WARNING! Don’t use CREX24 for trading Telos now!
Crex24 Exchange is likely still using Telos 2, instead of the new Telos 3. So if you trade there, you are effectively trading with Telos 2 in there.
Therefore, Don’t trade Telos in Crex24 until it is confirmed it is safe to trade there again.
Of course, the interesting bit about this is that perhaps Telos 2 won’t be completely abandoned like Telos 1 was after the previous fork, but maybe thanks to Crex24, we will have Telos 2 and Telos 3 both existing at the same time. I, however, doubt there will be much price for Telos 2 compared to Telos 3, since except for Crex24, I wonder if anyone else is going to be supporting it, especially when considering that Stake Grinding and Phantom Nodes both exist in Telos 2 still, so there isn’t really much point in keeping it around.