Day: September 30, 2019

Lucky Sevens Monday Article: “BlockInsureME — Blockchain based Extended Warranty and Bonuscard powered by Transcendence” available to read!

The usual Monday Article by Lucky Seven is out again. is a Telos service that have got into a shadow of all the other Telos projects so well that when I was maybe a week ago thinking of which Telos projects TELOSNEWS.COM have not covered yet, didn’t even come to my mind.

It is good that someone, in this case, Lucky Seven, is finally lifting this use case up as well since it deserves more attention than it has been getting.

Read about Telos coin provided insurance policy which in addition to giving you extra warranty coverage, also gives you a discount in many places:






Telos wallet for Android version 2.1.7 is out

Android version of Telos wallet has got an update to version 2.1.7 and should be out by now, as long as google have done its job and got the updated version on the distribution as is should have.

If you already have Android Telos wallet on your phone, it should automatically tell you there is an update available.

The update is small but important. The main improvement is with the Syncing system. Before if your display blanked (energy-saving method), it might have lost the sync with the network, now it shouldn’t do that anymore as Telos Wallet app should now be recognized as a “foreground” app.