Month: August 2019 adds Telos

Another Masternode statistics service, this time, adds Telos to their list of master node statistics.

While we might favor, since in there you can list new coins against Telos, it is still very nice to have another place to double-check the statistics from, especially if you happen to be following some of the other coins too that they are providing master node statistics for.

As you can see from the picture, list arrangement is pretty working and you can very quickly keep an eye on several coins statistics at once, making it a very handy service indeed.

There is the Telos.
ROI might not be exactly correct yet, at least on a 3K node, but it is close enough.

In addition to that, also has some additional info which at this moment is not yet available from

All kinds of info about Telos and even more if you scroll down. This of course just a screenshot so you cant scroll down now but have to use one of the links below first.

And here is a list of master nodes, findable from links below.

And since that is not enough yet, by registering a free account, Master Node owners can also have a Master Node monitoring service and a Reward notification system.

Now talk of a good deal in here or what!

Crypto Friday has Pascal Papara as a special guest in today’s live stream

Crypto Friday or Krypto Friday (they seem to be using both names) is made by melchionda network, or at least that is their Youtube user name.

While they seem to have regular kind of Crypto-related videos, they also have these one hour long Krypto Friday live streams on Fridays obviously.

Today they will have two episodes: first one, in the German language, starting at 7 Pm UTC (or 9 pm German time), and a second one, in the English language, starting at 9 pm UTC.

Both these episodes will have Pascal Papara as a special quest.

Although the first part is in German, You can, however, follow it anyway in English by turning Youtubes auto-translate option on. Auto-translate from German to English is somewhat decent although not even close to perfect.

click subtitles on and then choose from settings to auto-generated and to which language

So there you have it. Want to see Pascal Papara in a live stream? Then get on to Krypto Friday Episode 15 (German) at 7 pm (UTC) or Crypto Friday Episode 1 (English) at 9 pm (UTC) on Youtube, or if you seeing this too late, don’t worry, they do store old live streams there so you can watch it at any time, just not live anymore.

Hey, look. I can see almost half of Pascals head.

Peertoro offers Master Nodes for only 90% of their actual price!

Collateral for a Dash Node nowadays usually costs around 100 000 USD. Imagine if you could set up a Dash node for just 90 000 USD- And that is what Peertoro is now offering!

Yes, you heard that right. Peertoro now has a new pricing model where instead of paying double to triple of node collateral for a lifetime hosting (which is not bad either), you are now instead paying only 90 percent of the nodes collateral to get a lifetime hosting.

But yes, there is a small catch. You will get only 90 percent of Nodes income since the remaining 10 percent is took as a hosting fee.

But that is still pretty amazing offer. Either pay 100 percent and a monthly fee to host your own node, or pay one-time 90 percent, and no more cost to you, but still 90 percent of nodes income. Making you basically be able to buy 10 percent smaller nodes for 10 percent less price with lifetime hosting, making it cheaper to get in and cheaper (=no cost) to keep them running

And yes, TELOSNEWS.COM does understand that the Dash examples problem is that Dash is not on Peertoros list of nodes yet.

But don’t worry, there is a solution to that too. In addition to the new node pricing model, there is also a possibility to get more coins listed for hosting.

Coin Developer can pay a one-time fee of either 3 000 Euros in FIAT or even in that new coin to be listed currency, or pay 1 500 Euros worth of TELOS coins, and the new coin will be listed to Peertoro hosting.

This means that you could first buy Dash to be listed to Peertoro and then buy that node for 90 Percent of the price, making it still the cheapest way to get to having your own Dash node.

In addition, this newly listed coin will also be listed to Bluebox owners as a possibility as well as will get a one month of free banner rotation in both Kryptobay and GunsRus websites.

oh, and talking of bluebox owners, do notice that this new 90 percent offer doesn’t include the “buy one, get another to bluebox for free”-offer as Gold node offers do.

It was also said that a cross-promotion offer with will follow at a later point.

To Quote Dev: “Operation Pacman – We gonna eat you all” has Begun

DEV got DUNS number to Apple Appstore – iOS wallet could come any moment

Dev have just announced he have got DUNS number to Apple Appstore.

