has officially announced, for example through their Medium account, that they have now listed Telos to their Exchange.
This deal is one of the fruits from Malta AI & Blockchain Summit Pascal visited earlier this year as was told by TELOSNEWS.COM earlier to you. is one of the bigger exchanges as you can see from coinmarketcap page about them and also shows signs of becoming even bigger. For many it might be surprising to hear this since most have not heard about them yet. But this is because Biki have concentrated on Asian market so far, although lately it seems they are starting to expand their user base towards rest of the world too.
You can already deposit Telos in there, but actual Trading wont start until 3 days later on 30th day at which point it will be possible to do trading between TELOS/USDT.
Announcement is well worth a read since it gives a nice short introduction to Telos including some never before seen comments from Pascal, as well as has a nice list of links that you can use to start following
Read Medium Announcement
You might also be interested to read Lucky Sevens slightly edited version of the announcement: