And another announcement first done by YourBrainOnBlockchain, this time it is an announcement of Greenboxes being available to order through YourBrainOnBlockchain.
Greenbox is very much like a Bluebox, except it is directed for companies, and instead of meant to just make a profit like Blueboxes are, Greenboxes idea is to work as an cheap alternative for Companies to get their CO2 certificates.
It is a quite brilliant approach actually. Normally companies would simply pay 100 Euros to buy some certain amount of CO2 certificates, but now instead they could use the same 100 Euros, and instead of getting just 100 Euros worth of CO2 certificates, they will get much more worth of certificates since those 100 Euros will be used to buy for example Telos node and these nodes profits are then used to automatically buy CO2 certificates.
You could say that with Greenbox you are buying a CO2 certificate generator that keeps producing you more and more CO2 certificates in time.
No need to worry each year to buy those Certificates when you can just buy Greenbox once and it takes care of it automatically each year.
Although I mentioned 100 Euros, price is not that cheap actually, but you can either buy one for around 599 Euros to your company to operate yourself, or you can buy a full service version that also includes 100k Telos nodes for 1 500 Euros a piece.
Concept is pretty simple. Lets say you want to get your footprint compensated. If you live in Germany your carbon footprint in a year is about 11 000 Kg. One Greenbox in YourBrainOnBlockchains example produces roughly 4 000 Kg worth of certificates a year. So pay once to get yourself 3 Greenboxes, and you can continue living as you like forever as your Carbon Footprint is more than compensated with these three boxes with this one time bought.
All projects for greenboxes are chosen by MyClimate and are approved by the United Nations.
If you are looking for an easy way to get CO2 certificates for your company, well, Greenbox automates it all. All you have to do is to order a Greenbox, and everything else, including buying those CO2 certificates, will be done for you. No need to waste manpower, just buy greenbox.