What does this mean? It means Dev can release stuff to Apple Appstore, and this includes the possibility to release Telos iOS wallet, and this is actually what he plans to do, except, there’s a little catch. Telos community needs to step up a little.

You might have noticed this pinned post about Android wallet for free.

Dev now says that not only will Android wallet become free when 400 000 Telos is collected on this bounty, but also iOS wallet will become free, and also released, when this Bounty is reached.

We are halfway there already, so open up your wallets and put your Telos flying towards that Bounty

To help with this effort, Dev have even made an appealing offer for all the Bluebox owners. If you own a bluebox, and you donate at least 40k Telos in this bounty, then your usual 64k Telos in blueboxes will be upgraded to 100k. This means that by donating 40k Telos, you are actually getting back 36k, by other words, you donate only 4k Telos in practice, now how little is that?

I would hurry up if I be you, theres space for only 5 more upgrades anymore, then the bounty is fulfilled and rest will miss this chance.

Bluebox Firmware being updated to 2.0

Bluebox update to Firmware2.0 should be going on right now.

This update will bring Allanons latest dashboard to blueboxes which will take payout addresses that user have given to the dashboard. This applies to Telos and XBTX as well as any future coins that will be added to Blueboxes.

This means that while payments have so far been processed manually, from this point on, payments will happen automatically to these before mentioned addresses.

However, notice that if you haven’t given for example Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) payment address yet, you need to give one by logging in to your user account at and updating it in “profile” section where the wallet is asked at. Oh, and make sure there are no empty spaces, neither in front, after, or even at the middle of the address, otherwise current system won’t recognize it as a wallet address.

In addition, user can choose a payment threshold, as for example 10 XBTX, which means that when bluebox have made 10 XBTX, then this amount will automatically be paid to the given address – minus the 20 percent fee to the company. By other words, it will be a somewhat familiar system to those who in their past used those ancient technology bitcoin mining pools.

As already mentioned, updating is already in process, and this takes no extra effort from users, but the update will be handled by the company.

First will be updated blueboxes of users who are planning to pay their standing orders using XBTX. After these customers Bluebox update have been handled, next blueboxes will be updated according to their serial number order, which in practice means that earlier you bought your bluebox, sooner your bluebox will be updated.

Dev however promised that if someone is in urgent need of their XBTX to buy a new kidney, he can in that case move that ones bluebox update up in the list.

New blueboxes that have not been delivered yet, will automatically have firmware2.0 on them from now on.

In this same announcement Dev also mentioned that while Running Telos master nodes on bluebox at home you need at least 10 Mbps Upload speed, mining Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) will however take much less. For XBTX mining you will only need 10 Kbs download and 60 Kbps upload speed. So if you having trouble with internet connection speed, then the option to fully mine XBTX only is the way to go currently.

Forget Antimners, this one is mining Subsidium!

PiggyBanks in delivery – PiggyDrop coming

As so many have asked in Discord whether their Piggybank should have been delivered already or when it is going to be delivered, TELOSNEWS.COM is now telling you that PiggyBanks are on their way, if not on the way yet, then about to be delivered.

By the end of next week, you should have got your PiggyBank orders, if not, then it is time to ask where my PiggyBank is.

After all PiggyBanks have arrived to their new happy owners, there will be a PiggyDrop (that is Airdrop for those illiterate ones) among PiggyBank owners.

It was also informed that after they have got rid of all the current Boards, there will come Revision 3 board which will once again be free for current customers. This Rev 3 board should boost the performance to normal desktop computing without increasing the power consumption too much.

GunsRus adds “Bitcoin related”-category and offers prizes for uploaders

Telos side product GunsRus is a Youtube kind video service aimed at gun-related content because Youtube has started banning them.

Just a moment ago Dev announced that GunsRus now has a “bitcoin related” – category.

There it is waiting for you to shoot some Bitcoin Related videos.

TELOSNEWS.COM naturally wonders why would anyone care of making anything Bitcoin related anymore when they can just make Telos related stuff.

In giving some additional motivation for people to make a bang by aiming their videos to be uploaded to GunsRus, there are now prizes available for uploaders.

One with most views in a week will win a 100k Telos node from peertoro. And this prize is not given just once, but once a week, the first prize given already a week later at the first of September.

In Addition to this, every uploader will have a chance at winning bluebox gold. Once a month a winner will be picked by random among all uploaders.

With these prizes in place, I guess it is about time to make that video idea of yours a reality, for it could earn you a bluebox gold even if no one wants to watch it.

You asking why we need a Gun-related video service?
This is why!

Lucky Sevens newest article: “Play games & earn Teloscoin — Successfully presented on famous GamesCom 2019” is out

Lucky Seven has consistently been producing Telos related articles once a week for several weeks now, and as far as I have noticed, releasing them always on Monday, and today’s Monday is no exception, but a new article has come out again.

This time Lucky Sevens article tells a bit about IndieGO Console, the philosophy behind it, and why it fits today’s market well, as well as about Indiego and Telos in Gamescom.

No point for me to tell more when you can yourself go and read the article in question from one of the following locations: CryptoAcid, Medium, Steemit, or Minds.

After having read that one, you could also head to Mediums Transcendence Blockchain Magazine for more reading about Telos, including Lucky Sevens previous weekly released articles.

Changes coming to Bluebox – XBTX payment, miner module, dual mining

Dev has just today announced some upcoming changes to Blueboxes among with other info.

Manual Bluebox payments have been delayed. This is due to Dev having concentrated on testing automatic XBTX payment to get it out for all of us.

Payments of existing invoiced orders for new Blueboxes need to be done by tomorrow 16:00 German time or order will be canceled. This, however, applies only to new customers. If you were planning to pay with already mined XBTX, you will not need to worry, they will be accepted later too.

As people have been asking about the possibility to add their own Telos to Blueboxes to get more nodes, this is becoming possible starting next week.

However, due to automated setting up process, upgrading existing nodes would take too much work, therefore additional Telos will be used to set up new nodes to Blueboxes instead of upgrading existing ones. Take this into account people when planning on using Telos for more nodes to Blueboxes.

Another new feature will be a dual Mining possibility. This means you have basically three options for your bluebox machine:

  1. It can be fully mining XBTX
  2. It can be fully hosting Master Nodes (64 nodes in total at max currently)
  3. It can be 50/50 mining XBTX and hosting master nodes. In this case mining power will be only half the usual power and maximum amount of nodes that can be hosted in the dual system are only 32 Nodes, which currently, however, is more than enough, so in practice you have only two sensible options, option 1 or 3.

There was also a mention about making a Miner Module being in consideration. This is the same thing that was already mentioned in an article about gamescom rumors two days ago.

Some additional details were given. a Mention of Dev having been shown 2W FPGA that he thinks would work for this purpose, as well as a mention that this miner module will not be here anytime soon, but waiting should be calculated rather in months than in weeks.

This miner module would likely be fitted into Pro models by putting the miner module instead of a Harddrive, or alternatively, through a USB dongle.

As a last thing was a mention of Birake wallet going to be working with Blueboxes same way as Telos wallet currently works. But that another announcement about this will come during next week. You can be sure TELOSNEWS.COM will write more about this after the mentioned announcement is made first.

Enjoy your Blueboxes and don’t forget to pay your orders if you already haven’t!

Telos making a Paper Magazine – Writers needed!

It was just yesterday when I in my Roundup about Gamescom rumors article was commenting that one of the things Dev had been thinking was making own paper magazine and I commented we probably hear about it in coming weeks if something happens.

Well, here we are a day later only and it seems Dev is not thinking about it anymore but is actually planning to make it.

While everything is very much in the planning stage at this moment, as far as TELOSNEWS.COM have seen, Devs latest plan regarding the Magazine would be to make it a general crypto magazine for total beginners including some Telos related articles.

The plan is also to release this magazine in both English and German language editions, and also to get it to shops magazine shelves.

There was even a mention of a tv commercial for this magazine, but that was probably more of a thought than an actual plan at this point still.

The current name for the magazine is “Bitcoin Insider”, but it might still change.

Since Magazines don’t tend to write themselves, there is now a call for people who can write, make graphics, or do anything else Magazine related.

You can write whole new articles, or you can scourge the internet and rewrite existing articles in your own words.

If you feel like you could do something for this magazine, then feel free to join the official Telos discord channel and post about yourself to a #Job-postings channel. channel for

Discord username Quake_Andy is someone who figures out a lot of free marketing technics to promote Telos everywhere.

