has new voting, this time to do with Bitdorado Exchange.
Bitdorado already has or is going to have TELOS, XBTX, BIRAKE, Audiocoin.
This voting is about which other coins will be added to Bitdorado exchange, and therefore also to blue boxes and peertoro as long as suitable for them.
Currently, there are three ways to get listed to Bitdorado:
1. Contact Bitdorado and make a deal
2. Get 2 500 Votes in this voting (notice that number 1 option could be cheaper than this)
3. Get most votes when the voting ends.
Voting ends on the 22nd of April, and new voting should start after that and all the votes from this round should carry on to the second round.
However, before moving to the next round, the option number 3 – the most voted coin – should get listed to bitdorado.
As it currently stands, the winner of this round, with 29 votes, would be FLS coin, the second after that, Divi, is already clearly behind with only 4 votes, after which comes Verium and LINK with 3 votes each.
After this comes two coins with 2 votes: Biblepay and ZEC
And several with 1 Vote: Ethereum, Ravencoin, TPay, Nimiq.
The rest of the coins have no votes at all: DASH, Midas, NRG, Pivx, XZC, Cardano, Cosmos, Moqway, Grin, Tomochain.
However, there is still one and a half month of time to vote, so anything can happen, and then there is always next rounds that you can start aiming at already in this round.
Go and vote to get your favored ones listed.