Month: January 2020

Affiliate program for

Couple of days ago TELOSNEWS.COM told you about accepting TELOS and XBTX as a payment option, and now they have an affiliate program in place too.

If you like to get a 10 percent commission from a sale while giving 5 percent off to the customer, then you should make an affiliate link for yourself in

Now you have double a reason to market Telos. votings about the upcoming mandatory fork

So far, and by the current plan, in the future too, every July there will be a mandatory fork to update Telos.

This also gives the possibility to change some Telos fundamentals like happened last July too, and right now there are some votings going on at regarding these fundamentals, like Reward splits.

This article will be updated if more votings regarding the fork come up

Right now there are three different votes going on at that will end about 50 days later.

The first one is about the Reward split.

Currently, we have 90/10 split meaning that each reward is split so that 90 percent of that Reward goes to Master node owner, while 10 percent goes to someone who was staking his coins.

Options for this voting currently are

Keep it as it is
100 % POS

Especially the last two, or could say even last three options are quite game-changing ideas where Proof of Stake would clearly get much bigger picture than it currently has at same time as the relevance of Master Nodes would go down a lot, and especially on last option Master Nodes would be ditched completely out of the equation while on second last option it basically means only few Master Nodes would be worth keeping instead of staking.

Right now, at the time of writing this, most votes were with 80/20, but also Keeping as it is and 10/90 had some votes too. However, with the current amount of votes – 12 to be exact from which 7 are on 80/20, it can still end in any way.

Second voting is about Collateral Split of Tiered Nodes. By other words, how much collaterals and which Tiers would be available after the July fork:

Keep them as they are
1K/ 3K / 10K/ 30K / 50K
100K/ 300K / 1KK / 3KK / 10KK 
1K/ 100K / 1KK/ 3KK / 10KK
1K / 10KK
Go POS only

Options somewhat boil down to either keeping the same, Halving the highest Tier – basically a small steps towards the original 1k only nodes, or taking one of the options with 10 Million Collateral nodes.
and of course the no Master nodes at all option as was the 100 % POS option in the first voting.

Currently, all 5 votes are on keeping them as they are option. So while amount of votes are still small enough that it can end to anything, it seems there is strong support for keeping them as it is, or perhaps people are just not wanting the 10 Million Collateral option.

Third voting is about the amount of Reward. Right now each new block produces 100 New coins (used to be 200 before the previous fork), but what will be the new one:

Keep them as it is (100 each block)

With current options we have an option to lower them a bit, half the rewards, rise them a bit, or almost double the rewards getting close to original amount of rewards.

This voting is currently most scattered among these three, with 7 votes divided between keeping them as it is (4), 80 (1), and increasing to 180 (2).

With this low amount of votes, it can still happen anything, but it looks like keeping things about as they are seem to be what most people prefer, and especially on first voting the 80/20 seems to be having somewhat strong neck compared to rest, so it might well stay that way.

In case you wish for some other options still for votings, you can send a message to votings-channel in official discord to request them, maybe they will be added, maybe not.

Some of these votings are bit interconnected together like if we take 10/90 split between master nodes and staking (the opposite of current one), then, for example, 1k/10kk collateral becomes much more viable option as then we would be talking of there possibly being only a couple of master nodes in the whole world, as from profit point of view it would make sense to have only couple of 10 Million master nodes since otherwise Staking would make you more already. This could basically means some sort of super master node with all kinds of security and power around it since income is good enough to make worth paying more to keep it superb.

All in all, except for couple of radical options, it seems changes to Telos will be somewhat small, like Rewards changing somewhere between double to half, which isn’t that big a change.

Go and vote now, there is no complaining after the voting is over if you didn’t participate in it on time.

Lucky Seven monday article “BITDORADO by Transcendence is around the corner”

Another Monday article from lucky seven has been ready for over a week by now already.

This article is all about Bitdorado, the exchange TELOSNEWS.COM has not yet covered properly, so this article will fill that hole a bit at least.

read it from one of the following places:






Pegasos Online hosting service shut down

This is bit old news already, but on 19th of January Pegasos Online developer shut his service down due to too few paying users.

Pegasos Online was a hosting service where you were able to host among others, your Telos master nodes, and where you were able to pay the monthly fee with Telos.

Pegasos Online used to be part of Pegasos coin project which was the first coin that got eaten by operation Pac-man, where Telos eats all other coins by merging them to Telos. While eating Pegasos coin didn’t yield such a good result as Pascal had hoped, it was still a piece of Telos history that is now gone.

Farewell! Let’s eat something else says Pac-man.

Biki Exchange video interview about Pascal and Telos

Biki Exchange has done a very nice interview video about Pascal regarding Telos.

While the Video starts bit slow (if you are impatient, consider skipping first 4-5 minutes), it is well worth watching since at point it finally starts getting to the point, it tells us even things we didn’t know before like Pascal tells a lot about Hive browser and related, including things not told publically before.

Other things he tells about in this Video are PiggyBank, Cryptomages, Kryptobay, AmiCloud, Bluebox, Access to Quantum Computers, Greenbox,

All in all, you could say that this video works as a very nice second part video for the Introduction to Telos video that we told you about in an earlier article since there is surprisingly little overlapping between these two videos and while the introduction video is mainly concentrating on things already here, this video tells a lot about things coming in near future.

Basically if you want to introduce someone to Telos, I would first show him the previous video, and right after that, this one:

copy-paste link:

Lucky Seven Monday Article “AML Token pre-announced by Transcendence blockchain”

While not exactly this Mondays article, but previous weeks Mondays article, here it is now told by TELOSNEWS.COM as well.

You might hear about it a week late, but you anyway heard about it now.

This article is all about upcoming AML Token, the same thing mentioned in this article as well.

Read from one of the following sources:






Piggybank v3 available – Free for owners of v2

Piggybank v3 has been released.

As have been with previous versions, this version too is free for those who already own previous version – v2. To get one of the free “upgrades”, contact the place where you bought your v2 from.

New v3 is much more expensive than the previous ones, previous ones stayed clearly under 100 Euros as far as I recall, while this new one’s price has jumped all the way to 349,95 Euros!

Is this the final price, or is this just a lifted up price for a while so old owners would get their upgrades done first remains to be seen, but in announcement Pascal already announced that price of V3 is much higher than V2, so even if there would come a price drop, expect it to still be costly.

However, while the price has gone up, so have the power and according to the announcement V3 is 20 times more powerful than V2, so that might explain a bit about the price rise.

20 Times more speed also makes me wonder if there are some hidden surprises again waiting for the owners since that wouldn’t be the first time Pascal sells us something and then a month later he tells us “oh yeah, if you open the box you can see a gold bar inside there”.

In addition to 20 times more powerful, it was also told that we can expect software updates for the piggybank v3 like additional wallets for coins that are supported by soon upcoming Bitdorado Exchange.

So perhaps the price isn’t based upon hardware price anymore but based upon the real value of the stuff inside, that would be my guess. For even the 349,95 price tag makes very much sense when part of the deal, at least for now, is that you can get one of your XBTX wallet address whitelisted for Bluepool, which makes this the cheapest option currently to get access to a bluepool, and as Pascal put it, gets your piggy bank filled itself.

Video of Piggybank v2:

xMiner v2 for Windows available

Here is a slight confusion available for you all: xMiner is a hardware device meant for mining, while xMiner v2 is actually a software meant for mining at Bluepool.

Bluepool have been mentioned before too in TELOSNEWS.COM but what all Bluepool will hold is still to some extent a mystery and previous reports might have some errors in telling about it.

xMiner v2 is software for Windows (64-bit version only) that enables the user to mine with CPU or GPU in Bluepool specifically.

However, since Bluepool is a sort of insiders club where not just anyone can get access to so it would stay nicely profitable, you cant just download the software and start mining, but your wallet needs to get whitelisted first to get the access to the bluepool.

To get your wallet whitelisted, you either need to have bought one of the eligible things from Transcendence Project, which currently would be a Bluebox, xMiner (the hardware one), Piggy Bank v3 (for a limited time only), or you need to buy Bluepool Membership which currently costs 476 000 Telos and if announcement is to be trusted, will be climbing all the way to the price of 1.6 Million Telos soon, making it even at this point already, let alone in future, much cheaper to simply buy yourself one Bluebox to get the access.

When you are mining in bluepool, 80 percent of your mining power is used for your own mining, meaning that 80 percent of what you are about to get, you will get, and the rest 20 of that power will go to be distributed among all pool members – including yourself.

This is basically good since especially at the point when bluepool is going to start mining more than just XBTX, you will get your share of all these other coins too, meaning that you mine just one with for example CPU, and you get access to a whole load of different coins.

The rest 20 percent is being distributed based upon shares you own to bluepool. For example, if you own bluebox, you will get one share for each bluebox you own, so own 5 blueboxes and you get 5 shares.
xMiners, on the other hand, will get 10 shares each, after all, they cost about 10 times more.

This the situation with the Bluepool currently. If you wish to get on mining, go download xMiner v2 from here, and then you need to request your wallet address to be whitelisted either by contacting the place where you bought your eligible bought from or by asking from Pascal at discord.

Notice that during software testing it was noticed that Windows 10 deleted some of the files after unzipping since Windows defender thinks mining software as Malware, so depending upon your settings, especially on windows 10, you could encounter some trouble, so do it with your own risk and only if you know what you are doing. now accepts TELOS and XBTX as a payment option.

10th of January Pascal announced that, the place from where you can buy as an example Indiego Retroconsole and related items, now accepts TELOS and XBTX as a payment.

However, in the XBTX case, it is only accepted as payment on days that the XBTX trading volume is at least 1000 USD.

Social Media Share buttons added to TELOSNEWS.COM

Thanks to Bitcoin_Bond_007 of YourBrainOnBlockChain who asked for it, and G0dz0r who showed the plugin, you have now been able for a week already to share TELOSNEWS.COM articles very easily on social medias by just clicking on one of those social media share buttons above TELOSNEWS.COM articles, the ones like in this one.

Biki 2.5 Million TELOS give away!

Biki Exchange, that was told about in one of the previous articles in TELOSNEWS.COM, and which rushed TELOS price up a bit to make it a top gainer in coinmarketcap for a while, have now announced a 2.5 Million TELOS give away!

This give away is separated into two different events.

The first one that started the 10th day, and that ends already tomorrow, is the Invite your friends part whereby inviting at least 10 people to Biki Exchange, you will get 1 000 TELOS as a reward. This is open for the first 1 000 people only, and 1 Million TELOS is reserved for that.

The second part will start tomorrow, and lasts one week until the 22nd of Jan.

In this second part, it is all about trading. There are 1.5 Million TELOS given to people who trade TELOS at Biki Exchange during that time, and this means both buys and sells, and this 1.5 Million is divided based upon how much each trade. So if you traded 1 Million Telos during that time, you will likely be getting quite a big chunk of that 1.5 Million to yourself.

In last 5 days time, there have been roughly 1 Million Telos per day traded, which would mean that if same continues, in a week there would be 7 Million TELOS traded, and that would mean that if you bought (or sold) TELOS during that time, then for each 5 TELOS you would buy (or sell), you would get 1 extra TELOS on top of that. So 20 percent extra TELOS for your buys. Now that’s some cheap TELOS!

Expect the price to rise again I guess.

Project Identity “teaser” website.

During this year Pascal has been talking to us about Project Identity, which also includes the Hive Web browser.

What exactly will this Project Identity be, we will see in the future. So far we know it has a lot to do with KYC and private information in which you could choose to sell your own private information instead of others collecting and selling it on your behalf.

More than a week ago Pascal told he had opened a placeholder website for Project Identity at, which looks to me more like a teaser website, since it does show something, but what, is for each one themself to decide.

Interested? Go check yourself! voting about Magnetic Links to Telos Blockchain

There is a new voting in titled: “Increase the OPCODE size limit to make Magnetic links fitting into an transaction”.

What this means is that Pascal has told about a plan of adding so-called Magnetic Links to Telos Chain which would make Proof of Storage option possible, by other words, making it possible to save stuff like Videos to a Chain opening up possibilities like selling Videos.

Notice however that these files would not be stored to Telos Blockchain itself, but Telos would have so-called Magnetic Links which would have links to another Chain that would be storing these, for example, videos.

This is precisely to avoid Telos BlockChain from bloating too much since imagine every user putting just one movie there and we would already be facing such a size of a Blockchain that no one would have Hard Drive big enough to contain it.

In my opinion, these magnetic links sound like a great addition to Telos Blockchain, but in case someone doesn’t like the idea, Pascal has opened voting about it giving a possibility to say no to it.

Basically the idea of this voting is to find if anyone wants to say no, so in case you agree to it, and no one disagrees, you don’t need to do anything but just leave it alone.

But if there does come some people who start saying “Nay” to it, then in that case you need to show your “Yea” support to it by voting if you want to see it happen.

First utility token based upon XBTX called AML pre-announced

On 2nd day of this year, Pascal made a pre-announcement about upcoming utility token he calls AML.

This is now a first token based upon Bitcoin Subsidium, which is what was the purpose of Bitcoin Subsidium in the first place.

AML token’s purpose is to work as a KYC solution so you wouldn’t need to do that every time you go to some new place requiring it.

But it doesn’t stop just there, but it will also have its own ecosystem making some interesting opportunities like normally companies pay other companies to get some personal data about you and others, and efficiency of this method varies. With AML ecosystem in place, it could become possible that you would yourself sell your personal data to each of these companies making you get the money instead of another company.

This would be win-win situation for you and the company, since company would get more reliable data about you, and probably cheaper too since the third party would be missing from between, and you would get the money from your data instead of someone else.

This could also open up some interesting opportunities like you getting more interesting advertisements to yourself instead of looking through all the general non-interesting advertisements nowadays shot at you.

Included in this ecosystem will be a new browser currently called “Hive”.

What all this Hive includes is not told as yet, but one feature which sounded like a good idea that was mentioned, for with Hive you can leave comments to websites even when the website itself doesn’t support it.

I can easily see how this could be useful for example when bumping to some webpage that seems to be marketing some interesting new product, but you don’t really know if they are a hoax or not and then you read the comments that tell you it is a hoax.

Or say there is yet another Scam Exchange opened, well, instead of having to check from bitcointalk if there is a topic about them being a scam, someone can already leave on that website a warning about it being a scam with a link to that bitcointalk thread. If Hive browser succeeds, it will be a much harder time for all the scammers in the future, so Hooray for Hive!

AML crowd sale will start on the 14th of February and end on the 21st of February, so one week time to buy, and payments will be accepted only in TELOS or XBTX.

Make sure to keep eye on TELOSNEWS.COM near that date since we will surely tell you more about the crowd sale when we know more.

Midex Exchange open and Telos included.

On last September TELOSNEWS.COM told you about Midas Investment having added Telos to their list of coins and that article also mentioned about their plans of opening own exchange where your coins would automatically be staking as long as they are in their Exchange.

Well, they have now at the beginning of this year opened their Exchange – Midex, and done the smartest move any exchange can do by adding Telos as one of their traded coins.

Screenshot of that looks awfully familiar in its looks.
Well, as long as it works, plus easier to use when they don’t look too far apart from each other.

Telos number 1 Gainer in Biki Exchange

Not really a piece of news since we all knew that would happen, but right when Telos trading started at Biki Exchange, in its first 24 hours (30th of December), Telos became the number 1 gainer from all the coins in Biki Exchange.

as expected, Telos is numero uno!

Telos the Biggest Gainer in Coinmarketcap list

By end of last year, probably about 30th of December, most likely thanks to Biki exchange Telos launch, Telos reached number 1 spot on biggest gainers list:

now rest of the world knows what we have known for a long time already!

To clarify this a bit, the number one spot itself isn’t so big an achievement, for, after all, we are talking of a top gainer for one hour which quite many coins can manage in one point or other in their life.

But what is significant here is that if you check the 24-hour volume of all these coins in this list, you can notice none of them are tiny. This is because question is not that we haven’t been number one gainer even other times compared to coinmarketcap list, or that there wouldn’t be even higher gainers even right now existing, since obviously rock bottom hit 1 sat coins reaching 2 sats would be 100 percent gain – yet worthless, but thing is that coinmarketcap doesn’t take into calculation coins that have less than 50 000 USD trading volume in last 24 hours.

And this is why being biggest gainer even for just one hour is significant, since most coins will never make it to number 1 in coinmarketcap biggest gainer list, not even for one hour, so Telos has once again broken one threshold in its way to becoming the true number one crypto coin.

Christmas present from Pascal and Bitcoin Bond 007

You might remember we reported you about a free gift to customers of Pascal earlier.

Well, TELOSNEWS.COM has just received a Christmas gift from Pascal and YourBrainOnBlockChain.

While I didn’t get it until today since I left on 23rd for Holidays and on that very same day this had arrived at the local post office waiting for me to pick it up today, it still counts as a Christmas Gift.

Thank you very much, Pascal and YourBrainOnBlockChain!

now the only question is if I should use it to make some splendid sauce for a stake or if the price will in future go up too much that I would regret later having eaten a million.

To drink, or not to drink, that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler to make it into a sauce for a stake
and suffer the loss of outrageous fortune,
or to keep it in my arms through the troubles
and by resisting save them. To end – to win.