His latest invention is to having put channel to

If you don’t know what that is, it is a bit like Youtube, except it is live streaming and is powered by crypto.

Channel currently doesn’t have much content, just repeating stuff basically, but of course if someone is interested, I am sure Quaky_Andy is more than happy for someone to jump in and start making more content there.

So how does this help Telos then?

Thing is, more the channel has viewers, higher it gets listed on the front page of and naturally generates more watchers from those who didn’t watch it before.

Since many Dlive watchers are actually interested in Cryptocurrencies due to dlives cryptobasis, a channel giving info about Telos Coin might generate some interest in them after they see it.

Will this be effective marketing method? Probably not, but it also doesn’t take much effort since all you need to do is to open the channel to your browser and keep it on background for you to be counted as one viewer, therefore making its effort/result maybe okay.

If you like to help in this effort, just go to channel and don’t close it.

At morning it was screen full of Kryptobay, and now it is this.
Reminds me of those old-time Local TV channels a bit.
gamescom logo

Gamescom roundup of what all happened regarding Telos

What happens at gamescom don’t stay at gamescom

As previously reported by TELOSNEWS.COM Gamescom was held from 20 – 24th of August 2019 and Telos was present there too.

In Addition to Dev hitting High Score at IK+ and our previous report about Retrodragonbox shop stocking IndieGO Console, lots of other things happened .

Lucky for you, you don’t need to find out about them yourself but TELOSNEWS.COM is here to give you a roundup of what Dev has so far revealed.

It appears Bluebox is going to be getting some sort of add-on regarding mining. This add-on will be designed by people experienced in FPGA based devices, and among their belly is, for example, the fastest Classic Amiga computer card currently existing.

Return Magazine is one of bigger Retro Gaming magazines, although in Germany only. Regardless, they are about to make an article about IndieGO Console and Telos.

Another magazine going to be making an article is Amiga Future Magazine, the biggest Amiga Magazine in the world and the one with whom Dev shared the booth with.

Speaking of Amiga, it seems Telos is about to get a strong foothold among Amiga Community.

First of all, there were talks of co-operation with Hyperion Entertainment, which is the company behind current official Amiga Operating System called AmigaOS4, and they have also made some amazing game and other ports to Amiga, including some drivers like graphics drivers for example.

Hyperion is also important for many Amiga Users in that to some of them it symbolizes the real Amiga way.

One of the things Hyperion was interested was selling IndieGo Consoles games for Amiga Computers. What makes this especially interesting is that new IndieGO games require the IndieGO AppStore to be present on the Amiga, making much more people get IndieGO Appstore to their Amigas.

This will then open up the next possibility which was talked, which was talks about funding future Amiga projects through This would naturally make sense if lots of Amiga users are already having IndieGO Appstore in their machines and therefore are already used to using Telos coins for their purchases.

Amiga community is not only one to adopt IndieGO Appstore soon, but as was mentioned in the previous article shortly was mention about dragonbox shops Pyra handheld Device starting to sell also IndieGOs games in there. But what was left out was that dragonbox shop is actually planning to add IndieGO Appstore to these devices. With 7 500 sold Pyra Handheld devices, this gives quite a nice new potential for Indiego AppStore customer base growth.

There were naturally more talks with people, but worth a mention still is a man named Trevor Dickinson. Trevor is a Business Angel from New Zealand, and as it happens to be, one of his angel companies has something to do with Cryptos and he decided to put our Dev in touch with them. Will this result in anything? Who knows, but maybe even something big. Trevor and Dev are even planning to meet again at October in another event.

Another interesting thing that Dev got from the gamescom was that he found out a bit about how to publish a paper magazine and now he is giving a thought to publishing he’s own cryptocurrency magazine. Will this happen? We might find out in coming weeks as Dev finds out more about it.

See, this exactly why you need to read TELOSNEWS.COM. Just imagine how long finding all that would have taken you. logo

Dragonbox shop to stock Telos powered Indiego Console and Games

Dragonbox shop is Germanys number #1 shop in retro products, but so far without the number #1 retro product.

That is however now being corrected by them by adding IndieGO Console and games among their products to sell in addition to games being added to their Pyra handheld device.

