-friendly option for XBTX wallet existing at all, and as exchanges are not always happy for people to use their exchange accounts as active wallets when that wallet receives continuous small income for example from mining, Polispay might well be a pretty good choice right now to be used as your Telos and XBTX wallets, both-in-one solution.
However, do keep in mind that Polispay is a third party, so they can decide whatever they decide without Telos or XBTX having any say on the matter.