Bitcoin Subsidium (XBTX) fundamentals changing in the future.
On the 29th of Feb Pascal made one of his more informative messages that raises more questions than it gives answers.
This Announcement was regarding XBTX where he informed that XBTX is going to be changed from POW only coin to POS/MN/POW hybrid with 40/40/20 share accordingly.
And this is not all. Minimum staking amount required would be 100 000 XBTX and when it comes to nodes it was bit unclear that was the idea that there are regular nodes and elite nodes, or did he mean that there will only be those elite nodes, which he calls them elite nodes because they will require 1 Million XBTX to set up and there can only be 7 of them existing at all.
Considering that there is only around 2 Million XBTX existing yet, you can see that both staking and even more the node running will be possible for only a very few people and it might be worth starting to stack them coins already to yourself if you plan to get your hands on either one.
When will this change happen and take effect, was not told in this announcement, so more information expected in the future.