Month: September 2019

Lucky Sevens Monday Article: “BlockInsureME — Blockchain based Extended Warranty and Bonuscard powered by Transcendence” available to read!

The usual Monday Article by Lucky Seven is out again. is a Telos service that have got into a shadow of all the other Telos projects so well that when I was maybe a week ago thinking of which Telos projects TELOSNEWS.COM have not covered yet, didn’t even come to my mind.

It is good that someone, in this case, Lucky Seven, is finally lifting this use case up as well since it deserves more attention than it has been getting.

Read about Telos coin provided insurance policy which in addition to giving you extra warranty coverage, also gives you a discount in many places:






Telos wallet for Android version 2.1.7 is out

Android version of Telos wallet has got an update to version 2.1.7 and should be out by now, as long as google have done its job and got the updated version on the distribution as is should have.

If you already have Android Telos wallet on your phone, it should automatically tell you there is an update available.

The update is small but important. The main improvement is with the Syncing system. Before if your display blanked (energy-saving method), it might have lost the sync with the network, now it shouldn’t do that anymore as Telos Wallet app should now be recognized as a “foreground” app.

Masternode World relisting Telos

It seems for last week most of the news are about Master node hosting services, and this one is no exception.

Masternode World, a shared Master Node hosting service, have some hours ago announced in Telos Bitcointalk thread that it will be relisting Telos again to their service.

I have to admit, I never noticed they had listed Telos in the first place, but nice to see anyway that they came back to their senses and relisted Telos. after all, they say they have only the best coins, so it would be like shooting at their own leg if they wouldnt have the best one.

Midas Investment adds Telos

I usually prefer to talk about what is there already and not about what is coming unless I am talking of Rumors since often these future things either might not come at all, or come in a different shape. However, in this case I think it is more useful to you readers to talk also about what is about to come, especially since it is about to come very soon, the current plan being inside a month.

So what is Midas investment, or what is it about to be?

Midas investment is a quite interesting concept. In its core it is a combination of Master Node hosting and Exchange, but it is tied up pretty nicely.

It basically starts from giving advice on what coins to buy. Unfortunately this advice system is actually automatic based instead of human-based analysis, but even then, it is better than nothing, besides, that a coin even ends up to Midas Investments list of coins already means something, so you could think it as any coin in list is to some extent recommended by Midas Investment and the auto analysis is just a plus.

Next step is that when you decide to buy a share to some coins pool, you can actually buy that coin by just using BTC. No need to go to exchange, just buy it from Midas. They actually have some amount of each coin bought already which they then use to sell to their customers using their Instant Buy system, and they will use most of the BTC that they receive from their customers to buy more of those coins. But they will not simply buy those coins, but they will be making buy walls for those coins to help these coins price go up, which is another clever idea from Midas Investment and one which makes any coin be happy to be on their list.

These bought coins will go towards setting up master nodes to that coins pool, and similar to Evonodes system, which you can read from this news item, if the amount of coins is not enough to set the node up yet, coins will be staking.

When Midas gets their Exchange ready and integrated, which should be in a couple of weeks only, things will get even more interesting. For after that if you go and buy coins using Midas exchange, you will not just get coins that stay in your account, but these coins will be attached to these master node pools and instead of staying the same as in other exchanges, in Midas Exchange these coins will make income since as long as you keep them in Midas Exchange, they will automatically be attached to master node pools.

Final step still in this current Master Node system is, that as you can buy coins simply using BTC with Instant Buy, you will also be able to sell them to BTC basically the same way. From a users point of view, get BTC into Midas Investment, and you can buy any coins in there, and when you want to get your coins out, you will get BTC out. So BTC in, and BTC out, both ways.

In this fine system, you can now buy to Telos pool as well. Or perhaps you know someone with some BTC to spare but not having the knowledge to get into master node coins? Well, hint about this one. added two more coins to their list, the place which was first to have statistics of all 5-tiers of Telos and where you can buy with TELOS more coins to be listed to their list of followed coins have just added first two other than TELOS coins.

Of course, no one really cares about anything but TELOS, but in case you want to sometimes see how some other, less interesting coins do, you can now also keep an eye on statistics of PivX and DASH. The main interest is of course in following how fast they will be worth less than TELOS and how much less they will be worth.

Also, don’t forget there is a cross-promotion offer between, peertoro, and bluebox.

Melchionda Networks Telos Coin interview part 3 – Piggybank 2.0, Tangent TELOS Cards, Greenbox, and a bit more.

And part 3 of the interview happened last night, this time they talked about Piggy Bank, Tangent TELOS Cards, Greenbox and after those also mentioned and a bluephone a bit. Video also shows what was known already long before, that even Dev follows TELOSNEWS.COM to keep himself up-to-date on what is happening with his projects.

Now my Germany is really failing me when it comes to the competition they are running there. You can check the rules to attend the competition from first parts video, but as far as I misunderstood, winner was supposed to be told in next video, or in this last video, which it obviously wasn’t since competition is still going and as far as I misunderstood it, it would be announced on next video, which puzzles me greatly since I don’t think they mentioned anything about more videos coming, unless they perhaps mean they are planning to make an English version of the same three-part video, which I saw as a rumor at one point.

So who knows, maybe we will still today see part 1 of English-language version of the same?

Anyway, if you are not speaking German, you can check instructions from this earlier article on how to turn on Youtubes about decedent auto-translator, which didn’t help me figure out when the competition winner will be announced.

Melchionda Networks Telos Coin interview part 2 – Use Cases, Telos Pay

Obviously my German wasn’t that good when I in news about the previous part wrote they might have mentioned a week for the next part to come out, for next part already did come out, a day apart, and actually, the third and last one is about to start too about same time as this article is published, so get on there now and read this later.

Also, I guess the competition wasn’t for each video separately, but I guess from parts 1 and 2 together, and part 3, the one about to start, would be announcing the winner.

So if you are really quick you can still join the competition, check the rules from part 1s description.

Part 2 was all about use cases. It starts by showing a wonderful news media around 1-minute location and goes on to talk about it at a later point again, definitely TELOSNEWS.COM favorite part of all three videos.

After this, it moves on to tell about Aeguana Vending machines (not covered by TELOSNEWS.COM yet) and Telos Pay (which neither have been covered yet), so well worth a watch. But do remember, in German only, so check this article for instructions on how to get the subtitles.

Melchionda Networks Telos Coin interview part 1 with CEO Pascal Papara

Hopefully I translated Germany right with help from Autotranslate and title is not wrong.

But as far as I understood and auto-translate seems to say, Melchionda Network is making a three-part interview about Telos Coin, and part 1 is already out.

Bad news, it is only in the German language. But, Youtubes auto-translate does a somewhat decent job and as long as you have some idea about Telos Coin in Advance, you are about able to follow what they are talking about.

In case you need help with turning Youtubes auto-translate on, you can check instructions from earlier TELOSNEWS.COM article about Crypto Friday

At beginning Pascal introduces himself from a time before Telos a bit, after this he tells about a Telos a lot, mentioning for example about how fundamentals are being voted once a year in a democratic way.

At the end there is something interesting too, for there is a competition where people can join by doing 4 things:

1. Like the video, 2. Share link on some social media, 3. write on videos comments that you want to join the draw and 4. Subscribe to Melchionda Network Youtube Channel.

And the prize? One will be picked by random and become an owner of a 10k Node, I suppose, from Peertoro.

Join the competition, watch the video, and spread the link until the next part comes out and the winner is announced. Not sure when, but I think it mentioned a week later.

New Use Case: now accepts Telos for payment.

First they list Telos, and then they start accepting Telos as a payment. And this is exactly what happened with

From now on, when you wish to use to host one of your Master Nodes of any coin they are supporting hosting for, you can pay it using Telos.

As hosting price is only 0.5 USD a month, this is a pretty good choice for hosting your nodes, especially since you can follow the master node stats in the same place.

You can check more details about from TELOSNEWS.COM previous article about them.

Evonodes added Telos to their shared pool options

As the headline says, you can now join to Shared Telos Pool on Evonodes.

Evonodes concentrates on a shared pool system. Idea is, if you would like to have 100k Telos node, but you don’t have that much Telos, you can join the Evonodes shared Telos pool to get at least a share of one.

If you put 10 percent of the coins for the master node, then you will get 10 percent of all the income of that node, or to be more precise, of the pool, since you are not putting coins just for one node, but you are investing into whole Telos pool which can mean several nodes instead of just one.

And at Evonodes it doesn’t end just there, but they are also connecting Proof of Stake in the mix too.

You put for example 20 percent of master nodes price in that pool. Now while you are waiting for the pool to fill, that money doesn’t just sit there, but it is actually staking. When enough Telos is accumulated to set up a node (I suppose 100k node), then the pool will set up a node and start collecting Telos for the next node.

In addition, profits are also automatically reinvested to this pool, making you get an accumulative effect on getting new nodes.

Because Pool will likely have more than just one node, good thing is, even if one of the nodes would for some reason fail, rest will likely still be making income, and since you own some percentage of the whole pool, and get that percentage from whole pools income, it is therefore unlikely that you would ever lose all income, but even when node fails, you will just temporarily be making a couple of percent less of income until node is back up and working.

Lucky Sevens Monday article: “Crypto wallets for a new era: Reviews & Updates of TELOS and BTC Subsidium” is available!

Another Monday and another Monday article from Lucky seven, this time all about Wallets, including some tidbit about future wallets too:






Greenbox – Your CO2 certificate generator -available for ordering

And another announcement first done by YourBrainOnBlockchain, this time it is an announcement of Greenboxes being available to order through YourBrainOnBlockchain.

Greenbox is very much like a Bluebox, except it is directed for companies, and instead of meant to just make a profit like Blueboxes are, Greenboxes idea is to work as an cheap alternative for Companies to get their CO2 certificates.

It is a quite brilliant approach actually. Normally companies would simply pay 100 Euros to buy some certain amount of CO2 certificates, but now instead they could use the same 100 Euros, and instead of getting just 100 Euros worth of CO2 certificates, they will get much more worth of certificates since those 100 Euros will be used to buy for example Telos node and these nodes profits are then used to automatically buy CO2 certificates.

You could say that with Greenbox you are buying a CO2 certificate generator that keeps producing you more and more CO2 certificates in time.

No need to worry each year to buy those Certificates when you can just buy Greenbox once and it takes care of it automatically each year.

Although I mentioned 100 Euros, price is not that cheap actually, but you can either buy one for around 599 Euros to your company to operate yourself, or you can buy a full service version that also includes 100k Telos nodes for 1 500 Euros a piece.

Concept is pretty simple. Lets say you want to get your footprint compensated. If you live in Germany your carbon footprint in a year is about 11 000 Kg. One Greenbox in YourBrainOnBlockchains example produces roughly 4 000 Kg worth of certificates a year. So pay once to get yourself 3 Greenboxes, and you can continue living as you like forever as your Carbon Footprint is more than compensated with these three boxes with this one time bought.

All projects for greenboxes are chosen by MyClimate and are approved by the United Nations.

If you are looking for an easy way to get CO2 certificates for your company, well, Greenbox automates it all. All you have to do is to order a Greenbox, and everything else, including buying those CO2 certificates, will be done for you. No need to waste manpower, just buy greenbox.

iOS wallet is available!

Today it finally happened, Apple approved iOS wallet and now you can download it to your iPhones and Apple Watches.

However, since Free the wallet bounty is still not filled up, this means that iOS wallet will cost 10.99 until that Bounty is up.

However, if you own pretty much anything Telos, like Peertoro or Bluebox, you can ask for a free voucher to download the wallet.

In addition, there is also a little campaign going on right now which makes you think twice if using that voucher is actually smart or not. For if you are one of the first 100 to buy that wallet for 10.99, you will in addition get Peertoro 10k node for yourself as a bonus. With current Telos price, that is worth around 40 Euros, so might be wiser to pay than to get for free right now.

This is also a good opportunity to tell to your friends who have been interested in Telos but havent jumped in yet. What an easy way to get into Telos, just buy iOS wallet, and you get a node.

Escodex Exchange closing at 15th of October

Just two days ago they announced ETH/USDT pair being available for exchange at Escodex Exchange and now today they announced through their Twitter account that Escodex is going to be closed permanently on October 15th.

Seems our Dev was wise from far and did a right call when he several weeks ago decided he would ask Escodex to take Telos down due to lack of professionalism shown there.

Well, now there is no need to ask to take Telos down anymore since the whole place is going down.

Anyway, if you still have some of your precious Telos in there, or any other Cryptos for that matter, time to go and get them out since after the date comes it will be too late and they be gone, at least from you.

New Bounty to make Telos User Interface look better

Yesterday (yep, TELOSNEWS.COM is bit late this time) there came a new bounty to

Appears that Dev is planning on updating the User Interface of Telos to Pivx3 style of User Interface, which I suppose means wallet, to look better and which will also make things work easier, like setting up Master Nodes would be easier with this.

this how setting up Master Node would look

This is a funny bounty in a sense that the Bounty sum is quite big actually, a total of 1 Million Telos. However, this bounty is happening regardless whether bounty is reached or not, that actually this bountys purpose is to be a thank you tip bounty for making us a better-looking User Interface.

Current estimated ETA for new User Interface is about 2 weeks.

At least until that you can show some goodwill and encourage also future development of Telos by showing your appreciation by giving something to the bounty.

I don’t think the amount matters as much as the number of donators. Several people putting just 1 000 or even just 100, is probably better than one putting the whole Million.

That in mind, head on to donate some Telos there.

and another what it could look like

Lucky Sevens Monday article: “Overview of lately Transcendence progress. CEO Pascal Papara as podcast guest, TELOS Apple Wallet, How to get free TELOS and more…” is out!

As expected, Lucky Seven has once again delivered Telos related article on this Monday too.

This time article is giving a nice roundup on what has happened lately in Telos world, so basically same stuff as TELOSNEWS.COM have already been talking about, but now in one place and in shorter form. Not to mention that whole TELOSNEWS.COM was originally inspired by Lucky Sevens previous one week round up of things that had happened at Telos land, which brought a thought of, wouldn’t it be handy having some place where all things Telos would always be gathered in such a short and handy way? And here we are full round telling here about Lucky Sevens article.

Pick where you want to read it:






New Voting – Update telos to become Phantom resistant?

It appears theres been an error in DASH coin base ever since 2017, however, it wasn’t such a problem until now, since now someone has released a tool to utilize this error and create so-called Phantom nodes to the network.

Now don’t get worried yet, as Dev pointed out this is more of an ethical question in nature rather than a big problem.

These Phantom nodes appear to the network as nodes when they actually are not. The idea with running a node is that node has a copy of the blockchain and helps the network. These Phantom nodes, however, do not have a copy of the blockchain, but instead, they take all the necessary info directly from explorer to spoof as a node.

However, these Phantom nodes do require having the collateral still, making the problem much more minor since they can’t really affect the whole economy much. The only thing they basically do is that they don’t contribute to the network at all and from the economics point of view, only benefit they have is that they don’t need to pay a monthly cost for running the node.

However, there is now voting at if people wish Telos be updated to fix this phantom issue or not, since fixing would require forking, which is not a small thing as we saw last time in July.

One option is to fix it immediately, another is to fix it 10 months later on Telos birthday when there is planned to be another update and fork anyway and let them be until that, or the third option is to do nothing at all about them.

As an additional benefit, when making the fork as soon as possible some other things could be fixed, like blocksize increased from 100k to 200k, since 100k has already reached its limit in Devs hand a bit and, I suppose, split blockchain problem would go to history as well, unless another split would be born from this.

Also, as last benefit would be that so far Telos would be the first coin in world to become phantom resistant. Who knows, perhaps someone would even report about that.

Go voice your opinion at and while at it, why not take a look at other votes/bounties too.

Kryptofriday to have Telos again

You might remember that two weeks ago Fridays Kryptofriday had Pascal Papara as a special quest. Well, Telos part in Kryptofridays didn’t end there yet, since in today’s Kryptofriday, according to their own marketing post, Telos will be there again.

In what capacity, remains to be seen, anyway, you can tune yourself to German language Kryptofriday already in an hour from having posted this message, or you can tune in for English Cryptofriday three hours later.

edit: Both German and English versions links have been updated to start directly from Telos part.

Bluphone now has a DevBlog

As the title says, there is now a DevBlog at Bluephone website.

If you want to read more and faster about Bluephone than you could even from TELOSNEWS.COM, then perhaps keep an eye on it.

Right now there is only one blog post there.

Lucky Sevens monday article: “The first of its kind, BLUEPHONE — Blockchain phone who will make all your crypto dreams alive” is out!

Looks like it is time to start considering changing TELOSNEWS.COM to BLUEPHONENEWS.COM instead with all these Bluephone related news coming lately.

Lucky Seven have released his usual monday article for all you to enjoy reading it again.

And article is all about Bluephone, with lots of details that Bluephone articles have left out mainly since they havent been confirmed.

Anyway, you can see a lot of hardware specifications and explanation of for example Mesh Network which TELOSNEWS.COM completely forgot to mention. Seems there is use to read something else too than just this.

hop hop and get on reading already:



