Day: August 26, 2019

GunsRus adds “Bitcoin related”-category and offers prizes for uploaders

Telos side product GunsRus is a Youtube kind video service aimed at gun-related content because Youtube has started banning them.

Just a moment ago Dev announced that GunsRus now has a “bitcoin related” – category.

There it is waiting for you to shoot some Bitcoin Related videos.

TELOSNEWS.COM naturally wonders why would anyone care of making anything Bitcoin related anymore when they can just make Telos related stuff.

In giving some additional motivation for people to make a bang by aiming their videos to be uploaded to GunsRus, there are now prizes available for uploaders.

One with most views in a week will win a 100k Telos node from peertoro. And this prize is not given just once, but once a week, the first prize given already a week later at the first of September.

In Addition to this, every uploader will have a chance at winning bluebox gold. Once a month a winner will be picked by random among all uploaders.

With these prizes in place, I guess it is about time to make that video idea of yours a reality, for it could earn you a bluebox gold even if no one wants to watch it.

You asking why we need a Gun-related video service?
This is why!

Lucky Sevens newest article: “Play games & earn Teloscoin — Successfully presented on famous GamesCom 2019” is out

Lucky Seven has consistently been producing Telos related articles once a week for several weeks now, and as far as I have noticed, releasing them always on Monday, and today’s Monday is no exception, but a new article has come out again.

This time Lucky Sevens article tells a bit about IndieGO Console, the philosophy behind it, and why it fits today’s market well, as well as about Indiego and Telos in Gamescom.

No point for me to tell more when you can yourself go and read the article in question from one of the following locations: CryptoAcid, Medium, Steemit, or Minds.

After having read that one, you could also head to Mediums Transcendence Blockchain Magazine for more reading about Telos, including Lucky Sevens previous weekly released articles.

Changes coming to Bluebox – XBTX payment, miner module, dual mining

Dev has just today announced some upcoming changes to Blueboxes among with other info.

Manual Bluebox payments have been delayed. This is due to Dev having concentrated on testing automatic XBTX payment to get it out for all of us.

Payments of existing invoiced orders for new Blueboxes need to be done by tomorrow 16:00 German time or order will be canceled. This, however, applies only to new customers. If you were planning to pay with already mined XBTX, you will not need to worry, they will be accepted later too.

As people have been asking about the possibility to add their own Telos to Blueboxes to get more nodes, this is becoming possible starting next week.

However, due to automated setting up process, upgrading existing nodes would take too much work, therefore additional Telos will be used to set up new nodes to Blueboxes instead of upgrading existing ones. Take this into account people when planning on using Telos for more nodes to Blueboxes.

Another new feature will be a dual Mining possibility. This means you have basically three options for your bluebox machine:

  1. It can be fully mining XBTX
  2. It can be fully hosting Master Nodes (64 nodes in total at max currently)
  3. It can be 50/50 mining XBTX and hosting master nodes. In this case mining power will be only half the usual power and maximum amount of nodes that can be hosted in the dual system are only 32 Nodes, which currently, however, is more than enough, so in practice you have only two sensible options, option 1 or 3.

There was also a mention about making a Miner Module being in consideration. This is the same thing that was already mentioned in an article about gamescom rumors two days ago.

Some additional details were given. a Mention of Dev having been shown 2W FPGA that he thinks would work for this purpose, as well as a mention that this miner module will not be here anytime soon, but waiting should be calculated rather in months than in weeks.

This miner module would likely be fitted into Pro models by putting the miner module instead of a Harddrive, or alternatively, through a USB dongle.

As a last thing was a mention of Birake wallet going to be working with Blueboxes same way as Telos wallet currently works. But that another announcement about this will come during next week. You can be sure TELOSNEWS.COM will write more about this after the mentioned announcement is made first.

Enjoy your Blueboxes and don’t forget to pay your orders if you already haven’t!