PiggyBanks in delivery – PiggyDrop coming
As so many have asked in Discord whether their Piggybank should have been delivered already or when it is going to be delivered, TELOSNEWS.COM is now telling you that PiggyBanks are on their way, if not on the way yet, then about to be delivered.
By the end of next week, you should have got your PiggyBank orders, if not, then it is time to ask where my PiggyBank is.
After all PiggyBanks have arrived to their new happy owners, there will be a PiggyDrop (that is Airdrop for those illiterate ones) among PiggyBank owners.
It was also informed that after they have got rid of all the current Boards, there will come Revision 3 board which will once again be free for current customers. This Rev 3 board should boost the performance to normal desktop computing without increasing the power consumption too much.