Coins can now apply to Bitdorado exchange.
It was announced that Coins can now apply to get listed to the upcoming Bitdorado exchange.
Listing to Bitdorado will also result in being listed to pools, instatrade, OTC and bots. And also being added to Piggybanks and Blueboxes when applicable.
Listing can either be done against a fee, which varies from coin to coin, or coin can try to get listed through being voted, which actually costs too as voting costs and could in worse case cost even more than simply paying the negotiated listing fee.
If someone is interested in working as an agent to some coin in getting listed, this agent will get some percentage of this listing fee to himself, which is nice.
This also reminds me that those with Bitdorado memberships, either with having paid for one, or having got it otherwise, like from one of the bitdorado edition blueboxes, will also get a share of the listing fee if I have understood right.