IndieGO, your Telos making retro gaming device

This brings up some interesting prospects for IndieGO Console as dragonbox shop can make some unique packages to sell IndieGo Console as for example bundled together with some Arcade stick for more authentic experience in some games, or even with their dragonbox shop licensed Retrode device, making IndieGO Console even more all-in-one retro gaming device, since by default IndieGO Console does not have an option to read old module games like for example Segas or Nintendos cartridges, but with Retrode bundle this would become possible too making IndieGO Console even more complete a package than before.

Actual Timeline when IndieGO Consoles and games will be available from dragonbox shop is still not known, but the 4th quarter of 2019 has been mentioned in Devs Tweet.

So remember to follow to see when they become available.

And a word of advice my friend. When you buy the Console from Dragonbox, remember to check the Telos Wallet since shopkeeper might try to sneak his wallet inside the machine so you would make Telos to him instead of for yourself when you are playing. them greedy bastards! always after other peoples Telos earnings!

New Use Case – voting system now live

The previous news article was about a sneak peek to a coming voting system of, and this item is telling it is now live and working.

As told in the previous article already, although slightly wrong way in there, the system is that people can vote once per day for new coins they want to be added to the website and when votes reach 1 million votes, that coin is added to However, to get past this one vote per person per day limit, you can use Telos coins to vote as many votes in a day as you like with 1 telos = 1 vote rate, so you could even get a new coin completely voted to already today.

This is good for Telos since this is a new use case for Telos and one which is pretty appealing if you are wanting to get some coin listed to

There is also another interesting benefit to using Telos coins. For each coin to be voted has their own Telos wallet, and these wallets are staking.

Therefore you don’t actually need to collect the required 1 million Telos coins or votes to get a new coin added to, but you could at cheapest just vote with 1000 coins and wait for staking to do its job to reach that 1 million coins/votes. Might take a while, but at least it is a cheap option.

Want to get a new coin added to

Then head on to their voting system. updated a little – first peek to voting system is a service to show master node income for different coins along with other useful info.

And it has now received a little update.

While it already has everything it needs, which is that it can already show how many Telos you can expect to profit from each different tiered Telos master node, it, however, is now giving us a preview of future voting system for adding other coins to be monitored through their system:

Upcoming voting systems work in progress picture with lots of unnecessary coins

MNSi developer, discord name chaosblade323, revealed that current plan is that each coin can be voted by one vote per day per person, unless that person is using Telos coins to get more votes during a day.

Now that sounds nice and gives us yet another use case for our favorite coin.

How much was it that my nodes were making me today?
Oh yeah, I can check that from

Telos present at Gamescom 20.-24.8.2019

Gamescom is here, or there, or where ever it is inside Germany.

Now Gamescom is one of them events with lots of exhibitors from different gaming-related companies, including this 100-year old Japanese toy manufacturing company, nin-something, and its puny rival from the same country.

Well, who cares about them. What is important is that our favorite coin is there present as well.

Along in the same booth with Amiga Future Magazine, the only other news media worth reading, Ares Computer with Pascal Papara is exhibiting its Indiego Retro Console, Aeros Operating system and all other things Telos related to it, including Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) wallet.

This means you now have a chance to go meet face to face with Pascal Papara and make your questions regarding Telos directly to him, and perhaps even hear a couple of secret plans not revealed to others yet.

Chop chop and hurry there you all!

Pascal, hard at work as usual.

Let Android Wallet be free – donations already reached halfway of the goal.

In you might have noticed that not so long ago, Dev promised to make Android wallet free, and perhaps even make iPhone version of Wallet2.0, as long as people are willing to donate 400 000 Telos.

Well, good news – 200 000 of that goal have already been crossed and broken, bad news – there is still another 200 000 missing.

If you like to join the “Free Android Wallet”-movement, you may do so by donating some of your Telos coins in here:

TELOSNEWS.COM – Your best way to keep up to date on all things Telos Launched!

Today is the day we see the birth of a new news media called TELOSNEWS.COM – The best way to keep up to date on all things related to Transcendence/Telos, or to just get to know what all is happening around it without previous knowledge.

And that was pretty much the idea of this site.

Expect to see News, Rumors, and perhaps even interviews of happenings.