Day: January 22, 2020

Biki Exchange video interview about Pascal and Telos

Biki Exchange has done a very nice interview video about Pascal regarding Telos.

While the Video starts bit slow (if you are impatient, consider skipping first 4-5 minutes), it is well worth watching since at point it finally starts getting to the point, it tells us even things we didn’t know before like Pascal tells a lot about Hive browser and related, including things not told publically before.

Other things he tells about in this Video are PiggyBank, Cryptomages, Kryptobay, AmiCloud, Bluebox, Access to Quantum Computers, Greenbox,

All in all, you could say that this video works as a very nice second part video for the Introduction to Telos video that we told you about in an earlier article since there is surprisingly little overlapping between these two videos and while the introduction video is mainly concentrating on things already here, this video tells a lot about things coming in near future.

Basically if you want to introduce someone to Telos, I would first show him the previous video, and right after that, this one:

copy-paste link:

Lucky Seven Monday Article “AML Token pre-announced by Transcendence blockchain”

While not exactly this Mondays article, but previous weeks Mondays article, here it is now told by TELOSNEWS.COM as well.

You might hear about it a week late, but you anyway heard about it now.

This article is all about upcoming AML Token, the same thing mentioned in this article as well.

Read from one of the following sources:




